
One hit

I walked straight to the prep room. I was running on fumes, and had no patience for any dinking around. Not today. I didn't even have time to go see if Savannah, and Ethan were alright. To be completely honest I just wanted to go to sleep.

I didn't want to do this, but I told Goliath that I'd get in the top ten to get rid of that last favor. I didn't want to owe Goliath anything when we left. I stood in the corner of the prep room by myself. Compared to the others who looked like they'd ironed their clothes, and styled themselves up I looked like a bum. My clothes were dirty, ruffled, and there was even a tear on my pantleg.

The only new piece of clothing I had on was the stupid black beanie Goliath got me for my hair. The colors from my elements had spread a little more so now the colors were easily noticeable even to normal folks. Lucky me. My physical camouflage skill hadn't evolved enough to hide my ruling class status. Then when I looked into this ruling class nonsense I realized that it didn't give me more details because I wasn't old enough to have a rank.

I'd learned a lot from the two dragon crystals I'd absorbed. Most of it was useless. Details about bonding were the facts that I'd looked over the most. Even a weak bond would extend the lifespan my bonded by decades. A strong bond could quadruple the normal lifespan of the bonded.

If the average human lived eighty years. Then bonding to me would extend their lifespan to over a hundred easily. Plus the bodies of the bonded were different then normal. They would inherit some of a dragons natural ability to recover. Illnesses that would normally degrade a human body wouldn't effect them as much.

Some chronic illnesses would even be cured by a strong bond to a dragon. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the change in the light. The start sound startled, and irritated me. Everyone rushed out of the room, except for me. I meandered out.

Flinching at the bright sunlight, and getting completely ignored by everyone except for my opponent. He was waiting for me to get over to him with an impatient look to his entire body. I huffed out a tired sigh. My muscles were lax. My complete lack of shits given was pissing off my opponent.

The platform raised as soon as I stood across from my opponent in the circle. He waved at the crowd as if he was someone important as he waited for the matches to start. Almost all the other competitors gave us a look of irritation. When they realized I was the cause they glared at me. Leaving my opponent alone to focus some of their rage on me.

I didn't care. I was too tired to care. I debated on flipping them off to put some more icing on the cake of hate, and anger. I ended up not caring enough to make them even more angry. I just wanted to get it over with.

The match start sound went off. Everyone except for me rushed their opponents. My opponent just looked irritated with me as he approached me slowly. I yawned slowly as I walked towards him with my hands still in my pockets. He was cautious because of my complete lack of fear in his presence.

"Are you going to attack me already so I can go back to bed?" I felt my eyelids droop.

"Shut up," He looked nervous.

"What?" I glanced up to the audience, "Trying to get scouted because you have a powerful ability."

I spotted Savannah, and continued scanning the crowd for Ethan.

"You won't make it past this round," I kept looking out into the crowd, "So quit worrying about it, and hurry up."

I slowly brought my eyes back to him. My eyelids were still drooping as I yawned again slowly. He was already irritated with me so the insult, and my complete lack of fucks given pushed him into a rage. He rushed me mid yawn. Throwing a punch my way while I was still in a full blown yawn.

A full eyes closed yawn. My new spatial awareness skill alerted me as soon as he came within five feet of me. My left hand came out of my pocket as I used two fingers to redirect his punch away from me. Pivoting my body so my back was to him as I cracked him in the head with my elbow as hard as I could. He was slammed into the ground from the force of my attack, and slid all the way to the edge of the platform.

A trail of blood left in his wake as blood started pooling around his head. It ended so fast that the ref just stood there looking confused.

"Are you going to get him fixed up before he dies or drag out the body bags?" I glared at the ref.

The ref came out of his stunned state, and called the match my victory. The platform lowered so it was level with to floor. I walked out of the circle towards the prep room to leave. I was done first so I'd get the prep room to myself while they were fighting. It wouldn't take me long to get cleared since there wasn't a line so I'd be able to go back to my room in no time at all.

I was cleared quickly just like I thought I would be. I walked out of the room with my hands in my pockets. I half expected Goliath to be waiting out here for me since I'd ended the match in such a quick brutal manner. I rubbed the back of my neck. Half expecting Ethan to rush towards me at any moment.

I stopped on my way back to my room when I felt eyes on me. It was different than the other times I'd felt like I was being watched. It felt like they were looking at the real me. I scanned the crowd behind me.

"Who the hell is watching me?" I perked up slightly at the thought of someone seeing through my disguise.