
Inner world

"What should I try first?" I looked around the area with excitement thrumming through me, "Maybe those new spells I got when I evolved?"

"That is not possible," the system replied, "User lacks the mana to cast those spells in the waking world. Therefore user will not be able to cast them here."

"Can you at least tell me what they do?" I stood up as I fidgeted.

"System is damaged," the system replied, "System can only tell user what type of spells they are."

"Than tell me what type of spells they are," I spotted two lights in this inner world of mine.

"Eye of the storm," the system began to say, "Trap type spell. Details unknown. Restore. Regeneration spell. Details unknown."

"How much mana do each of these spells cost to cast?" I looked at the light that looked more like a flame.

"500 to cast Restore," the system replied, "1000 to cast Eye of the storm."

Five hundred for a regeneration spell made sense to a certain degree. It had to be one hell of a regeneration spell. A thousand for a trap spell. What the actual fuck? Really?

Maybe if I had an idea of what this trap spell did I might understand, but no. System damaged. No information to be had. I mean really. In what universe would I need a trap spell that costly?

I didn't understand how my big unique triple element spell could be a trap spell. I'd probably never have any reason to cast such a huge waste of mana. I scoffed internally. Then I started hissing out draconic laughter. Scoffing internally within my inner world.

"It is the designated time I was assigned to wake you," the system informed me.

"How do I get out of here?" I looked up.

"User just needs to think of waking," the system replied.

"Just think of waking up," I said to myself as I closed my eyes, and pictured myself waking up.

I woke up in my room.

"That was easy," I snorted as I lifted my head, "I'll have to get more done next time I go into that inner world. I should look at those lights more."

The red one reminded me of a flame, and the flame reminded me of Savannah. The blue light was different though. It was the same color as Ethan's eyes when they glowed, and the light was a dim outline of Ethan himself. My bond to Ethan was much clearer than my bond to Savannah.

Trust Bond Ally Ethan level up. Trust Bond now level 8.

Our bond leveled up just like that? All I did was look at the bond for a minute in my inner world. Then think of it a little in the waking world. That was way too easy. There was something else that was bothering me about it though.

I looked at Savannah's bond too. Why didn't hers level up too? System how did Ethan's bond level up just now?

Ally Ethan has been actively attempting to strengthen his bond.

It was something Ethan did. That made more sense. System how can I help him strengthen the bond?

Bond strength can be enhanced considerably if ally Ethan enters your inner world.

Ethan can enter my inner world. I'd almost forgotten about that little detail. All my bonded could enter my inner world. That meant Savannah could learn how to as well. System how can my bonded enter my inner world?

Meditation is the most common method.

Meditation I almost chuckled to myself. That's not too hard to figure out. I switched forms, and pulled one of my uniforms on. I only had three left. I'd have to buy some more if I wasn't careful.

I stepped into the common area with my stolen boots, and knocked on Ethan's door. I knew he was still awake. Savannah was awake as well. I back away from the door as Ethan slammed it open.

"What is it Wyatt?" he asked, "I got a headache a minute ago."

"Relax," I chuckled internally, "Your work has paid off. Our bond got stronger because you made it stronger." I paused, "I was wondering if you could watch a door for me."

"Yeah," Ethan smiled, "No problem."

"Let's go," I headed for the outside.

Ethan stayed right behind me all the way up to the roof. It was already dark out so I didn't need to wait. I pulled my clothes off. Keeping my back to Ethan, and thanking my stars he was a dude. I switched forms.

I wasn't too big yet. I stretched slowly. My back, and neck popped happily as I stretched my wings slowly. I could feel the tension flowing out of me. My wing membranes snapped slightly when my wings hit full extension.

The slight breeze felt amazing on my stretched wings. I let them come in slightly as I relaxed. My whole body stilled as I let my whole self enjoy the feeling of the wind as it caressed me. I could tell when Ethan was sneaking glances by the way his emotions jumped between something that felt almost like pride, and complete focus on the task he was doing. I dropped my head to look at him as I drew my wings back in tight to my body.

I couldn't forget that, for me, this was enemy territory at the moment.

"Time to go back," I could feel Ethan's disappointment mix with mine as I switched back, and got dressed quickly, "There's something else that happened while I was out that we should talk about."

"Are you some kind of magnet for trouble or something?" Ethan chuckled as we both headed in.

"I found out I can eat beast crystals," I talked as we walked, "I ate one that was a little too powerful though."

"Start from the beginning," Ethan kept looking forward, but I knew he was focused on me.

"Alright," I sighed, "You won't like it though."

"I know," Ethan replied, "You would have told me earlier otherwise."