
Hidden Potential

Every last inch of me enjoyed the way he squirmed under that cocky smirk. I dropped the look going back to my usual indifference as I yawned slowly. I could show off this kind of skill all I wanted. My magic skills would be reserved as a trump card if I was about to get killed. I healed way to fast to really push my luck to much.

If I got into a pinch I could heal with my mana exchange skill. I didn't want people seeing that I could just instantly repair myself. That is as long as I had enough mana to do it. I walked out now that we were dismissed from class. Ethan came up behind me, and we went straight to the dorm.

How was I supposed to do this? How was I supposed to learn an affinity just like that? I frowned to myself mostly as I took my clothes off in my room. I threw those dirty clothes in the bin. Exchanging them for the clean ones in the bin.

I switched forms. Walking into the common area.

"What are we going to do?" I asked honestly curious about what he thought we should do.

"Well we could try the shower," Ethan suggested.

"I don't know," I frowned, "I don't think that'll work."

"What makes you think it won't work?" Ethan asked.

"Just a feeling," I jumped up on the desk, "I think it has to be water in it's natural state."

"There aren't any lakes or pounds near here," Ethan sat there thinking for a few minutes, "Is it going to rain?"

"I didn't think of rain," I shifted down into the chair, and clicked at the desktop, "It's going to rain tonight."

I clicked the desk off. Midnight. It was supposed to rain around midnight. I looked at the dorm window.

"Does that window open?" I looked at Ethan.

Ethan just smiled at me. Changing the timer on my watch to wake me up at eleven was easy. I curled up on my bed, and yawned big one last time before falling asleep. I would need to get some sleep in so I could function long enough to get the water affinity tonight. If I was good enough at it I would be able to get myself some ice spells, and those were nasty business.

I smiled to myself as my head lolled on the bed. Sleep coming to me blissfully. My alarm going off made me jump. I wasn't used to it going off this early. I rolled out of bed, and ran to the common room.

My wings twitched as I jumped up on the desks, and clicked the window open. I stuck my head out the window, and felt the rain come down on my head. I clenched my hands around the window sill, and leaned out as far into the rain as I could. I sat there perched for what felt like hours as I felt the rain on my scales. I soaked up the feeling slowly.

I was starting to get a bit chilly, but the water felt good. The water. I blinked slowly. My mind suddenly felt odd, and I could feel every drop of water as it fell.

New skill. Water affinity level 1.

I just enjoyed the feeling of the water coming down for a while. My watch went off all of a sudden, and I was startled back to full awareness.

"Shit," I dropped back closing the window.

I jumped down, and shook the water off my scales. I watched as the water floated around me for a few seconds. Dropping to the ground slowly. It felt weird, but since I'd wanted the water affinity, and this was a side affect I enjoyed the feeling. I went to my room, and switched forms quickly.

I got dressed, and stretched slowly. I stepped out of my room, and got looked at by Ethan as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Did you get the affinity?" Ethan yawned as he perked up slowly.

I held out my hand grasping at that feeling I'd had when I'd gotten the affinity. Water formed into a ball floating above my hand for a few seconds before I dissolved it back into the air.

"That's a yes," Ethan smiled.

I felt super happy about my new affinity, but I was super tired, and I pretty much passed out on the desk. Staying up most the night sucked now that I was supposed to be awake. I frowned to myself. For some reason I needed a lot of sleep despite my stamina. System why do I need so much sleep?

User is still a hatchling. Hatchlings grow mentally exhausted quickly regardless of stamina level.

System Will I be less tired when I go up a rank?

Unknown. System lacks sufficient information due to being damaged.

Great the system damage. I'd forgotten about that. I was passed out on the table for every class, and even the the physical class wasn't enough to keep me fully alert.

"Are you going to pay attention or do I need to make you?" Mr. Draper yelled.

I ducked under his slap. I didn't want to be yelled at or hit. What did he think he was doing? My temper flared as I darted back.

"I don't have time for stupid rejects," Mr. Draper moved closer, and leaned over my short frame, "So start acting like a soldier."

"Yes sir," I stuffed down the impulse to punch him, and straightened.

I'd always had a temper, but I didn't remember being this easy to anger. Why am I so pissed right now? I got my water affinity, and I had the air affinity to begin with. My head hurt. I back away from Mr. Draper slowly, and my hand went to my forehead.

System what's going on?

User is exhausted. User will soon collapse.

I really should have gone back to bed last night.

"Are you paying attention cadet?" Mr. Draper stepped forward.

Irritation flared through me with my rage.

"I'm sorry sir," I smiled falsely, "I'm not feeling well sir."

My body was getting harder, and harder to move. Ethan recognized that I wasn't doing well, and came up behind me.

"Sir," Ethan spoke quietly, "I can take him back to his room. He didn't look well yesterday either."

Ethan helped me stay standing as my knees tried to buckle. I'd never been this tired in my life. I was kind of playing it up, but getting out of this class was my priority.

"Get him out of here," Mr. Draper sighed, "He'll be useless from here on out."

I started supporting more of my weight as soon as we were out of the room. Ethan looked surprised.

"You were faking?" Ethan whispered to me.

"Not completely," I felt my eyes droop.