

"Did what, what way?" Savannah looked at me funny.

"They let the students get into life or death situations before telling them about the more dangerous beasts on the planet," I looked at her, "So that they would actually take the teachers seriously when they started talking about them."

"Are they trying to get us killed?" Savannah scoffed at that, "I really would have liked to know about the mind seeder, and what it could do before we fought it."

I nodded in agreement. It would have been nice to know about the mind seeder. They ended their little speech, and dismissed us to hunt as we wanted once again. Most of the students there lingered. I wandered closer to the edge once again, but stopped about twenty feet away.

My instincts were screaming danger. They didn't usually do that until I was standing on the edge of the canyon. I switched to infrared. There was something climbing up the canyon walls. I rushed back into the crowd looking for the nearest teacher.

I didn't feel this much danger from the mind seeder so whatever this thing was it was more dangerous than the mind seeder. I'd rushed off at full speed so I kind of left Savannah, and Ethan behind in a state of confusion. Ethan was less confused because he could tell I'd sensed danger. It took me less than a minute to get close to a teacher before I was intercepted by that damn girl again. I'd forgotten that they'd been called up to the front to be used as an example for the others.

"Don't have time to chat," I tried to push past her.

She got in my way again. I growled at her as rage began to boil up in my gut.

"Did he just growl?" One of her team members (I didn't care enough to look) spoke in a startled tone.

Some of the students closest to the edge started yelling, an panicking. I took the moment of distraction to try, and get past her again, but she stepped in my way without taking her eyes of the commotion.

"Fuck it," I swung my bag around, and grabbed a grenade out of my pack.

She looked startled by the sudden change as I looked towards the commotion. Opting to completely ignore her. The creature pulled itself up over the ledge slowly. It looked a lot like a big albino t-rex. Well everything except for it's head.

It's head was like a big closed dandelion flower, but white in color. Of coarse. I pulled out a bottle of cream I'd gotten just in case I ran into this acid spitting tyrant. Flipping the cap off, and biting the end of the tube as the creatures head opened up. The inside of it's freaky head was a shocking blood red in color. Pulsing slightly as nasty red tentacles poured out of the hole at the center of it's freaky head.

Those tentacles were all covered in acid just like most of the creatures internal everything. Students began to flee as the tentacles shot towards them. I rushed towards the beast as I swung my gun up with my right hand, and a grenade in my left hand. As soon as I was clear of the crowd I started shooting as the tentacles that were wrapped around a few unlucky students. My one handed aim wasn't as good as my normal aim, but I managed to shoot through the nasty tentacles with three or four shots each. I didn't know if it actually helped them at all since I could smell the chemical burns on their skin, and some of them had stopped moving.

I jumped as high as I could without hesitation. Propelling myself a good twenty feet in the air as I shot down the beasts nasty maw. I'd known right off the bat that my gun wouldn't be able to kill this thing. It was just to heavily armored. I pulled the pin on the grenade with my thumb, and shoved it as far down the creatures throat as I could.

Bracing my feet against the lower half of it's open maw as it gripped my arm tightly while it burned the skin off my arm at the same time. I felt something hard bump into my hand in it's flesh just above my hand. I rotated my arm as pain started to sear its was into every bit of my conscious mind. I grabbed the hard thing, and pushed against it with my legs with all my strength. It took a few painful seconds for the hard thing to rip through it's flesh, and after that happen it's grip loosened suddenly.

My jump away from it was much weaker than I wanted.

{ETHAN} I yelled mentally since my mouth was full as the grenade went off.

Spraying gallons of liquified acidic organs out of its open maw, and flying toward me at a high speed. I felt Ethan's ability take hold of me. Pulling me away just a little faster. The acid spray barely got my boots as I slammed into the ground a good thirty feet away. My momentary panic had distracted me from my arm that was literally melting at the moment.

I dropped my gun, and spit out the open tube into my now free right had as I tried to kick off my boots at the same time. I poured the entire contents of the tube on my upper arm. Spreading it out as quickly as I could before anymore of my arm could melt away. Savannah got to me first, and grabbed another tube out of my still half open bag. Helping me spread it all over my arm to neutralize the acid.

Ethan used his ability to get my boots off before the acid burned through. After what felt like a really long time of panic, and extreme pain the acid was neutralized. Luckily I'd only lost the skin on my left arm up to about four inches below my shoulder, and my boots. Teacher rushed towards us as I tested to see if I could still move my arm. I took Ethan's offered hand, and stood up.