
Bonus 2

We dropped in on the lizards from above. I killed one of the three that were gathered here, and then snacked on it. Ethan recognized my intent, and jumped off as his mark lit up. He kicked the lizard with enough power that it slammed into a tree, and shattered the trunk. Ethan had a pretty firm grasp of how to use his ability as one of my bonded.

Savannah got the just from Ethan, and tried to leap into the fight. She could only use one of my stats unlike Ethan who could borrow two. She chose speed, and used my immense speed to get behind the lizard, and attempt to burn it. She wasn't strong enough to one shot him, and she couldn't seem to switch stats like Ethan did. Ethan had chosen speed, and strength.

Reinforcing his body with his ability so that he wouldn't break his limbs in the process. It seemed to drain him greatly each time he did, but he wasn't short on power. I snorted as I watched Savannah fail to kill the lizard in one shot. Her flames did damage the beast, but that just pissed it off as it launched its poison mist at her. My muscles tensed, and I wanted to intervene, but I waited to see if the antivenom did it's job.

After a few minutes of Savannah not appearing to be in any pain I relaxed. Surprising the lizard with a sudden lunge, and taking its head off. I glanced at Ethan who was digging out the beasts crystal. He seemed to want to give it to me. I salivated at the thought, but I shook off the urge as I scanned the woods with my infrared once again.

I could snack again later. For now I was focusing on getting rid of poisonous, and flying beasts that could cause the wolves trouble. The wolves could take care of the rest pretty easily, and the beast I wounded in the ocean shouldn't want to come out of its domain for petty snacks. I could take care of him next. I didn't want to wait too long since I didn't know if the beast was the type that just relied on its heavily armored hide or one that could heal if it needed to.

I spotted one more of the poisonous lizards, and a wounded harpy, but that seemed to be it for problem beasts on the island. I surged to my feet, and started casually walking toward the lizard. Ethan used a combination of strength, and speed to use the trees as spring boards to get back up on my back then helped Savannah again with his telekinesis before letting his mark fade. It seemed like he could use the bonds perks for longer, and longer with less side effects the stronger our bond grew. Savannah was improving as well, but her bond was a whole evolution behind Ethan's, and several levels so she was nearly wiped out by what she did borrow.

Even if she didn't like it I would have to spend some time increasing her mana. I would need to increase mine as well. That beast had done damage to me. Damage that I couldn't simply heal because I lacked the mana to do so. Upping my affinity strength would make it so the effects of my spells were more explosive as well, and since I only needed about five hours of sleep a night now I would be able to increase my understanding of my elements while the others slept.

First I needed to make sure the island was safe enough for a hatchling because I fully intended to try, and hatch one of those dragon eggs. Now that I had the light element I would be able to revive one. I'm sure the system would tell me what was required to hatch the egg once it was revived.

"Hey," Savannah called my attention to her, "Did you notice that you have another small pair of horns?"

"Yes," I kept walking without looking back, "Gaia told me the crown of horns would show everyone the elements I could control. I gained the light element."

"The light element?" Savannah asked.

"Gaia called it the element of healing," I lied smoothly.

Gaia hadn't told me anything about any of the elements. I'd questioned the system extensively in my free time when I found out about the light element being able to revive the dragon eggs. I didn't want to rush into having an affinity with an element that was hard to control or destructive. My wings pulled in closer to my back as the tree cover grew thicker. These tree were the original ones on the island.

Not the ones I'd grown on the fly. I could probably fix the rest of the forest to match, but I didn't see the point. I'd already greatly helped the recovery of the forest by doing what I did yesterday. The rest would recover on its own with enough time. If some huge destructive force came through again then I would consider it.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked around at the half stone trees, and stone grass that surrounded me. This was where I'd poisoned the lizards with my even more lethal poison. There were stone lizards laying around as well. I'd killed them with my poison.

My lip curled up in an expression of disgust. This kind of thing just made me not want to use my venom even more. I crushed the lizard statues into gravel, and swiped my tail through the stone grass. Plant life would eventually grow through gravel. It wouldn't be able to grow through statues.

I didn't want evidence of how deadly I could be just laying around. I kept going after that. Following the lizards heat signature up the hill. He wasn't moving very fast. Perhaps he was wounded already.

I paused once I laid my eyes on him. A large swath of his skin was stone, and he was struggling to breath as he kept slowly walking away from me. I growled slightly to announce my presence to him. He turned his head as he continued struggling to breath, and growled back, but he didn't run. I didn't think he could or even wanted to.