

Once we were finished with lunch we started to wander over to the gym. We had about fifteen minutes to wait until the assembly got started.

"So you think they're going to introduce us to the wolves today," I leaned up against the outer wall of the gym.

"Yes," Savannah frowned nervously.

"That'll be a problem," I made sure no one was close by, "That is if they're able to spot me in a crowd. I think we should focus on avoiding them for now. I doubt they can pick me out of a crowd."

"Let's hope you're right," Savannah looked skeptical.

"I'll know if they spot me," I waved off her worry.

My instincts were good for this kind of stuff. I could trust them when it came to this kind of stuff. We sat down together for the assembly, and waited for whatever they had planned. There were four students in black uniforms standing up on the platform with the teachers, and they caught my attention. I focused on them.

They didn't seem to notice me, but I definitely noticed them. There was something about them that struck me as odd. I switched to infrared.

"They're hot!" I mumbled a bit loudly out of surprise.

Savannah looked at me funny.

"No," I scowled at her, "I mean literally hot. They're literally a few degrees hotter than everyone else in the room."

"So they're the wolves," Savannah stared at them now as well.

I dropped my eyes, and pretended not to notice them. Savannah, and Ethan followed suit. I didn't hear anything that the teachers were announcing. Then towards the end the teachers waved the four unusual students forward. They stepped forward without compliant.

Some of the teachers looked almost disgusted by them. They tried to hide it, but I could pick it out even from where I was sitting towards the back. Sometimes I loved how good my enhanced vision was. I could pick out even the subtle changes in his face as I watched on silently. I was getting tired of being stuck in a human body so much.

I knew it was more of a requirement at this point for me to stay hidden, but it wouldn't stay that way forever. I felt that phantom wing twitch when one of the wolves locked eyes with me. I almost flinched from the intensity of his gaze. He was tall, and muscular. All of them were, but he was more lanky than the others.

They obviously respected him despite the fact that he was a bit shorter, and skinnier than the rest. Not my day. I thought to myself. How could I draw their attention already. It was only day one.

They'd be here for a week, and now I was on their radar for sure. My whole plan revolved around avoiding them entirely. I dropped my gaze, and realized how badly I'd lost track of time with all my chaotic thoughts raging within my mind as I watched students start filing out of the assembly. We stuck together as we left in our usual group.

"Did you catch anything they said about the wolves?" I whispered to Savannah.

"They said they were envoys of another school," Savannah answered, "Sent here to establish friendly relations."

"You, and I both know that's bullshit," I snorted as we tried to find a way through the crowd.

I stopped when a familiar frame somehow got in front of us through the crowd without a problem.

"Who are you?" One of the more muscular wolves stepped forward drawing my attention to the fact that all of them had managed to get in front of us.

I stepped forward putting myself between my friends, and them.

"No one," I smiled falsely, "Check my file if you don't believe me." I chuckled, "Let's go."

Savannah, and Ethan kept up with me as I moved around the wolves. I went into a speed walk as soon as we had enough space to move. I debated on running, but I really didn't want to be stopped. I was surprised they didn't follow me, but they probably didn't need to. They'd picked me out of the crowd so easily.

It wouldn't be any harder for them to pick me out once I was separate from the rest of the school. I snorted to myself as there gears started turning in my head.

"We need to get them alone," I mentally spoke to Ethan.

Ethan nodded slowly. I knew Savannah would never agree to such a psychotic coarse of action, but Ethan didn't tend to argue with me on these kind of things. They didn't seem like bad guys. I just needed to convince them I wasn't a bad guy either. If I managed that then I'd have a shot at surviving this whole situation.

"Savannah," I looked at her, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"What?" Confusion shown clearly across her face.

I pulled her in close, "I don't want them getting the impression that we're close enough friends for you to come to my room freely. Now slap me, and look offended before going straight to your dorm."

Savannah leaned back with a jerk.

"You asshole!" Her voice was raised enough to draw attention of those nearby.

Her slap was greeted by a few quiet gasps from the nearby girls. As she stormed off angrily. I held my palm up to my cheek, and watched her for a bit as she stormed away very convincingly. If I didn't know for a fact that she wasn't angry I would have been convinced she was actually angry. I hadn't realized she was such a good actress.

It was actually kind of scary. How many times had she been pretending before we bonded? Was she faking when she played scared the first time we met? It really was a good thing that she was on my side now. It was also a good thing I'd left out the bond, and the fact that I was venomous when I'd told my whole story to Goliath.