I was kind of surprised that the wolves let me go so easily. Why was the alfa so interested in me? If I remember correctly origin species provide most of the mana for each of the mana rich worlds. Earth didn't have any Archaic species. Maybe that was why someone was so desperate to bring dragons back into existence.
Because they wanted to bring magic back to earth? All the mana rich worlds were thriving in wildlife, and plant life. Our world was covered in concrete. The few healthy forests, and ecosystems we had left were heavily protected. That was human nature though.
Four parts destruction, and three parts creation. Not having enough space to move around in my own room was a chilling reminder of how much I took my subsidized housing for granted. I was almost willing to kill for that much space again. Almost. I kind of wanted to go back to the wolves underground bunker.
I liked the space, and being underground wasn't a big negative. It was the fact that there was only one small way out. Where ever I ended up living later on would definitely have more than one exit.
"Ethan," I looked up from my watch, "Can you do some research on how healthy our world actually is?"
"Why?" Ethan looked at me funny.
"Just a hunch," I almost tapped my talon on my freshly fixed floor, "Something the alfa said just got me thinking. Focus on anything major that happened in the last six months."
"You want me to look into it as well?" Savannah leaned back in my desk chair as she looked away from what she was reading.
"If you have the time," I nudged her away from my desk, "But go back to your room to do it. I need the desktop to study. I was ahead to start with, but my lack of studying is starting to catch up with me."
"You called those average scores ahead," Savannah chuckled.
"I was trying not to stand out," I snorted.
"Yeah," She chuckled again, "I believe that."
She stood up, and waved before leaving the room. I had to be careful not to do damage to the desk screen with my talons. It still irked me. That stupid marble. Falling through a rift. Surviving the basilisk.
Ethan, Goliath, Savannah, and the wolves letting me go basically scott free. I couldn't tell how much of it was luck, and how much of it was me. Granted most of my hard fights had been just desperate attempts to survive. My wings twitched as my thoughts rotated through all the events of the last four months. I probably wasn't going to retain even half of what I was reading right now.
I could still count on my fingers how many people knew that I was actually quite powerful. I was getting tired of being written off as ability less. I debated on messaging Goliath to see if I could pretend to have gotten a magical affinity from my recent brush with death. That jolted my thoughts again when I remembered that the wraith had gotten into my inner world. I didn't know that anyone besides me, and my bonded could get into my inner world.
I started wondering if it had something to do with the wraith forcing himself into my body or if it was something else. Magical abilities were way more unpredictable than scientifically created ones so I really had no clue what had made it possible for the wraith to enter my inner world. I was the master of my inner world so it wasn't like anyone could hurt me there. I really wanted to know how it was possible for him to enter my inner world. Curiosity made me wonder if anyone else would manage to get into my inner world.
I'd even been able to hurt the wraith in there. It wasn't a great way to fight back since it had done damage to my body as well. The wraith forced me into my inner world while I was awake as well. It made me think about spells that didn't require elemental energy. I had several in my arsenal already, but all of them were support type spells.
One of them even actively made me physically weaker when I was using it. Saying that magic was only limited by the user's imagination was in no way shape or form an understatement. I was slow to create spells. I couldn't exactly shoot off max power spells with one of the four greats around. They only reason I was able to freely practice, and strengthen my elemental abilities was because of the little to no mana required to do so.
Mana gave off it's own signal. Like a fire giving off smoke. Bigger the fire. The more smoke it gave off. A small flame doesn't give off much smoke.
Minimal mana expenditure kept me safe from Savannah's dad. I squeezed into my room, and curled up the best way I could in the small space I had when my thought slowed to a crawl. There was no point in forcing myself to think so much when I was tired. Only two more off days left to get used to my increase in strength as well as test out my alliance with the wolves. The wolves would be here for another three weeks.
I liked Soren so him sticking around didn't bug me. If I had enough space for another bonded I would probably add him. Maybe I still could add him later when I was strong enough. I snorted to myself. I dozed off.
I slept long, and deep. The next day was spent mostly studying. I had to go out to buy some more meat after dinner since now the school meals weren't quite enough anymore. Soren nodding to me from across the room ensured our agreement was still in place. I was kind of curious if he'd told the alfa my story yet, but I was certain he hadn't told Grett anything.
sorry about the writing quality of the last few sections. I can't write quickly and keep the quality up. they ended up coming out a little disjointed.