

We'd fallen into an awkward silence. I didn't mind it. It was better than the guy pulling some shit. I let go of my blades, and let my hands hang by my sides.

"Do you want me to take care of this annoyance Master?" I looked over to Sekka.

"No," Sekka realized that I was offering to kill them for him, "These annoyances won't bother me anymore."

He apparently didn't want me to be killing everyone around us. I snorted with a little bit of irritation. I wanted to spill some idiot blood. I would have flared my wings, and swung my tail back, and forth in irritation if I were in my true form. Probably would have stomped them out of existence while I was at it.

"I tire of these fools glares," Sekka waved them off casually, "Let us return to the hotel room, and rest for the night."

"Yes master," I walked past the guy that stopped me before.

Trailing after Sekka like an obedient pet. The same way the other slaves did. I had a collar like the others, and as long as I kept my eyes down there was no real way for them to tell that I wasn't a slave. Sekka upped his pace a little knowing I was very clearly agitated. He didn't want me to explode in the middle of the town.

I was more than capable of maintaining my temper with the eyes of the elves on me. However, if I were left alone with an elf, and they were to piss me off in the slightest. I mentally smirked at the thought. No one else disturbed us while we were walking. I sensed the eyes of at least three tails.

"We're being followed," I whispered to Sekka.

Sekka glanced back to me with a little bit of concern.

"Get rid of them," Sekka's eyes narrowed as a nasty glint shined in his eyes, "I can't have you damaging our product in the meantime."

Sekka held out his hand for the pack on my back. I handed it over willingly. Glad to be rid of the weight.

"I'll take care of the tails as quickly as I can Master," I wasn't whispering this time as a psychotic grin spread across my face.

I dug my heels in. Cracking the pavement in the process. That made the people around me startle. I launched myself straight from the middle of the street to the roof of the building next to us. I rushed forward with purpose as I locked on to the first of the tails.

Dropping from the roof of the building to the guy down below. The guy looked at me briefly before I landed on him. His head was on backward before he hit the ground. I jumped again before the people around me could even scream out. The other tails ran when they realized I was lethal.

I left cracks in the roofs as I passed over the streets in a straight line. I was moving so fast that the first guy didn't even have time to go beyond a few streets. I drew my poisoned blade, and scratched him as I went by. Disturbing the people on the street with a gust of wind as the man behind me started screaming in pain. The little cut on his neck started eating away at him.

He was as good as dead. The antidote wasn't all that easy to find or make. I rushed ahead with a decent amount of speed. I was playing with the last guy. Stalking him from the rooftops while moving only slightly faster then he was.

I savored the fear on his face as the distance between us shrank every single time he looked back. I changed tactics last minute. Accelerating to my max speed without mana. To him it appeared as if he'd lost me. I was already ahead of him.

I stopped on the street in front of him. I'd left footprints everywhere my feet had landed. He slammed into me full force. I could feel his body breaking against my own. I slammed his head into the pavement hard enough to bury it in the stone.

"You're lucky I'm stopping short of killing you," I yanked his head out of the ground, and looked at him as he bled all over the place, "My master doesn't appreciate being followed. I was ordered to take care of you. Usually that would mean killing you, but I'm leaving one of you alive to tell whoever hired you not to do this again." I let him drop to the ground, "My master told me that this core would be enough to pay for your healing."

I tossed the core on his broken body, and bowed low to the surrounding elves.

"Apologies for the disturbance," I straightened slowly, "I will return to my master now that I've completed my orders."

I vanished as quickly as I appeared. The speed at which I moved was hard for even the elves to track. I still hadn't used any of my mana. I was relying heavily on my physical capabilities. I didn't want to give away any of my magical abilities.

It had been barely two minutes since I left Sekka when I returned to his side quietly. Landing on the ground a few feet behind him, and taking the bag from him. It was easier for me to carry it then it was for Sekka. He had to circulate his mana to pull it off. That little bit of violence was enough to settle my temper for the time being.

I was going to enjoy the havoc I planned to cause tonight. It was time for me to don the fox mask. Sekka would contact the slaves while I was wreaking havoc. Giving them hope for the rescue operation to come. One year was plenty of time to rescue a large number of slaves.

"I'm ready to have some serious fun," I whispered in amusement as we reached the hotel.