

I didn't like the guy one bit. I couldn't let him harass the wolves. I walked up to them, and looked at the second guy with a confident smile.

"I've been assigned to aid the alpha in assisting with your needs while you're here sir," I bowed slightly like a butler, "Would you like me to take you to the guest house? It was damaged recently, but most of the repairs have already been repaired."

The other wolves seemed to appreciate me taking this hit for them. Samson smiled at my respectful approach. I could go unhinged when I got angry, but right now I was in a decent mood. Playing with Aurora kept me happier than usual. Just like caring for her egg had kept me angrier than usual.

"Shut up you stupid creature," the unknown man in front of me snapped.

"That's enough," Goliath practically snarled.

I didn't react or retaliate at all. I almost smirked at the self control I was using right now.

"What?" the man snapped at Goliath, "They're not even human. Why should we treat them like they are?" He gestured at me, "And look at them. They don't seem to be struggling as much as their reports suggested. That means they lied to us while we were struggling."

"There are less of them then the last time I was here," Goliath pulled him away from me.

Goliath caught a look at my eyes when he pulled the other guy away. He froze for a moment. Not many people had eyes that were two different colors. His brow creased slightly before he focused his attention back on the other man.

"Werewolves are a very tight community species," Goliath continued as if he'd never seen me, "Losing one affects the whole pack negatively. Look at their village. They've lost more than one of their pack members. They're probably out of food, and have been scrounging up whatever they can eat for a while."

I kept quietly standing there with a blank look on my face. I didn't want to get between them for now. Goliath was doing a pretty good job of controlling the other idiot for now.

"Why are you defending these beasts?" the guy just didn't know when to quit.

"If you hate the wolves so much then you can take the shuttle, and I'll keep an eye on the werewolves for a while," Goliath pushed him away from the group a bit.

"Leaving a beast sympathizer alone with beasts doesn't seem like a good idea to me," the guy attempted to shove Goliath away.

"He's much safer here then you are," I mumbled to myself as I tried not to chuckle.

"What did you say?" the guy tried to move away from Goliath, and come after me.

"Something impulsive," My face went blank when I answered.

"What kind of answer is that?" the guy sneered at me.

"An honest one," I stood stock still.

"Leave him be," Goliath grabbed the other guys arm, "I know that kid, and he's a lot stronger than he looks."

Goliath clearly didn't want the other guy to come after me. He was right to keep him away from me. Right now I was calm, and level headed, but this guys irritation would lead to him starting a fight. He might start a fight with me. Goliath still remembered how hot tempered I was before I evolved.

My temper was easier to control now that I was older, and more mature, but Goliath didn't know that. I could hold my temper better. I was actually finding it kind of funny that this guy was trying to start a fight with me in the first place. He hated the werewolves with every fiber of his being. My body stayed relaxed, and my expression stayed blank.

Getting him off the island was the best thing for everyone. Goliath would be the best one to get him off the island. If he was going to listen to anyone it was going to be Goliath. I felt another phantom wing twitch as I tried not to express any joy at the man's rage. I didn't know what was going on with this guy, and I didn't really care. If Goliath got him off this island then it would make everyone happier.

"I'm still willing to take you to the guest house," I bowed slightly.

"Please," Goliath looked at me, "We would like to discuss this more in private."

"Follow me," I gestured toward the direction the house was in.

I started walking toward the guest house casually. The other guy was irritated with my casual relaxed way of leading them to the guest house. Goliath on the other hand seemed to want to talk to me more. He'd recognized me. That much I knew for sure.

I'd kind of wanted him to. He'd seek me out now. I didn't need anymore motivation then that, and neither did he. I gestured at the front door of the guest house. Bowing again to let him know that this was the house I'd been leading them to.

Samson had followed us to the house. He seemed a bit tense about my relaxed attitude. I waited until they were both in the house before leaving the building alone. I stopped next to Samson, and looked at him with a smirk.

"If Goliath asks for me," I dropped the smirk slowly, "Then tell him where to find me."

I left the town, and switched to my human face. My clothes resized to fit me properly. I kind of wanted something to cover my bare arms, but my mana wasn't the best for creating mana thread. After I'd shown the alpha how much mana it took me to make the thread he'd told me that I was highly mana inefficient. The thread I created on the other hand was much higher quality as a result.

The clothing I had on now was the mana equivalent of Kevlar. It was just how much mana I automatically put in to make thread. I liked the clothing. Honestly they were the most comfortable clothes I'd worn my entire life. The rest of the walk back to the cavern wasn't as irritating now that I wasn't wearing someone else's face.