

That standing order would convince them that the rest had died when they didn't return. I kind of liked this wolf body. I might use it again. It didn't take me long to find the first three bloodied slaves. Their terror at seeing a large scaled wolf standing over them made one of them pass out.

"Relax," I chuckled.

Which only seemed to terrify them more. The fox mask appeared over my face as my body shrank back down to human proportions. I chose to go shirtless instead of changing my clothing this time around.

"I'm not interested in eating you," I approached them calmly.

I had plenty of mana to heal all three of them. Removing the collars with a snap of my fingers. The two slaves that didn't pass out had eyes the size of saucers. I lifted the passed out one off the ground as if he weighed nothing at all.

"Why don't we go find the other survivors?" I returned to the form of a scaled wolf, and lowered myself to allow the slaves onto my back.

A few extra human tracks would go unnoticed with the tracks of a scaled wolf so close. The keen nose of the wolf allowed me to follow the tracks of the other slaves without needing to use my spatial senses. Now that I had three slaves with me the others were far more trusting. I found the corpse of another person. I stopped, and looked at the slaves on my back.

"I want it to appear as if you've been eaten," I proceeded to bite, and slash at the corpse.

The slaves on my back were thoroughly disturbed, but said nothing. We found one more corpse while we were running along on our merry way. I dismembered the corpse just like the last one. I didn't like having the slaves on my back, but for the most part I was able to dismiss it simply because of how much me taking these slaves away was going to screw their masters over. It made me feel just a little too giddy.

Once I'd managed to gather all eight of the survivors I sent them to our base of operations on the elven world, and made my way back to the cavern where Sekka, and the other merchants had run into some trouble. I cursed myself briefly for not paying enough attention to my charge, and sprinted through the trees so I could get out of the woods. I ran at an angle so I was progressing both toward the road, and toward the cavern. Once I hit the road I increased my speed another notch by circulating mana. I had inhumane reserves of stamina, and now was a good time to put them to use.

I slashed at my own arms as I ran with my blades. The movements were so quick that no one watching would see what I did. The bloody wounds would explain how long it took me to get back. The torn clothing gave the impression of a long hard fight. I slammed into the first scaled wolf I saw at the entrance to the cavern.

I saw a brief look of amazement cross the faces of the merchants as I threw two of the wolves away with the power of my strike. Dropping easily into a dual wielding style that Letty called the blade dance. My movements were fast, and the disjointed movements of my arms combined with my speed made it appear as if my arms were liquid. Each, and every movement was precise, and deadly despite how odd the style looked. The scales sent reverberations down my arms as the scales resisted the blades.

I slid between the claw swipes of the beasts with footwork that made my body follow the same liquid pattern that my arms did. I struck aside the maw of one of the beasts that had managed to get within the range of my arms. Disappearing beneath him, and striking in the gap between the scales from behind. From the front those scales were near impenetrable like my own. From behind not so much.

It took an incredible amount of skill to get my blade at the right angle to strike into that tiny gap between the scales. The wrong angle, and the wrong amount of speed would end with my blade being shattered when the beast snapped their scales down, and flinched away at the worst. My blade being yanked out of my grip was the best case scenario. The scaled wolf lost all the strength in his legs as his body caught up to the fact that his heart had been pierced. I switched the grip on my blades so that I could use my knuckles to hold the weight of the beast.

Throwing him off with a mighty push. The beast slammed into it's brethren. Clearing the opening of the cavern for the first time since I'd rejoined the fight. My rage at having to deal with these creatures made my eyes glow in the night. My blue eye sent icy shivers into the air around me.

While the brown looked more red like blood. My heart pounded in my ears, but my hearing was strangely clear. My vision seemed to sharpen so that everything around me was in complete focus. The scent of the blood sent pleasured waves through my body. The night was so incredibly still.

No. That's not it. It's not still. I'm just thinking that fast. My normally split focus was perfectly aligned.

And what was my whole mind completely focused on?



The end of these pathetic wolves lives.

Maybe a snack when I was done.

The slight movement of the biggest scaled wolf stepping forward was all it took to set me off. It was all over in the blink of an eye. My blades didn't even have time to hit the ground before I'd ripped the hearts out of every single one of those stupid beasts.