

"First I'll answer the main question on your mind," Letty shrugged off the fact that I was still growling like a feral animal, "You won't ever feel the urge to consume her like that ever again. While I'm not exactly sure where the ritual comes from it's one of the reasons dragons are so dedicated to a single mate. Your strength has to be fairly close or one will consume the other before the bond can properly form. That's probably one of the reasons Regala never managed to find a proper mate. By the time she found one she was interested in she was far too strong for her partner to survive the pairing." Letty paused for a moment, "Females know on instinct what male they want, and males that they are compatible with are few, and far in-between. Even in the height of dragon society a female would only meet three or four compatible males in their lifetime. Females are generally stronger then males so it's rare for a female to die in this pairing ritual. I doubt any female will face as much trouble as Aurora did just now in the future."

"You said the ritual wasn't over yet?" I managed to stop growling long enough to ask.

"The next part is rather straight forward," Letty smirked, "It's probably more what you expected to begin with. Just follow her lead, and you'll be fine. She's been preparing for this for some time. It might be difficult for you to be around other people for a little while due to the reaction you just had. We'll have to see how you are fairing once the ritual is over. That being said." He turned his attention to Aurora, "Take him to the north before you start. I'd rather keep the damage to a minimum if at all possible, and there's very little he'll be thinking about for the next few days so it will be better if he simply isn't here at all."

Despite how hard I was trying I literally couldn't stop myself from growling. From the way Letty switched from talking to me to speaking with Aurora he knew I wouldn't be able to speak again for some time. That heat was starting to rise in my guts as well. Aurora straightened slowly as she got back to her feet. She had more control over herself then I did at the moment.

Her wounds were almost completely healed. The only evidence that I'd done damage to her in the first place was the spots where her scales hadn't grown back yet.

"I know," she smirked at me with those half lidded eyes.

I nearly pounced her again right then, and there. Although this time I had different intentions then the first time around, and while I could feel something different this time around I still didn't trust myself after the disaster the last time had been. Aurora spread her wings in a way that called all my attention to her, and distracted me from seeing anyone but her. Her scent was intoxicating, and her movements hypnotized me. She leapt into the air, and I followed.

She pierced the barrier easily. Letty let it dissolve. Cleaning up all the blood as he did. No one would know anything had happened if it wasn't for the destroyed statues, and ruined gardens. I didn't notice any of it as I rushed toward my mate.

My full attention was consumed by her presence. I could see nothing else. What followed was an hour long chase, and then a sloppy scuffle of pure raw animal bliss. When I finally came back to my senses I realized three things. One I was wrapped so completely in Aurora that it was literally impossible to separate without waking her.

Two I could sense a thrumming bond between our souls. We'd completely given ourselves over to each other. Maybe this was where the term soul mate had come from. The third realization was that my core was completely healed. The power it was giving off was a far cry to what I'd been able to do before.

I wanted to lean back, and get a good look at her, but our necks were intertwined. I could feel her heartbeat, and breaths as if they were my own. It brought a profound sense of relief, and relaxation. I relaxed into her embraced, and allowed myself to just lay there intertwined in her. Part of the reason I was worried about this whole sex as a dragon thing was simply because I didn't know how a dragons dick would work.

My own penis stayed within an armored pouch not far from my asshole, and it was well hidden. To an unsuspecting passerby it would simply appear as if I had no private parts at all. The same could be said for Aurora, and copper, but I didn't investigate Aurora that much since it just wasn't something a guy would do to a girl. Especially since she was a child at the time. Granted she was still a good amount younger then me, and I would feel guilty about making her mine if it weren't for the fact that she had actually been the one claiming me as her own.

As soon as the part that horrified me was over she had complete control over me. I literally couldn't do anything she didn't want me to. She was completely in charge of the whole process. I could both see, and feel her inexperience, and yet I still allowed her to take the lead. I hadn't so completely let my guard down since I'd become a dragon.

Some of Letty's words from before we left had managed to stick. I was profoundly relieved that that cannibalistic part of the mating ritual was a one time thing. Now that I was stuck in her embrace I managed to find the information about this particular ritual within my hall of memories. Females were indeed the ones that initiated this ritual, and consuming part of your partner was indeed a one time thing. The ritual was in effect a more violent version of a marriage ceremony.