

"Don't forget that he's covered in natural armor that blocks both magical, and physical attacks," Snider smiled in amusement, "His shed scales will make excellent armor. If he truthfully is an ally of the human race then we'll be able to advance our weapons, and armor greatly. Using him as a test subject would be fun. Creating technology that can slice through both physical, and magical defenses."

"Curb the enthusiasm Snider," Jacob spoke up, "That creature would never let you just experiment on him. You've only had free rein with it because it's been out cold. What do you think will happen when it wakes up?"

"I've only had it for two days," Snider complained, "Don't tell me you're going to take it away once it wakes up?"

"That's enough," the commander spoke up, "Snider. That creature will wake up sooner or later, and we can't risk it attacking if we happen to be wrong about it's intelligence."

"You could restrain it commander," Snider looked at the exhausted commander, "You are the strongest man on earth after all. The only triple SSS ranked ability user in recorded human history, and the commander of all the worlds armies."

"I don't think the creature will allow you to continue experimenting on it when it does wake up," the commander frowned, "It's been nearly three days since it collapsed, and became unresponsive. You were the one that suggested the creature might be mid evolution, and that might be why it hasn't woken up just yet."

"How long will it be before the beast wake up Snider?" Eliza knocked on the table in amusement, "If it is some sort of evolution that knocked him out temporarily."

"The invisible film of mana around him was halving by the hour," Snider's posture went more matter of fact, and less about to drool on his experiment, "Half a day or less."

"Half a day or less," Magnus spoke in a tone that didn't sound angry, "We should kill it now before it has the chance to wake."

"I think we should speak with him before making any decisions," Eliza smirked slightly, "I think that's the least we can give him for saving all those human lives, but I would like to hear more about his character from Goliath in the meantime. From what I've read in Goliath's report he hasn't killed anyone beside the poachers that attempted to kill him, and Savannah."

"I hate to say this, but I agree with her," the wind great glanced over the the hologram with a pensive look, "He never showed any intent to kill. Even when fighting against us directly." he shifted his gaze over to the commander, "But once he saw that elf. He abandoned attacking us, and even healed us. I get the feeling he was trying to escape, and not actually interested in fighting us to begin with."

"The only reason he stepped into the ring to begin with was to stop that student of yours from beating that boy unnecessarily," Eliza knocked on the table twice, "Seemed more like he was trying to punish him. I don't think he ever intended to kill him in the first place."

"Why don't we vote on it?" Jacob suggested.

Nods of agreement were seen around the table.

"Those in favor of letting the beast live, and attempting to communicate with the creature," the commander spoke.

Snider, Eliza, and the air great all raised their hands.

"All in favor of killing the beast now," the commander continued.

Magnus, and the Earth greats hands shot up. Jacob, and the commander remained neutral.

"Jacob," Magnus seethed, "You're abstaining from the vote now of all times."

"I don't see a problem either way," Jacob shrugged casually, "If we kill him we don't gain or lose anything," he paused, "but," another pause, "If the beast turns out to be reasonable then we may be able to use him. It's not like we have much to lose either way."

"This thing has already killed people," Magnus snapped, "What's going to stop him from doing it again?"

"Poachers," Eliza interrupted before he could continue, "That were trying to kill him, and your daughter first. He defended himself."

"What do you gain from keeping this thing alive Eliza?" Magnus tensed as if he were going to lunge at her, "I'd be willing to bet on it opting to kill you the moment you give it the chance. Poachers or not. They were people. I doubt it hesitated to kill them."

"What we decide now doesn't matter," the commander spoke, "The senate may decide differently. We may get first say in matters involving war, but the senators will have the final say, and the final vote, so this vote is just a temporary decision that may be overruled when it comes time for the world court to decide in two weeks. Until then the vote to keep him alive stands. I will not hear any argument on this Magnus."

Snider's watch started vibrating. Drawing his attention, and bringing a smile to his face.

"Well," Snider stood up, "I'm glad that's over. Looks like I'll have some time to get ready before my new favorite wakes up."

"Crazy bastard," the earth great mumbled as Snider practically skipped out of the room, "Orion." he looked at the commander, "Are you sure this is the right choice?"

"I'm not sure Victor," commander Orion stood up slowly, "Every time I thought about killing him I got a bad feeling. As if there was something looming over me. Waiting for me to cut it's rope, and drop it like an executioners ax."

"Your ability is a tricky one," Victor the earth great frowned, "I'd hate for you to knock over a domino that ends with us losing the war."

"That creature can't possibly be that important," Magnus snapped.

"I'd rather not find out," Orion dropped his pen.

The pen bounced off the floor. Then off the wall. Hitting the table, and sliding all the way over to Magnus. At the very edge of the table. Hanging halfway off the edge.

"Keep him here Jacob," Orion glanced over to his subordinate, "He'll cause trouble if you don't keep an eye on him."