

I could literally see him shrinking before my eyes as he realized the power that was coming down on his head.

"Get the rest!" he practically yelped out of fear.

I'd killed the city lord. This pathetic weasel wouldn't even be able to make me flinch in a fight. I imagined that the bigger cities had more powerful people in charge. That would be fun. I smirked as I let the pressure off the noble in front of me.

The last half a dozen slaves weren't like all the others that were brought before me. Scantily dressed, and a mix of species. Some of the woman before me were even pregnant. Not all of them were female either.

"You have interesting tastes," I patted his shoulder like an old friend.

That suddenly friendly gesture only angered the noble more. I raised my hand for effect, and snapped my fingers. I'd had several minutes to target the rune that controlled the collars. A small targeted burst of mana was all it took for me to deactivate the collars. A second burst of mana was all it took for me to remove the collars.

The surprise on the faces of the slaves told me that they didn't expect me to be able to do something like that. They hadn't seen this kind of magic before. I made it look easy to remove the collars. I opened a portal to the cave we'd spent a few weeks in. It wasn't difficult to recharge the runes that lit the cave.

"Step through the portal," I gestured toward the portal, "You'll be safe here while I retrieve the rest of the slaves in this city."

None of them moved. I could see the fear in their eyes. The children were particularly still in the face of their master. I turned to the noble, and glanced around the small courtyard to the armed guards that were ready for me to make a mistake.

"Down," I hit them all with a powerful wave of gravity.

It wasn't enough to kill them, but it was enough to flatten them into the ground. Then I approached one of the children hiding behind their mother. I offered the child my hand gently. I released my emotional state through the mana surrounding them. My anger at the elves, and my intent to get them out of here safely were the two emotions that showed the clearest.

None of my anger or hatred was directed at them. The children in particular felt only kindness. I did always have a soft spot for kids. The child took the offered hand as he stepped out from behind his mother. I picked him up gently.

Healing his wounds in a single act of kind impulsiveness. I made dozens of baskets of food appear in the cavern.

"Why don't we get you something to eat?" I poked his nose with my finger gently.

Drawing a hesitant smile from the child.

"Come on," I nodded to the other slaves, "I have enough from everyone."

The slaves started moving slowly toward the portal. I handed the child off to their mother. Once the first slave stepped through the portal the others followed. Their hesitation being completely overwhelmed by the temptation of food, and the fact that they had no collar to stop them. I released the elves surrounding me from the gravitational wave, and moved back to the banquet hall to take the next noble on his own personal adventure.

By now there were half a dozen of the city guards in the hall. Sekka was holding them off with his bladed whip. This whip was more inclined to fire then the one he'd used at the guild. That one had both darkness, and fire crystals within. This one just had a very powerful fire elemental crystal.

Instead of leather for the material of the whip this one was made from metal bladed chains. This whip was meant to rip away flesh, and wound enemies as much as possible. Sekka was starting to have a hard time holding them off. The nobles were getting a bit cocky as well now that some of the lord's men had come to help them. One of the nobles had even decided to try, and diffuse my runes.

The fiery explosion that killed him a split second later made the other nobles dive away from him as they tried not to get burned themselves.

"I warned you didn't I?" I drew the lord's blade, and crossed the room in an instant.

Killing the guard that was closest to Sekka, and easing his workload a little. My sudden appearance was enough to make the guards lose their concentration. That allowed Sekka to catch the two remaining men with a crack of his whip. Shredding their exposed flesh, and lighting them both on fire. I found that way more humorous then I should have.

They died before they could put themselves out.

"This blade is a bit heavier then I'm used to," I rotated the blade in my grip again.

I made it disappear into my storage device again.

"Who's next?" I refocused my attention on the nobles.

I could literally see them rethinking their life choices. The rapid fire emotional changes in some of them told me they had become a bit hopeful about escaping when the guards arrived. That hope was completely snuffed out by my return. Sekka looked at me with a bit of irritation.

"You should really warn me before you open spatial portals around me," Sekka complained quietly.

"Why would I need to warn you?" I shrugged, "You were ready for me to get you anyway."

I blinked across the room, and appeared in front of one of the most terrified of the nobles still remaining in the room.

"Hi there Pikachu," I smirked, "I choose you."

I grabbed his shirt. His terror, and confusion made me chuckle as we blinked into his home. My coordinates were a bit off so I didn't end up in the courtyard like I wanted this time. This was some sort of servant cooking area.