

It was more like gliding the actual flight. All I had to do to stay in the air was keep my wings open. Without the air under my wings I had to work for every foot of altitude. It didn't take me long to reach an altitude that allowed me to coast. It took me less then an hour to fly the rest of the way back to the guild.

I snorted as I debated on where I would land. Circling down slowly as I focused on an open spot below me. I touched down lightly, and shook the tension out of my muscles. Stilling so that Ethan could get off of my back. My sudden landing had put the walls on alert again.

Ethan's presence seemed to ease their minds slightly. I started walking toward the open gates behind Ethan. I was still small enough to pass through the large gates. The gates were large enough for two vehicles to pass through side by side. I was glad I wasn't that bulky yet even though I knew it would happen eventually.

I was only a brisk fifteen feet at the shoulder. My long neck added a good ten feet to my height. With my wings tucked in tight to my body I was smaller then most wyverns. The last wyvern I'd faced was four or five times my size. I could easily handle one that was a little larger then me.

If I wasn't strong enough to take one head on I could fall back on my venom. I knew I should avoid using my venom as much as possible because of the fear it would bring, but I wasn't going to die to keep one thing about myself secret. I flicked my tail casually as I debated on switching forms for the comfort of the humans. The tension at the gates bothered me a bit. I switched forms, and came to stand behind Ethan slightly to his right.

We walked through the gate together. Seconds later we were flanked by two men. My guess is they were supposed to be some sort of escort. The question was were they protecting us or everyone else? The tense way they walked told me that they weren't here for our protection.

Savannah, and Jax had a similar escort with them when they approached us. It was a nice obvious sign of distrust.

"Did they set us up with a cage to sleep in?" I snorted.

"Yes a nice one," Savannah replied sarcastically, "No you idiot. You're taking the training hall, and we're in the dorms across the street."

"The reinforced training room that probably requires a code to enter, and exit," I frowned, "Sounds like a cage to me."

{At least they're letting us move freely,} Ethan chimed in mentally.

"Shall we?" I gestured the direction the training hall was in.

This confused a couple of the escorts since I shouldn't have known which direction the training hall was.

"I'd like to practice a bit more," I shrugged, "There's no real point in waiting out in the open while Erik figures out where he'd like to place us within his defensive. We've got time to waste until then."

{What if he decides to betray us?} Jax surprised me by asking.

{They don't have countermeasures for the spatial element yet,} I reached out to all three bonded at the same time, {They won't be able to stop me from creating portals to escape, and if they try to put a mana disrupting cuff on me they'll have to fight me to while simultaneously stopping me from creating a portal.}

Savannah covered her mouth as she suppressed a chuckle. Even if the average strength of each guild member was higher in this guild then Calen's guild, but that didn't change the fact that they would need at least a dozen guys just to restrain me, and they would need a weapon capable of harming me to take advantage of the fact that I was restrained. That was assuming that I didn't use any magic to defend myself. This guild was large enough to handle me in a fight. I was sure of that.

They'd need their strongest forty to come after me. Any force weaker then that would result in more casualties then my core was worth. It didn't take long for us to get to the training hall. One of the body guards punched in a code, and walked through the double doors. The other stood in the sliding doors.

Keeping them open so we could walk in. I looked at Ethan. I didn't want Savannah, and Jax to follow. I didn't want to worry about getting them through a portal if push came to shove. Ethan would know when, and how I was going to move.

I didn't need to inform him of anything at all. I could easily warn the other two if that was needed. They wouldn't be as heavily guarded as I was. The open floorplan of the large training hall was big enough to handle five or six dragons my size. I could feel the core enhanced metal alloy pulsing with absorbed power from this world.

This guild had money once. Either that or they had a lot of skilled laborers. This guild might not be completely combat focused. Sure all I'd seen so far was the combat focused members. I wondered briefly if they had a lot of blacksmith forges hidden on the side streets.

I'd have to get a good look around one of these days. Maybe bring Bryce here to learn a thing or two. If there were a lot of forges, and artisans working them then this would be a playground for the young blacksmith. I wouldn't sleep while I was in here. I'd feel safer sleeping outside of the walls.

I was thinking about going outside the walls now. I didn't like this locked room. I returned to my true form, and activated the time elements foresight ability. Foresight by itself wouldn't give me a headache. As long as I was only looking forward in time twenty seconds or so it wouldn't even cost me much mana to maintain the ability.