

Twenty seconds was a large head start for a magic caster. I could easily create a portal to somewhere else on the planet within that amount of time. A portal to another planet could only be made quickly with some sort of anchor. Good visualization took a few seconds, and a landmark I'd already been to. The main problem was keeping that visual while gathering mana.

I was happy to say that I was good at keeping an image in my head. I guess that was one of the advantages of being a bit empty headed. Admitting that I was a bit dumb always irritated me. I switched back to my true form. Splaying out on my side as I scanned the room for cameras.

There was one in each corner. He had four different views of my body that I knew of. I glanced at Ethan. Ethan nodded as he pulsed his energy out. He'd find whatever hidden cameras were in here.

That didn't mean I was going to stop looking. I just knew that Ethan's energy could pass through the magically enhanced alloys easier then my mana could. My tail laid out behind me. I tapped the far wall with the tip of my tail. My muscles weren't tense, but they were ready to tense at a moments notice.

I pretended to relax on the floor, and waited. There were half a dozen hidden cameras in the floor that Ethan had found so far. They were probably supposed to come up with the walls that were currently retracted into the floor of the hall. We only waited in there for around four hours before Erik came for us. He went to Savannah, and Jax first.

That made me narrow my eyes. I didn't like him going to them first. I tentatively reached for Savannah's mind. Our connection wasn't wide enough for me to see through her eyes yet. I could sense the borders of our connection was ready to widen, but I wasn't willing to force the connection open wide.

My connection to Jax was raw, and ragged from a forced connection. I pulled my tail in close to my body. Sitting up slowly as I prepared to get moving. Jax seemed to appreciate how lightly I brushed past our connection. It was interesting that they could sense when I was focused on them.

I could feel when they focused on me as well. It felt almost as if a light was shining down a dark passageway. Ethan tapped on the door lightly. Bringing my focus out of my mind, and back to the real world. I stood up slowly.

I switched back to human form. I was so happy I'd gotten the mana clothing. Having clothes that wouldn't be torn up whenever I decided to change forms was nice. I still remembered the days when I had to go hunting for clothes. I didn't miss them.

I straightened my jacket casually. I didn't know why I straightened a completely straight jacket. Just felt right to do in the moment while I was probably being watched. I checked Savannah again, and she seemed a bit irritated.

{Do you want me to come over there?} I asked.

{No,} she replied, {I can handle this recruitment speech. He's been trying to convince me to ditch you for ten minutes now.}

My lip curled up in irritation for a split second before I realized I was in human form, and it wasn't nearly as threatening for me to bare my teeth as a human. I debated on breaking the doors, and just walking out like nothing, but I still wanted to make this a peaceful alliance if possible. It was a bit wasteful, but instead of waiting for them to open the doors for us I created a portal to the other side of the doors. The two that had stayed with us looked more then a little concerned when we just walked through the reinforced glass as if it wasn't there. Ethan, and I could clearly see the portal, but they didn't appear to so the two portals that were less then an inch from each side of the doors.

I was getting much better at using the space element. Maybe I could try some of that crazy portaling that the demon pulled on me when I went to help Goliath. I'd have to experiment with it a bit. I hadn't tried to create more then one portal at once before. I hadn't tried to move a portal I'd created so that I could double the speed that I passed through a portal.

I wanted this all to be over before that new hatchling came into the world. I knew that that was borderline delusional. Unless this flight of wyverns was fairly small, but the fact that I'd been issued a quest meant that it probably wasn't. I crossed the distance to the complex Savannah, and Jax were in quickly. I was walking a bit fast, and Ethan was able to keep pace with me, but the escorts had to jog to keep up.

I was more then a little irritated that Erik had immediately tried to recruit both of my mages as soon as they were away from me. I felt like snarling, but kept myself composed. I had an obvious angry scowl on my face as I walked. I crossed through the doors to the lobby first. Crossing the lobby to the elevator in a scant few seconds.

My mana roiled within my body angrily. Causing an effect that looked a lot like a heat haze around me as my veins lit up within with sparks of lightning. Allowing my anger to manifest in such a way caused everyone to move away from me. Even the two escorts slowed.

{Which floor?} I reached out to Savannah.

{Forth,} Savannah answered.

I could have figured it out on my own, but she wouldn't have replied if she didn't want me to go up. She might have even tried to stop me. I let Ethan push the button since I was literally filled to the brim with lightning. I stepped into the elevator when it opened, and turned. Placing my back against the back wall of the elevator.