

I was the only spatial mage who knew where our new temporary portal was so I couldn't sleep for a little longer. I put myself through quite a bit of pain in the next few days. Keeping a portal open was easy enough with the abundance of mana. The problem the damage I was doing to my core. I had weeks worth of recovery ahead of me to start with, and that was quickly turning into months.

The amount of work we needed to do prevented any of my bonded to come meet me for longer then a few minutes. They were all working hard to take the stress off of my core. Sekka was even creating some of the portals himself. He wasn't as good at it as I was so it took him longer to form a portal then it did for me, but now that he was one of my bonded I could help him with the mana required to do what I needed him to. I felt a pang of guilt about not taking the time to properly meet Sekka's mom.

I heard she had potential as a mage, but didn't have time to pursuit the rumor. The fact that the rumor had passed through all the people working for me, and managed to get to me meant that either someone was really singing her praises or she truthfully was that good. I relaxed back down on the ground as I waited for the next group I'd be sending through. I frowned to myself. I was miserable.

Between the pain, and the armed guard that was surrounding us constantly I was more then a little done with this whole farce. The queen even had the gall to drop by occasionally. She asked me about the dragon the first time we talked. I told her he left the planet. Which was the truth.

I just didn't stay gone. I came back shortly after I'd left. I'd only left for about half a day. I hadn't slept since we struck this deal, and the longer I was awake the harder it was for me to think. Thankfully I didn't need to think.

My bonded could do that for me. I hadn't felt exhaustion like this since I was a hatchling. I kept at it far past what I thought I was even capable of. It took four whole days for me to finish the evacuation of all the slaves. All that was left now was to head back home.

She'd long since figured out where the main portal I was using for evacuations was located. The queen blinked in near the portal. I knew she couldn't stop me from leaving, but I was still curious what she wanted.

"I'm leaving as promised so what do you want?" I massaged the bags under my eyes.

"I want to know where that dragon is," Her escorts blinked in a moment later.

"How do you know he isn't standing right in front of you?" I smirked in amusement.

She didn't like that. I knew she was planning something but quite frankly I didn't have the brainpower needed to think about it anymore. I turned toward the portal again. She drew her soul blade, and pointed it in my direction.

"Stopping me from leaving activates the death clause of our blood oath," I waved off her threat, "I don't have time for your bullshit."

Her eyes widened, and it took me a moment to understand why. I'd switched to the universal language again without thinking. I smirked briefly before stepping through the portal. There was no way she wouldn't follow me through now. I let Sefricka see my true nature.

Just for a brief moment. A moment was all it took. He saw my future just a little bit of it. Just enough for him to know just how dangerous I really was. Right before I took that final step through the portal.

I confirmed multiple times that all of my people were off the planet before stepping through the portal. I expected her to pull something, but I was too exhausted, and too injured to really do anything about it. A moment later I changed back to my true form, and collapsed in the field near the portal. A huff of hot air made it's way through my clenched teeth. I needed to stay awake for what would happen next.

Just as my precognition told me the queen followed me with a portal of her own a few minutes after I did. I snorted a few bolts of lightning as I looked down at her with the same disdain she gave me when she thought I was human. What would they do when they realized they couldn't go home? No sorry that was a wasted thought. They weren't going to make it home when my nasty little teacher got here.

"Letty," I purred, "Come show your worth. I want to see you kill them for me."

"You're calling on another to fight your battle for you," The queen's lip curled up in disdain.

"I cracked my core a few weeks ago," I curled my arms, and legs up underneath me, "I should have stopped working then."

The casual shrug, and complete lack of guard only angered her further. She rushed toward me slashing towards me with a downward slash. I didn't need to move a single muscle. Letty's blade caught her soul blade with surprising ease. A chill half smirk spread across his face.

"How many lifetimes have you live little girl?" Letty gave her blade a light push, "I apologize, but my master has called on me to kill you."

The queen jumped back. She hadn't seen a creature like Letty a single time in her lifetime. His blood red eyes glinted in the falling sun. His white hair had an almost gold glint to it. His pale white skin made him resemble a corpse more then a person.

His lack of a pulse, and utter stillness gave him an eerie air about him.

"Although," Letty smirked, "I do wish he gave me more of a challenge."