

"This room hasn't been used in a long time," I stated an observation.

"I bought the portal when we put the guild together," Calen grimaced slightly, "It hasn't really been used since then."

I understood. The only reason the military preferred portals over spaceships was the expenses associated with hauling such a large number of soldiers. It was actually cheaper to spend dozens of crystals per hour then it was to buy, and maintain a spaceship that would take weeks to travel the same distance. They'd been doing research to reduce the amount of crystals required to power up a portal projector. They'd get there eventually.

It took a lot of mana to create a portal. I knew that better then anyone. The quality of the cores needed had fallen a great deal in the last ten years. It was a good thing. They could create a portal cheaper then I could with the newer projectors.

This portal projector was horribly wasteful. I'm sure it was the pinnacle of tech when Calen purchased it. Now it was a relic. That was pretty typical of tech. It was always outdated within the year it was made.

I could feel it when the projector began to cycle up. The energy made my hair stand on end. It really was too bad that they didn't have any weapons that had this same effect on me. Enough power cycled through this room to make me feel like squirming. Hugely wasteful mana wise.

Sure I could feel the portals I'd been through before cycle up. That could've been because the military had better storage, and the energy was better contained. That, and the fact that the crystal storage tanks weren't kept in the room with the portals. This portal projector was hardwired into the tank. There was no moving the tank into a different room.

Definitely one of the early models.

"I don't really trust this hunk of junk," Savannah blurted out from where she was standing by the door, "Could you create a portal for me to come through after you get there?"

Calen looked a little offended.

"Why?" I looked at the monitor as Calen worked away at activating it.

"I don't trust these old models," she frowned, "They have a bad habit of exploding."

My eyebrows shot up, but I didn't say anything as I looked over to the machine.

"I'll make you a portal when I get there," I looked at all my bonded, "You might have to wait a few hours while I gather the mana needed."

"I'll cross through the portal with Wyatt," Ethan didn't hesitate, "Less people to transport will cost him less mana."

He was talking to Savannah mostly, but Jax nodded as well. They both left the room. I looked around the room. It was only then that I realized how thick these walls were. This place was set up for problems.

To contain those problems. Calen knew that this thing could blow. That was probably why we were the only ones in the room.

"First thing you're going to buy with the money you get from selling my venom is a new portal projector," this wasn't a statement, it was an order, "You can start giving me cuts after its done."

"You're giving up your half of the payout so I can get a new model portal projector?" Calen activated the portal as he asked me.

"And a remodel so that the tank will be underground," I raised my brows again, "I want that tank away from where it can hurt the people using it."

"Why would you do that?" he stood in front of the portal ready to cross through.

"I don't want my bonded getting blown up," I turned serious, "I'm pretty sure that we will be the ones using it the most so it's more self centered then you think."

Calen didn't question it anymore. He stepped through first. I followed closely behind. Ethan was a half step behind me. We were suddenly standing in another portal room with glass doors. This one was much more modern then Calen's barely functional one.

The portal snapped closed behind us.

"How will your portal projector shut down?" I glanced behind me to the portal.

"It shut down as soon as the connection was terminated," Calen glanced over to me away from the man he'd been speaking to.

He'd only had time to exchange a quick greeting, but the fact that he cared to talk to the man at all told me that he was important. I focused on the new man. It seemed like he was trying to look imposing. He was on the skinny side though so it didn't hit right. I stared at him skeptically for a few seconds before moving forward to greet him as well.

"Wyatt Nix," I held my hand out for the traditional handshake, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Erik Bird," He shook my hand skeptically, "I'm the guild leader here at the screaming eagles guild." he tilted his head up slightly, "So you're the dragon."

"What's the matter?" I smiled slowly, "Don't I look like a dragon?"

"No," Erik looked me up, and down again, "You look like you just stepped out of a casual business meeting."

"I've found that simple is usually better," I shrugged, "We can go outside if you prefer for me to show you my true nature while talking, but I've found that humans usually prefer conversing with humans."

I stopped the urge to say more since I'd just voiced one of Ethan's thoughts without thinking. Ethan just shrugged when he sensed my mental focus glance his way. He didn't mind. I wondered if the others would have the same mental impact as the first advanced bond. I wouldn't mind if it did.

Ethan had a fairly calm mentality since the bond advanced. The real test was if this improved mentality held when he came face to face with family. I wasn't all that worried about him being clingy. As long as he did stroke me like a kitty in front of strangers it was safe to say I didn't mind the attention.