

Sekka didn't even know Ethan was there before he was hanging by his waist with Ethan's arm wrapped around his waist. Ethan jumped up to stand between my spines as I strode out of the hollow mountain, and spread my wings in the fading evening light. Ethan gripped the spine in front of him as a psychotic grin spread across his face. A single wing beat was enough to take my feet off the ground. One more, and I was truthfully flying.

I turned my nose north, and headed to the stone plains. There wasn't much up there that could catch fire, and it was only about half an hour of flight away. I knew that Ethan needed to burn off some rage as well. He was holding onto Sekka a little too tight, but I didn't really blame him. Ethan had just as much rage to work through as I did now.

Add on a traumatic childhood where he was taught he couldn't trust anyone, and you've got a powder keg. I just lit that keg, and hoped it wouldn't explode. I snorted, and it sent a tremor down my spines. Sekka remained disturbingly quiet despite how terrified he clearly was. I landed on the stone plains.

Ethan jumped down, and dropped Sekka like he was old luggage. I stomped on the ground, and erected dozens of stone pillars. Some were barely as thick as a humans pinky finger. Others were as wide as my midsection. I snorted out a big plume of smoke.

"Go on," I slammed my tail into one of the thicker pillars.

Destroying it with a single swing.

"Break some shit," I chuckled.

Ethan smiled, and rushed in. Destroyed the thinner stone pillars with his bare fists. Sekka remained a bit nervous. Not joining in on the destruction. Me on the other hand?

I dove in. Smashing through pillar after pillar with brute force alone. Using my body like a battering ram. My scales were thick enough that it didn't hurt to slam into the stone. When we ran out of pillars I would merged the pieces back into the ground, and we did it again.

Some of the ones I created had shapes that felt fun to smash while others were just straight pillars. I roared joyously as I continued to destroy everything in my path. We kept on going until Ethan, and I were busy rolling on the ground chuckling, and laughing out of pure delight. This had done a lot of good for my mood. Now it was Sekka's turn.

"You're the only one that hasn't let off some steam," I rolled back to belly, and relaxed, "We're both angry guys, and we both feel better. You'll feel better after you let off some steam."

"I'm fine really," Sekka was nervous after seeing the destruction we'd just dished out.

"Come on," I slammed my palm into the stone, cracking it, "You were born a slave. Your mother was taken from you, and you were thrown out here to spy on humanity. And all you got from that was a promise to keep your mom alive in exchange for that information. Not freedom. Not a better life when you're done."

I drew my talons through the stone beneath me. Cutting deep lines into the stone. Watching the fire in his eyes come to the surface once again. I'd seen it in him the first time I'd met him. He had it buried so deep that it almost never reached the surface.

"Doesn't that make you angry?" I circled him slowly, "Come on. I paced around him slowly. Those pillars are the people that hurt you. Hurt them back. Crumble them to dust. Destroy them for what they did to you."

Every word stoked up that fire in him. That hatred, and bloodlust that was barely visible in his aura all the time was slowly becoming dominant. Until it was the only color left. He stood up. Dusting himself off as he tried to bury that rage again.

"What will they do if they find out that your master is dead, and you're still alive?" I flicked my tail, and widened the area I was pacing around to contain the entire stone plain, "You think that they'll understand that it wasn't your fault, and that your master got himself killed, or will they take it out on you because your master is dead."

That last comment was what pushed him over the edge. He screamed in rage as black flames burst out of him in all directions. I was far enough away that his flames didn't reach me. Ethan on the other hand was still too close. I was a bit surprised that I could channel my mana straight through him, and create a barrier directly around him.

I hadn't tried to do anything like that before. I could amplify spells before, but this was different. Channeling mana into my bonded for them to use, and just sending my mana over to control it from where he was were two completely different things. Our connection was a pipeline that I could use to cast spells through Ethan. Without using any of Ethan's mana to do it.

The black flames didn't just burn the stone. It eroded it out of existence entirely. I could tell that these dark flames were far weaker in the daylight than they would be at night. I kept creating new pillars for him to burn until he was completely out of mana. After he was done imploding he stood there panting as if he'd just run a marathon.

He collapsed down to his knees. Then went down onto all fours. Just trying to catch his breath.

"That's better," I strode toward him slowly, "Your emotions appear to be tainted with a little less bloodlust."

Sekka's head snapped up.

"You can see my emotions!" He was practically gasping as he moved to his feet.

"They've been tainted with bloodlust since we met," I flopped down on the ground near him, "Now I don't mind a little bloodlust, but if you didn't let off a little steam you would have exploded sooner or later."