

She was maturing faster then I was ready for. I tried to keep my face straight, but there wasn't much expression a dragons face could make. Just the stunned way I relaxed my jaw was enough to make her smirk turn into a smile.

"You do know that you'll be too big to go in Goliath's house soon," I decided on pointing out a fact that she probably hadn't noticed just yet.

Playing off my stunned reaction as a reaction to her increase in size. Her own reaction made me realize just how young she was. She looked herself over for a second before rushing the rest of the way to the village. She'd probably see if she could still get in the house. I was glad that she'd left me alone.

Her step up in maturity had made her that much more attractive. Sure she was at the lowest stage of adolescence, and I was nearly at the peak of it, but that didn't change the fact that our bodies were physically the same age now. I was glad I wasn't some horn dog that got turned on in her presence, but I definitely felt the attraction. I flared my wings as I debated on letting the egg breath again. It needed air at least twice a day so it wouldn't hurt to let it breath now.

We spent the next week cleaning out the forge room. Rift city was starting to get crowded. We'd have to find a new hunting ground soon. Goliath had just gotten a phone call that interested me. It seemed I would have to return to Calen's guild.

There was a very angry earth great there looking for his grandson. Goliath hung up the phone, and pocketed it.

"Victor isn't very happy that you took his grandkid," Goliath frowned at me.

I glanced over to Jax. He looked tense. He'd improved since he'd started doing the exercises, but his progress wasn't as fast as Savannah's. Savannah was the type that picked up all things magic pretty fast. She'd even gotten in the habit of using the breathing technique I'd shown her.

She didn't seem to know it yet, but it was slowly expanding her mana reserve. I was a bit worried about what Jax would do when he was reintroduced to his family. Savannah had already had a falling out with her family, but Jax had what appeared to be a good relationship with his family. The fact that he wanted to go right now only cemented the fact that he was close to his family. I knew that this great would be pissed with me.

I'd stolen his grandkid away. He had every right to be pissed. Our connection hadn't been one that formed willingly. It would take me a little while to form the portal.

"You shouldn't go," Goliath frowned.

"They think I'm still on that planet," I half chuckled, "I'd rather they continue to think that for now."

"I agree with him," Savannah cut in, "It's not a good idea."

Jax gave her a dirty look. Ethan was ready to agree to any decision I made. Which was why I'd stopped asking his opinion on these things. He was already mentally agreeing with me without saying a word.

"We should go back to the dark of the cave," I snorted, "The less people can see of our surroundings the better."

"You're not planning on jumping straight to the guild are you?" Now it was Savannah's turn to give a dirty look.

I looked down at her with my head cocked slightly. I didn't see much of a problem with it.

"You'll be face to face with Victor an earth mage with no mana," Savannah pointed out what should have been obvious, "If you teleport to the cavern then you have time to regenerate your mana while you're flying back to the guild."

I couldn't disagree with her logic. I brought the egg up slowly, and set it down in front of Aurora. Aurora stared at the egg with a worried expression.

"You'll be taking care of this while I'm gone," I glanced at Goliath since he would be in charge of the schedule, "I'll take it back when I get back. A day or two maximum."

Aurora placed the egg in her mouth gingerly. She was hesitant about this. I wasn't that surprised. Her own egg had hurt me a bit when I swallowed it at first, and this one was a little bigger then her own. I felt for her I really did.

She tilted her head back, and swallowed. Her teeth clenching as it went down. I tilted my head toward my back. Inviting the others up onto my back. Ethan needed no more invitation.

Savannah couldn't just jump straight from the ground to my back like Ethan. She needed more help. I helped her up. Jax didn't want up. He was a bit angry with me.

I ignored him, and let him walk since he was being a baby. It didn't take us long to get to the cavern, and it only took me about twenty minutes to gather enough mana to open the portal. We crossed through quickly after that. We rushed through the portal as quickly as possible. Letting it close behind us.

The lizardmen that had started using this place as a outpost had noticed us coming through, and moved away from us. They left all of our rooms empty, and alone. They took to the rooms I made for them. The smoke tunnels allowed them to build fires in the rooms. They didn't spread out like we did.

Each group picked a single room, and jammed in. I found that kind of funny. I hadn't needed to draw on the magic of the dragon cores so I still had mana to spare. I opened another portal so I wouldn't have to shrink down to cross through the doorway. Savannah disapproved of the mana usage, but I didn't have a clear enough image of the area outside of this outpost to open a portal to it.