

I glanced over my shoulder to the room that the guard was in. Then grabbed the third one by the throat before he could squirm away. Burning the rune into his throat.

"If you harm another one of your own again," I smiled brightly like a child on Christmas as I let him drop clutching his throat, "This is what will happen to you."

I placed my hand against the wall behind the latrine, and activated the same rune I'd placed on the three men. A spiderweb of cracks appeared on the wall. When I moved my hand away, and they saw the deep hole in the wall I could hear there hearts start beating in a frenzy. This rune had the same impact as a fifty caliber up close, and would blow a three inch wide hole into just about anything behind it. The only difference between this rune I designed, and an actual fifty caliber bullet was that this would only travel about five feet with a full charge.

None of their runes had a full charge. Those two would lose an arm, and the third would die instantly once the rune was activated. It actually took me longer to create the runic activation codes then it did the rune itself. Rune magic really was an untapped resource. Structuring magic to follow certain patterns without taking much concentration to do it.

The activation codes on the other had took time to formulate in a way that wouldn't affect the structure of the main rune without damaging it. I'd spent all the time I need weaving the activation codes while I watched the slaves get the first good meal they'd probably had in years. Most had noticed by now that I hadn't eaten a single morsel of food. Breads, and fruits didn't really appeal to me. I brought them with me because they were cheap, and kept for some time.

Most of what I brought was bread. The main fruit I'd brought was something of a hybrid between apple, and mango. My stomach grumbled as I sat down on the bench. That seemed to improve the slaves view of me even more. The ones that weren't terrified of me seemed to look up to me.

In their eyes I'd chosen to give them all my food, and took none for myself. I just didn't like bread or fruit. I'd have to be borderline starving before I even considered eating fruit, and bread for a meal. To me that was the same as eating dirt. Plus I'd made a promise to that guard.

I was hungry, and he wasn't going to stay here all night. I'd just spent four hours studying, and memorizing the rune pattern that allowed the elves to teleport within the city. I also removed the part that told the wall guards when someone was teleporting within the city. I'd go completely unnoticed, and I'd get a meal out of it at the same time. I smiled to myself.

I took genuine joy in the thought of killing that elf later. I knew Sekka was somewhere above me. He had more to lose if he broke cover then I did. His mother would die if we didn't find her before our deception was uncovered. There was a makeshift area where the slaves could shit in peace.

I could use that when I wanted to make my move. Sekka wouldn't be happy when he found out I killed one of the guards. I didn't plan to hide it. He was going to get attacked, and killed by a wyvern. I'd sensed several of them in the area.

Getting attacked by one in the city wasn't likely, but it also wasn't impossible. Especially since there were a lot of places that sold them on the black market. A bigger city like this would have a black market. Death was coming to him sooner rather then later. Especially since I was tracking him.

Not only had I locked onto him using my spatial awareness which spanned several miles in all directions, but I'd also placed a small rune on him that told me exactly where he was whenever it was active. Just as an added bonus this rune took almost no mana so it was almost impossible to notice even when it was active. Although killing a human just because they annoyed me was a bit much when it came to temper tantrums. I mentally shrugged it off, and moved on with my life. Patience was all I needed now.

When I stood every slave in the room paid attention. I didn't like the attention, but I'd drawn it to me so I didn't really have a right to complain about it now. The guard had left, and wasn't in the lords domain anymore. I strode over to the shitter area, and pulled the thin fabric across to give me some privacy. Crouching down so I couldn't be seen anymore.

It only took a few seconds for me to activate the special rune that allowed spatial movement within the city. I teleported high above the city, and held myself aloft with my wings as I slowly transformed to take the appearance wyvern. I was still within the city barrier. It was nice to have wings again. I dropped out of the sky at a steep dive.

Scooping the guard up in my talons with a roar. Startled shouts, and screams rang out on the street. The city lit up with movement as the guards rushed to try, and stop the wyvern that had just scooped someone off the street. I flew up into the barrier, and bounced off of it. The barrier was much stronger then I'd expected, but my mana was more then strong enough for me to force my way through.

I escaped the barrier just as the first volley of enchanted arrows was loosed in my direction. They locked onto my mana signature, and followed me as I flew outside of the city with my still terrified, and struggling in my grip. I didn't let go even when he stabbed me in the foot. I was far enough now that no one in the city would hear me unless I roared.