

The sensible feminine shoes. She cleaned up nicely.

"Are you ready to do our interviews?" I rumbled as I dropped my head down on Savannah's shoulder.

The size of my head made the girl's eyes bulge, but she managed to keep her composure as she nodded nervously.

"Who do you want to interview first?" I narrowed my eyes playfully.

She opened, and closed her mouth a few times but didn't say anything. Savannah slapped me under the chin. Prompting me to lift my head up, and away from her shoulder.

{You're scaring her,} Savannah looked over her shoulder at me, and narrowed her own eyes.

I switched forms suddenly. The air rushed toward where my bulk had disappeared as I landed lightly on the concrete. Smirking up at the drone camera cockily right after my feet touched the ground. Then turning my focus back to her.

"Is this better?" I asked her while still half smirking.

She was too stunned to answer. I walked up next to Savannah, and draped my arm over her shoulders. Startling her slightly, and prompting a warm feeling within that made me drop the rest of that cocky smirk.

{I'm not human remember,} I would have rolled my eyes if I was looking at her, {I don't need a reminder that I'm hot every time I touch you while in human form.}

{Do you have complete control over your body?} That warm feeling left her gut.

I ignored that irritated jab, and refocused my attention on the girl.

"You didn't answer my question," I stared straight into her eyes with no hesitation.

"I'll interview you first," she replied nervously, "You are Nix the dragon aren't you?"

"Yes," I almost sniggered, "I am Nix the dragon." I paused to a second to stuff my humor down, "I wouldn't mind going first."

{Don't say anything stupid,} Savannah warned.

That made me give her a sideways glance before pulling my arm away from her.

"Do you want to come in?" I gestured to the warehouse that had become our temporary base of operations, "Or do you have a different location in mind?"

"Inside is fine," she stammered nervously.

"You can relax," I chuckled lightly, "If I wanted to eat you I would have led with that."

Savannah didn't find that comment humorous, but it had the desired effect as the girl relaxed a little.

"I guess you really could have just swallowed me up if you wanted to," She clumsily tried to joke back.

"Shall we?" I gestured toward the warehouse again with a slight bow.

Pouring on what little charm I had. Which was apparently more then I thought since she blushed slightly as she walked past. Maybe it was the fact that I looked like a chiseled model, and was currently bare chested. She walked past us through the big sliding door into the warehouse. She still had the control for the drones loosely clasped in her grip, but she wasn't nearly as focused on it as she had been before.

The drone flew over to the map I'd been working on. I'd expanded it a bit since the last time she'd seen it a few days ago.

"Where would you like me to stand?" I asked.

"Over there by the map is fine," She gestured.

It was obvious that she was still nervous, but less of it showed on her face as she focused on the task at hand. I moved over to where she gestured as she adjusted the drones so they'd cover as many angles as possible. She'd be able to pick, and choose the best angles when she was done. She turned serious, and stood about five feet away.

"Are you ready to begin?" She asked.

"Of course," I shrugged.

She nodded. Then all nervousness appeared to leave her body language. I could tell her heartrate was still up from the throbbing vein on her neck, but I pretended not to notice. Any human watching this feed wouldn't be able to tell how nervous she was by looking.

"My name is Emily Turner, and I'm here with the resident archaic known as Nix," she gestured to me as she introduced me, "We're going to be learning more about him today. Is he truly an ally of humanity or not?"

My eye twitched a bit at that last bit, but now was not the time to throw a tantrum.

"Oh I hope to be considered an ally," I tried to sound warm.

"Now Nix," Emily continued, "Our viewers are curious what kind of Archaic you are, and where you were born?"

"I'm a dragon," No cautious answers needed here, "And I was born on earth."

"Earth?" Emily probed like a professional.

"Yes," I nodded, "The same earth you're from. I was actually caught not to long ago at a military exchange event. I was posing as a student at the time."

"Caught!?!" Emily barely kept the surprise out of her voice.

"Yeah," I nodded with a chuckle, "I was a bit smaller then, and much weaker, but yeah. They caught me, and got to study me for about a week before I escaped."

"How did you escape?" Emily was genuinely interested.

"First I used a spatial portal," I created two spatial portals out in front of me, and reached through to tap Emily on the shoulder.

Startling her a bit.

"Then I called for a little help," I finished my answer calmly, and pulled my hand back through the portal to let it fade, "Happy to say that no one died in the escape either. I'm sure that the military caught the whole thing on camera. You would've thought the military would have released that footage by now, but if they released that footage they'd have to release the footage that shows me aiding two of the four greats to kill an elf, and his pet."

"You've already fought alongside two of the four greats?" If she wasn't desperately trying to maintain her composer then I'm sure her jaw would have hit the floor.