
The Apostle Of Time Returns

Tags: Mystery, Romance, Action, Adventure, Reincarnation, Comedy, Drama, Overpowered characters, Female-leading, Fantasy, Game Elements *** In an age where magic reigns supreme and the existence of gods is certitude, there existed the gods' Eight Apostles, each of whom were gifted intriguing, nation-destroying abilities. However, of the Eight Apostles, was the one who was persecuted and despised more than she was held in awe for her astounding power. This was the solitary Apostle of Time, Laverne. Laverne lived in constant retreat from the pursuit of her enemies, convicted of a crime she did not commit. But one day, the most-wanted criminal in all the realms, Laverne, vanished into thin air and was never seen again. . . . Nova Young, meanwhile, is a sickly 32-year-old who perishes in modern-day Earth due to an incurable affliction. She believes that she will never get to achieve her dream of losing her virginity to a handsome man, leave alone seeing the warm light of day. With this thought, Nova breaths her last, only to open her eyes once again and find herself in an unfamiliar body on a strange, deserted island. Is this the return of the long-vanished Apostle of Time?

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10 Chs

Chapter 6: "Her Son?"

Divine Calendar Year 5568

The Faceless Realm

Outer World: The Forsaken World

< A feat that has never been seen before has been accomplished! You have earned the seed [Creator], a title only befitting the deities! Strange, powerful entities are taking a deep interest in you! This seed may bring you an unexpected fortune in the future! >

 Nova opened her eyes. She was seated on the beach. She could hear the waves gently lapping against the shore and water wetting the peach-colored seashells.

Her eyes adjusted to the dazzling light and settled on the short figure standing dazedly before her, gaping at her. His sparkling eyes were grey, like hers, and his mouth was wide agape. His long, lustrous hair, Stygian dark like her own, was swept back neatly without a strand out of place. And...he was small.

"Nyx? Is that you?" Nova asked, even though she was increasingly aware of the answer.

The effeminate boy's dark, wing-like lashes fluttered delicately as they quietly scrutinized their stubby, adorable body which was clad in a jet-black shirt with white suspenders and black, pleated shorts.

The boy's grey eyes widened. Tears formed in their eyelids. "Why...why am I a bishōnen?" he asked emotionally, his weeping tone only emphasizing his breathtaking, androgynous beauty. In the warm, yellow rays, his warm tears seemed almost golden and his grey eyes glittered like dew in the sunshine. His fair skin was flawless yet observed a healthy, rosy tint.

Nova felt a bit conflicted as she watched this pretty boy get more and more flummoxed by his beauty. She was sweating a bit. "Wait... Maybe...this is my fault?" she thought to herself, guilt swimming in her gut.






[48 Minutes Remaining Until Your Discharge...]

After more than an hour spent calming down Nyx, who was inflamed by his appearance, Nova finally settled down to stare at the unchanging, watery horizon and think about her future. If she walked around with this little boy who strongly resembled her, wouldn't all the hot guys run away? Moreover, this was a little boy who had always secretly considered himself a busty woman. Wouldn't all the hot guys be convinced by her 'son's' eccentricities that she, too, was a weirdo?

No, seriously, Nyx had always thought that he was a curvaceous, drop-dead gorgeous femme fatale who was Nova's non-biological, big sister. That was...nice of him, she tried to think positively, but... "I thought...I had a substantial chest," Nyx muttered, his voice muffled by his soft sobs, as he drew circles on the sand with his fingers, wearing a dejected expression. Nova watched his turmoiled identity crisis with dead-fish eyes. This was definitely not her fault. It was definitely not because of her inherent affection for good looks.

"It's alright, Nyx. How does that saying go again? 'The heart will break, but broken live on'? Peace can clearly only be achieved by moving forward into the world waiting for you to conquer it, you know?" Nova reassured him, placing her trembling hand on his shoulder, her smile crooked.

"Really?" Nyx's left brow edged upwards as he stared at her, unconvinced.

"Yeah, one day you'll realize that you were never suitable for the role of a...cough...voluptuous...cough...woman," Nova explained. Unexpectedly, Nyx nodded with a renewed expression. It was odd how his expression took a complete 180.

Nova, however, was too scared to ask him what he was thinking. So that was the end of Nyx's identity crisis, Nova concluded.

Afterwards, they realized that Nyx could interchange between his initial, invisible form and his new, physical form. In his physical form, that world somewhat recognized his existence. Hence, Nyx could access his Status. It also seemed that the 50 Stat Points Nova had transferred earlier had been allocated randomly.



Name: Nyx Young

Age: 11 Years Old

Species: Supreme Metamorph 

[Your essence is nothingness and yet your existence hints at infinite possibilities.]


Level: 1

Title: [None]

Seed: [Djinn's Seed]

[Within you lies a shapeless power unfamiliar to this world. Your powerful will to grant the impossible has taken form. There are endless possibilities. To unlock what may be, accumulate experience.]


Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 15

Endurance: 15

Shapeless Energy: 17

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 2000/2000

Stat Points: 0


Blessings: [god of space and time](MAIN)


[Soul Connection](sage) -> You can communicate telepathically and share experiences with the dark witch [Nova Young].

[Mana Absorption](average) - Consumes 10 MP every 10 minutes -> The user can absorb surrounding mana that is compatible with them.

[Mana Sense](sage) -> The user can sense surrounding mana.


Nyx pulled up his long, satin-like hair into a neat ponytail and commented smilingly, "My efforts in analyzing [Mana Sense] have not gone for naught. The fact that I'm compatible with all existing elements just increases my awesomeness." He sounded quite happy, and he didn't even blink once as he gazed at his age.

Nova guessed that he had resorted to denying reality, not that reality would pity him.

"But...your MP and HP are definitely...awe-inspiring. You're technically a walking mana tank," Nova commented as she gaped disbelievingly at his Status. And, what the fuck was a 'Djinn'? Does that mean Nyx is basically a genie and can grant wishes...? Wow. Nova paused and rubbed her chin thoughtfully with her brows arched in pleasant surprise. If that was the case, this bishōnen would have to ready himself for back-breaking work... Uh, not 'back-breaking' in that way. No, no, no, no. She meant the other way! Okay, just ignore that word!

Anyways... Nova settled her thinning attention elsewhere. What was this 'Shapeless Energy' stat that she was seeing for the first time?

Ugh, too much thinking.

Nova collapsed on the sand after a while of futile speculating. She shut her eyes. A moment later, Nyx watched her snore lightly with his arms folded over his chest.

[36 Minutes Remaining Until Your Discharge...]

Nyx tapped his small, booted left foot against the moist sand as his thoughts wandered while gazing silently at Nova's miserable, sleeping figure. Alright, she wasn't miserable at all. She was incredibly beautiful, to say the least. However, Nyx knew that she was a wolf in sheep's clothing. She had even once remarked that she would use him as emergency food if he attained a physical form.

"Between me and her, she's the beast," he muttered to himself. His feet were shivering as he recalled this. He clicked his tongue as he remembered something else. "Tch. She also forgot to allocate the 200 Stat Points sitting idly in her Status," he thought, his lips crinkling with a small, amused smile, and his grey eyes wandered to her. Little lights of affection sparkled in his eyes momentarily. He contemplated waking her up but shrugged in the end.

"I guess...I'll absorb mana," Nyx muttered and settled into a meditating pose on the sand. Though he quickly grasped his [Mana Absorption] ability, he was unsure about how much mana he should absorb exactly, and the effects that would follow. "Um...I'll just take everything," he thought fleetingly and proceeded to do just that.

[24 Minutes Later.]

< Congratulations! You've advanced to Level 2! >

Nyx: "..."







Divine Calendar Year 5568

The Faceless Realm

Outer World: The Forsaken World


The scent of blood heavily punctuated the snowy forested area. The freezing temperatures contributed to the visibly increasing icicles upon the conical, green trees. However, even in this deathly cold, a masked and sturdy man dressed in a mere black shirt and dark pants expressed little discomfort. A pair of enchanting, electric-blue eyes shone captivatingly behind the black mask he adorned.

< The targeted individual has rejected your offer. > The labyrinth's voice, which he had made himself, declared to him. The message was so unheard of that it made his lips curl up into an amused smile. Of course, he had been aware that things would not go as he had planned.

Nonetheless, this only meant that he would have to actively intervene...

How had this individual entered the Labyrinth without his knowledge? Many queries ran in his mind, unanswered, as he strode briskly through the snow-clad forest. The bitingly cold air warmed in his presence as though he was fire itself. The white snow around him melted into pools of crystal-clear water and then soundlessly vanished into vapor.

The critters lurking in the shadows froze in place, their eyes glowing with terror at his immense aura—overflowing with unhinged bloodlust—which crammed every habitat with fear.

He had spent more than a thousand years bored out of his mind, looking for someone who had—for the little he knew about them—barely any relation to him. Now though, something had conveniently appeared to entertain him. Was this not his fortune at work?

He dragged his bandaged left foot behind him against the visibly melting snow. The limb throbbed with a vague, crimson glow...

So, a 'bishōnen', or "beautiful boy", is a popular Asian character type; a male character that possesses androgynous or "feminine" physical traits.

FryingDragooncreators' thoughts