
The Apollo Twins

Hey there, readers! I've got something really special for you today - my brand new novel, "The Apollo Twins." This is a project that's been brewing in my mind for ages, ever since I binge-watched "Top Boy" and got completely sucked into the world of British street crime. [Yeah, I know, I'm a bit obsessed. But hey, when inspiration strikes, you've got to roll with it, right?] So, what's the deal with "The Apollo Twins"? Well, imagine this: two brothers, Ethan and Alex Blackwood, kicking ass and taking names in the gritty, neon-soaked streets of Manchester. These guys are the real deal - born and raised in the shadows of the city's criminal underworld, they've clawed their way to the top through sheer grit, cunning, and a whole lot of busted knuckles. On the streets, they're known as "Reaper" and "Snowman" - Ethan, the hulking enforcer with fists like sledgehammers, and Alex, the cunning mastermind with a mind like a steel trap. Together, they're unstoppable. But when a drug deal goes south and the twins find themselves on the wrong side of, well, pretty much everyone, things get really interesting. Suddenly, they're caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse, with cops, criminals, and everyone in between hot on their heels. And that's where you come in, dear reader. I want you to join Ethan and Alex on this wild, adrenaline-fueled ride. I want you to feel every punch, every gunshot, every heart-stopping twist and turn. [And let me tell you, there's no shortage of blood and gore in this story. If you're squeamish, you might want to keep a bucket nearby. But if you're like me and you love a good, gritty, no-holds-barred crime thriller, then you're in for a treat.] I've poured my blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe just a lot of coffee and late nights) into making this story as raw, as real, and as gripping as possible. If you're a fan of bone-crunching action, complex characters, and plots that keep you guessing until the very last page, then "The Apollo Twins" is the book for you. [And if you're wondering why I decided to write this story, well... let's just say that "Top Boy" really got under my skin. I couldn't stop thinking about the world of British street crime, and I knew I had to put my own spin on it. So, I took the grit and the grime of "Top Boy," and I cranked it up to eleven. I added more stakes, more danger, and yes, a whole lot more blood. The result is a story that's not for the faint of heart, but one that I think will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.] Writing this novel has been a wild journey for me, and I can't wait for you to experience it too. I've put my heart and soul into every page, and I genuinely believe that it shows. So, if you're ready to dive into the seedy, dangerous, and utterly thrilling world of Ethan and Alex Blackwood, then buckle up, buttercup. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Thanks for giving "The Apollo Twins" a chance. I promise, you won't regret it. And if you do, well... I guess you can always use it as a coaster for your coffee mug. (Just kidding. Please don't do that. I worked really hard on this thing.) Alright, enough rambling from me. It's time for you to meet the twins. Happy reading, folks. And remember - keep your head down and your fists up. It's a dangerous world out there. Golden Essence

Golden_Essence · perkotaan
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17 Chs


Danny and Taji were still at the bar, the party raging around them. They'd been arguing about the UK rap scene for the last ten minutes.

"Nah, fam, you're bugging," Danny said, shaking his head. "Bone's the realest in the game right now. His flow, his lyrics, it's unmatched."

Taji scoffed. "Please. Mans just another industry plant. You want real talent, you gotta dig deep."

They went back and forth, throwing out names and tracks, each trying to one-up the other. Danny was grinning, enjoying the debate. Taji had a sharp wit and a deep knowledge of the scene. It was refreshing.

Their discussion was interrupted by the return of JB and his crew, Tariq in tow. They surrounded Danny, all smiles and dap.

"Yo, Danny boy!" JB clapped him on the shoulder. "We been looking for you, fam. It's time to get you set up proper."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "Set up with what?"

"With Icarus, bruv! It's the only way to be in the know 'round here. All the best gigs, the top parties, it all runs through the app."

Tariq nodded, but Danny noticed the tightness around his eyes. "Yeah, man. It's how we all stay connected."

Taji, who had been watching the exchange silently, caught Danny's eye. She gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head, her gaze loaded with unspoken warning.

Danny hesitated. "I don't know, it seems a bit much just for some party invites."

JB laughed. "Nah, fam, it's so much more than that. Icarus is the key to everything. Trust."

Despite his reservations, Danny found himself curious. What was so special about this app that everyone seemed to live and die by it?

"Alright, so how do I get on it?" he asked.

JB grinned, pulling out his phone. "Here, let me send you the link to download—"

"Nah, I got it," Tariq cut in, his voice a little too sharp. "I'll send it to Danny myself. No need to be passing phones around."

JB shrugged, but there was a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. "Suit yourself, fam. Send it to him now."

Tariq nodded, already pulling out his own phone. Danny watched as he tapped out a quick message, his fingers flying over the screen.

A moment later, Danny's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing a download link from Tariq.

As he tapped the link, the app downloaded quickly. When he opened it, Danny was immediately hit with a wall of permissions requests. Access to his contacts, his location, his camera and microphone. It even wanted a biometric scan of his face.

"Is all this really necessary?" he asked, his unease growing.

JB waved a hand. "It's just for security, fam. Gotta make sure only the right people are getting in, ya know?"

Danny looked to Tariq, who gave a tight nod. "It's standard, man. Everyone has to do it."

Swallowing his doubts, Danny started inputting his information. Name, age, university, course of study. The app seemed to want to know everything about him.

Just as he was about to hit the final submit button, Tariq gripped his arm.

"Yo, hold up a sec," he said, pulling Danny aside. "I need to talk to you real quick."

They stepped away from the group, Tariq's face serious. "Look, man, I know Icarus seems like it's all fun and games. But there's some heavy shit that goes down on there too."

Danny frowned. "What do you mean?"

Tariq glanced over his shoulder, lowering his voice. "I'm just saying, there's corners of the app you might want to avoid. Shit that can get you in trouble, you feel me?"

The concern in Tariq's voice was palpable. Danny could tell he was trying to warn him without saying too much.

"I hear you, bro," Danny said. "Appreciate you looking out."

Tariq nodded, relief flickering across his face. "I got your back, fam. Just be careful, yeah?"

They rejoined the group, JB looking at them expectantly. "We all good?"

Danny hesitated, his finger hovering over the submit button. Tariq's words echoed in his head. Did he really want to dive into this world before he fully understood it?

"Actually, I think I'm gonna hold off for now," he said, lowering his phone. "Just until I get a better feel for things, you know?"

JB's smile faltered, but he quickly recovered. "Ay, it's cool, fam. You'll come around. They always do."

There was a note of condescension in his voice that set Danny's teeth on edge. Like he was some naive kid who didn't know better.

Tariq clapped him on the shoulder. "Come on, man. Let's bounce. I'm beat."

Danny nodded, grateful for the out. They said their goodbyes, JB and his crew watching them go with hooded eyes.

As they pushed through the crowd towards the exit, Danny felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out, frowning at the screen.

{You have not completed your onboarding process. Would you like to continue?}

The notification was from Icarus, the app icon pulsing softly.

Danny stared at it, a chill running down his spine. He hadn't even finished setting up his account. How was it already sending him messages?

He pocketed the phone, his mind racing. What had he gotten himself into? And more importantly, how deep did this rabbit hole go?

The cool night air was a relief as they stepped outside. Danny took a deep breath, trying to clear his head.

"Tariq, man, what is this app really about?" he asked as they walked. "Because it feels like more than just a party invite system."

Tariq sighed, his shoulders slumping. "It's nothing, mate. Don't worry about it. Just a way to link up and stay connected, like I said."

But Danny could hear the lie in his voice, see the way he wouldn't quite meet his eyes. Tariq was hiding something, something he didn't want Danny to know.

As they walked, the notification on his phone seemed to burn a hole in his pocket. Icarus, it seemed, wasn't going to let him go that easily.

But Danny was determined. He'd find out the truth about this app, one way or another. And he'd find a way to help Tariq, to free him from the chains that seemed to bind him.

Because in a world where loyalty was a rare commodity, Danny knew it was the most valuable thing he had to offer. And he wasn't about to let it go.
