
the apocalypse in my dreams (hiatus)

"I have very vivid dreams. one singular dream every night, whenever I slept i woke up where I had left off in that dream , how did it all start ?. Everything was normal, until one day, I fell asleep after returning from work. When I woke up, I found myself in a nightmarish world. Ruined buildings, crushed cars, overgrown roads—you name it. I got chosen by the tower as the last 'Player', I don't know what it means and what will happen next. But one thing is certain the reality i see in my dreams, I'll prevent it from ever happening to my world. I will save everything and everyone, I will prevent that hell from happening."

Lucifer_fallen_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

The Girl Who Loves Money

In the depths of unconsciousness, Jin-ho remained oblivious to Leo's attempts to wake him up.

Leo: (frustrated) Wake up, Jin-ho! We can't stay down; we need to get up!

But it was all of no avail.

Baek retrieved his phone with practiced efficiency. Dialing a number, while the calling was ringing, he spoke to himself in a low tone.

Baek-hyeon: (muttering to himself) Too easy.

As the call connected, he addressed his boss, Kim-Suho, with the assurance of a professional completing a task.

Baek-hyeon: Boss, the target is secured. I'm on my way to deliver.

The distance sounds of the police sirens started to come closer to their location, due to that annoyance etched onto baek's face, as he muttered to himself in response to the approaching law enforcement.

Baek-hyeon: (irritated) Just what I need... the interference of these pests. Gotta wrap this up quickly.

Baek-hyeon swiftly pocketed his phone and cast a discerning glance at the unconscious Jin-ho. he hoisted Jin-ho's limp form over his shoulder, preparing to depart the scene before the impending arrival of the police.

Baek-hyeon: (muttering) Time to vanish before they complicate things.

As the police sirens drew nearer, Baek-hyeon blended into the streets of Seoul.

Baek-hyeon navigated through the alleys until he reached a secluded spot. Waiting for him was a nondescript gray Hyundai Kona. In a synchronized dance of efficiency, he opened the rear of the vehicle, gently placing Jin-ho inside.

Seated in the passenger seat was a girl named Mi-cha. Her pale skin contrasted with the sleek cascade of silver hair that framed her face. She wore a tailored black suit, giving her an air of understated elegance.

Baek-hyeon: (as he got into the car) Mi-cha, we need to move quickly. Police are on their way.

Mi-cha: (nodding) Understood.

With the captured Jin-ho securely stowed, the Hyundai Kona roared to life and disappeared into the sea's of traffic.

As the car smoothly navigated through the city's streets, Mi-cha glanced at Jin-ho, who remained unconscious in the back seat. Baek-hyeon kept a watchful eye on the road, occasionally stealing a glance at Mi-cha.

Mi-cha: (looking at Jin-ho) He doesn't seem like much. Why's the boss interested in this guy?

Baek-hyeon: (shrugging) Boss didn't share the details with me. Just said to grab him and bring him in.

Mi-cha: (leaning back, crossing her legs) Well, whatever it is, I hope it pays well.

Baek-hyeon: (smirking) You never change, Mi-cha. Always after the money.

Mi-cha: (smiling) Money makes the world go 'round, Baek. You should know that by now.

Mi-cha: (casually) So, how's your little sister holding up? Must be tough for her without you around.

Baek-hyeon: (sighing) Yeah, it's been hard on her. Growing up alone most of the time, you know? But she's a tough one. Takes after our old man.

Mi-cha: (raising an eyebrow) Your old man? Didn't know you had a family. What's he like?

Baek-hyeon:(grimacing) He's... complicated. Did his best to raise us, but life wasn't kind. Ended up in some bad deals, got tangled up with the wrong people. I had to take the fall for him.

Mi-cha: (nodding) Tough break. But you're out now. That's what matters.


A women was sitting inside her house , smoking a cigarette as she received a call from her informat.

Mysterious Woman: (inhales from her cigarette) You're calling me again so soon. What's the rush?

Informant: (nervously) You told me to keep an eye on the kid, right? Well, something's happened.

Mysterious Woman: (leaning forward, concerned) Spit it out. What's going on?

Informant: (hesitant) He got kidnapped. Some guy named Baek-hyeon took him. They were in a fight, but then Baek-hyeon just... took him.

Mysterious Woman: (furrowing her brows) Kidnapped? Baek-hyeon? (pauses) Why didn't you intervene?

Informant: (defensive) I ain't stupid. That Baek-hyeon guy is strong. I couldn't do anything without risking my own neck.

Mysterious Woman: (exhales smoke) Get me more information. Find out where they're taking him. And don't screw this up.

The mysterious woman ended the call.

Mysterious Woman: (muttering to herself) Jin-ho... kidnapped? This wasn't part of the plan. (takes a drag from her cigarette) If someone's after him, things just got more complicated.

She leaned back on the couch, a cloud of smoke surrounding her.

Mysterious Woman: (determined) If they think they can just snatch him away, they're in for a surprise. I won't let anyone harm him.

She extinguished her cigarette and grabbed a jacket, heading out of her house determined to save 'his' son.