
The Apex Alpha.

Usual guy dies and gets reincarnated into a tv-show with some wishes and then does whatever he wants. had to create this one while i take a small break from my other fanfic, the other one is not dropped, i am still writing but it will be a bit before i update it.

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7 Chs

Chapter 1: New Life

Gaining consciousness, I find myself floating in darkness with nothing in sight around me. I can't remember how I died nor how long I have been floating here, whether it has been days, weeks, or years, maybe even decades or centuries. All I can do is float there, thinking about the memories that I can remember. Those of the T.V. shows, movies, and novels I have watched and read or all the memories of how I lived life with all the good and bad choices.

As I was lost in my thoughts, suddenly, a crack in space opened, and through it, a burst of bright white light came through, blinding me. "Now, this is interesting." I heard coming from the deep voice of the being that just appeared. "You are an anomaly that should not have happened, but it is too late to do anything; you have been in here for a few thousand years and have been too tainted by the energy here for me to send you on the normal reincarnation path." The voice continued to say while inching his chin as if contemplating what to do with me.

"I'm sorry, sir, but who are you?" I asked the unknown being in front of me that was probably judging my life and death right now. 

"Ah, that's right. You can think of me as a random god passing by and finding you." 

"So a R.O.B. essentially?"

"Exactly, kid."

"So what happens to me now."

The being looks at me for a moment with an inspective gaze before speaking, "Well, since I can't send you through the normal process, then I shall give you something good, take it as an apology for leaving you here so long and a reward for not going crazy or all that time."

"Thank you, sir."

"No problem. Now I will give you three wishes: choice of the world you want to go to, your appearance, and your background."

Hearing what the R.O.B. said, I was a little excited and started to think about the best choices. I want to go to the Teen Wolf world and have fun, but I will need to be strong enough for the later stages.

"For my first wish, I would like to have the powers of a primordial wolf, with my wolf transformation stopping at the size of twilight wolves and the glow of my eyes to be a shining silver. 'I never understood why some authors wanted unnecessarily big wolf sizes.' For my second wish, I would like to have my weakness shifted to only wolfsbane covered in ash from the center of the earth to be able to weaken me. For my third, I would like to be able to void walk."

"Going for the O.P. settings, huh? Well, I will grant it since you already know you don't plan to destroy the world or anything and want to enjoy your life. Now, choose your looks and background."

"thank you for my looks. Can you make me 6'3, with a toned swimmer's body, short spiky white hair, grey eyes, and a sharp jawline? For my background, I would like to be born into a rich family whose parents died in a plane crash on their way to a vacation spot."

"It shall be done; now that we are finished with everything, I will send you on your way; good luck, kid."

After he was finished, he waved his hand, and everything went dark. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a room I did not recognize. When I was looking at my new surroundings, a significant headache assaulted me, and with it came all the memories of this new life. My new name is Zade Michaels, and I am the son of Laura and Jaden Michaels, who are tycoons in the business industry and part of the world's top 1%. A week ago, the couple decided to take a vacation for some time alone in the Himalayas when something went wrong with their plane, and it went down and crashed into one of the mountains; no bodies were recovered.

After they died, the company fell to me along with everything they own, and right now, I'm in the main mansion located in L.A. 'Well, I'm 14 now, and the summer is just beginning, which means that I have some time to prepare for my move to Beacon Hills'. Getting up from my bed, I stretched my body and looked at myself in the whole-body mirrors beside my bed on the wall. 'Wow, R.O.B. outdid himself with how I look; I must remember to thank him if I see him again.'

Satisfied with my looks, I closed my eyes and calmed myself, trying to channel my new powers; opening my eyes, I saw a pair of silver eyes that go great with my gray ones; raising my hand, I made a fist and then opened my hands releasing my claws that were longer and sharper than normal werewolves. 'intriguing.'

Finished with what I was doing, I decided to shower and dress for the day. Walking out of my room in black jeans, a black long-sleeve shirt with a silver chain hanging around my neck, and a pair of combat boots, I went to the dining room for breakfast, where I came across the bodyguard my parents assigned to me, Jake. He is a former special ops and dangerous to the point where there are even legends about him in the Middle East. 

"Good morning, Jake." I greeted him

"Good morning, young master; I hope you slept well."

"I did; there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done, so be prepared once I'm finished with my breakfast," I said while sitting at the long dining table while the maids served me breakfast and refreshments.

"yes, sir."

Finishing my breakfast, I wiped my mouth and called Jake over, "Jake, I need you to build a house in Beacon Hills; I want it secured like a fortress also, find some discharged soldiers or veterans that need work, train them, and I want them Guarding the house when I arrive in Beacon hills in the next year. Finally, get me Martial arts teachers for any that you can find. I want to start training in a month." When I was done speaking, I looked over to see Jake with a questioning gaze, trying to figure out why I suddenly needed these things. " Do not worry your head over these choices and just carry them out; you will understand everything in due time," I said, leaving him still confused as I made my way to the gym to start a workout.