
The Apartment in front of the Deaths

The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an epic saga that presents an intricate web of stories of distinct characters, all connected by a mysterious apartment that appears to be at the center of tragic events. From courageous heroes to cunning villains and ambiguous anti-heroes, each character has their own journey in different places, but they all share the same dark universe full of dangers. As each individual battles their own inner demons and faces unique challenges, they ultimately discover that their destinies are intertwined in unexpected ways, culminating in an epic confrontation that will change the course of the world in which they live. With exciting twists, intense conflicts and an engaging narrative, The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an unmissable saga that will take readers to a universe full of unimaginable dangers and surprises.

Toyykooong · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
194 Chs


*The blades clash, the sound of metal echoes. Ryota avoids attacks with agility, slashing his enemies with precision. The wind whispers his intentions as he struggles to achieve peace and avenge his family.*

*Ryota releases a blast of fiery energy, knocking down the faction leaders. His determination ignites his heart as he moves through the rubble, vowing to restore peace and honor his family's memory.*

continues) but at the time of Ryota's fight, the villain who defeated him appears before Ryota on the battlefield, the Villain says he created the vision of Ryota's family's death so that Ryota becomes furious and retaliates against other countries and factions

Ryota's eyes narrow anger racing through his veins. He refuses to let the villain manipulate him any further. With a swift movement, he charges towards the villain, determined to end this once and for all.

*Ryota, bloodied and lying on the ground, stares at the villain. His determination is not shaken even in defeat. He swears this won't be his final story and prepares to stand up and fight again.*

*Ryota refuses to be defeated by the Villain. He stands up with difficulty and tooth and nail, fighting again, promising that justice and peace will prevail.*

*Ryota resists the beatings, his determination intensified by the humiliation. He finds hidden forces and rises once again, challenging the villain to fight to the end.*

*Ryota, panting and injured, looks into the villain's eyes with a mixture of pain and determination. He responds, "My family is part of who I am. I fight for them and for myself. You'll never understand."*

Villain: yes I understand why) The Villain removing the cape from his face reveals him to be Ryota's brother calling PezzIz

*Ryota is stunned to see his brother's face. A mixture of emotions washes over him: shock, pain, and a vague hope that perhaps the truth can overcome the darkness.*

Villain says because I'm his brother PezzIz.

*Ryota's eyes narrow when he hears the name PezzIz. He clenches his fist, painful memories resurfacing. With a firm voice, Ryota responds:* "PezzIz, my lost brother. What made you choose this dark path?"

Pezzlz: to achieve eternal peace in this world is to make happiness return to the way it was before, there is no war, there is no prejudice or hatred, only love is eternal friendships

Pezzlz: to achieve eternal peace in this world is to make happiness return to the way it was before, there is no war, there is no prejudice or hatred, only love is eternal friendships

* Ryota stares at Pezzlz, sadness in his gaze. He responds resolutely:* "Pezzlz, peace cannot be achieved through suffering and violence. There are other ways. Let's find one together."

* Ryota stares at Pezzlz, his expression softens. He responds:* "True peace cannot be found through darkness. I choose a different path, a path of hope and redemption. Together we can find true happiness."

Pezzlz: Ryota humans don't care about eternal peace or redemption they only care about their selfish pleasures, I will change that, whether you want it or not, if humans don't want to change for true peace or redemption, the suffering is the deaths Those who refuse eternal peace will be killed

*Ryota stares at Pezzlz, sadness in his eyes.* "I can't let you do this. Peace cannot be achieved through violence. I will stop you, even if it is against my own family."

Pezzlz: I'm sorry Ryota but if you continue so be it, because no one is and no one will stand in my way.

*Ryota mentally prepares himself for the imminent confrontation, his hands tightly gripping the hilt of his sword. He is determined to stop his brother and protect those he loves.* "I will not back down. Not even you will stop me."

* Ryota feels intense pain as the sword penetrates his chest. With a determined look, he smiles weakly.* "You may have hurt me, but you cannot stop the light of true peace." *Ryota makes one last effort and launches himself against Pezzlz, starting an epic battle.*

* Ryota delivers rapid blows with his sword, while flashbacks of his childhood with Pezzlz flood his mind. Memories of laughter and jokes mixed with the pain of betrayal. The battle intensifies, both determined to prevail.*

*Ryota manages to nimbly dodge the fire attack and his sword strike collides with Pezzlz's spell. Magical energy disperses around them, creating sparks and flames.*

*Ryota is hit by Zeus' lightning, but does not allow the pain to overwhelm him. He stands up, his face disfigured and burned, his resolve increased.* "You underestimate my power, brother. This will only strengthen my will to protect the peace."

Pezzlz: no, brother, I have never underestimated you, I know that you are powerful, the prodigy of our family, but unfortunately I am the one who exceeded their expectations before you, brother

*Ryota smiles, challenged

or.* "You may have achieved great things, but you will never surpass the power of my heart and the loyalty I have to the people I love."

Pezzlz smiling is telling people that you love Ryota they don't care about you they already abandoned you a long time ago you just didn't realize silly brother

*Ryota stares at Pezzlz, his expression hardened with pain.* "No matter what you say, I will always find strength in those who truly matter to me. That's the difference between us, brother."

Pezzlz: if that's true then say you matter

*Ryota fixes his gaze on Pezzlz, the intensity in his eyes reflecting his determination.* "I care. More than you could ever understand."

Pezzlz: who are these people that you care about, tell me so I will tell the truth about these people regarding you brother

*The sparks of Pezzlz's magic light up the room, revealing scars from past battles on Ryota's face. He raises his sword, determined.*

"My connections are my strength, no matter what you think. And I will prove it with every blow I land against you, brother."

*Ryota's grip on his sword tightens, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and anger.*

"My past does not define me. I choose my path and the people who truly care will always be by my side."

Pezzlz: if this is true, where are your friends, companions or family who are by your side on your journey here, look around you, no one is by your side

*I look around and notice the apparent absence of my companions. I take a deep breath, maintaining determination.* "They may not be here physically, but their values and support are still present within me, strengthening my path."

*Ryota lets out a sigh and shakes his head, fingers tightening on the hilt of his sword.* "No matter what you say, I will continue to believe in the strength of my bonds. They may be invisible to you, but they are real to me. "

Pezzlz: so say, these ties of yours have already saved you from the bullying you suffered or saved you from starving on the streets and no one supported you, don't say no, brother because I know you, you have already suffered these things that I know

*Ryota stares at Pezzlz, his fists clenched.* "You're wrong. These bonds gave me the strength to overcome every hardship. They helped me become who I am today."

Pezzlz: bonds these brothers that were created in your mind

*Ryota remains calm, looking into Pezzlz's eyes.* "You can try to deny it, but believing in the strength of my bonds is what drives me. And it is with this strength that I will defeat you."

Pezzlz: OK, so tell me, little brother, to revisit your dark memories

*Ryota looks straight into Pezzlz's eyes, his expression serious and determined.* "Very well, then let's reminisce together. But be prepared, because my dark past has only made me stronger."

Pezzlz then cast a spell for Ryota to review his childhood memories of bullying, beatings from his adoptive parents, loneliness, being homeless

*Ryota closes his eyes when he feels the impact of the spell, but remains firm. His painful memories rise before him, but he faces them with courage, using these memories as fuel for his determination.* "These dark memories shaped who I am today. They will not be the ones that stop me."

Pezzlz then cast a spell that Ryota didn't remember where his adoptive father abused him when he was still a child, making Ryota shocked.

*Ryota feels a shock run through his body as the repressed memory resurfaces. His eyes are wide and his expression shows the intensity of the shock. He stands still for a moment, processing the revelation.*

Pezzlz reliving the memory of Ryota's abused father repeated several times in front of the present Ryota making him grab his head is screaming in despair

*Ryota falls to his knees, clutching his head, screaming in agony as the memory replays itself over and over again. His face shows a mix of unbearable pain and intense fury.* "This... won't... break me... I'm stronger than this..."

but there is no point after 24 hours of repeating the act, Ryota is defeated and falls to the ground mentally broken

*Ryota falls to the ground, mentally broken. His spirit is shaken, his strength exhausted. He surrenders to the pain, unable to resist. The shadow of defeat lies over him.*