
The Apartment in front of the Deaths

The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an epic saga that presents an intricate web of stories of distinct characters, all connected by a mysterious apartment that appears to be at the center of tragic events. From courageous heroes to cunning villains and ambiguous anti-heroes, each character has their own journey in different places, but they all share the same dark universe full of dangers. As each individual battles their own inner demons and faces unique challenges, they ultimately discover that their destinies are intertwined in unexpected ways, culminating in an epic confrontation that will change the course of the world in which they live. With exciting twists, intense conflicts and an engaging narrative, The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an unmissable saga that will take readers to a universe full of unimaginable dangers and surprises.

Toyykooong · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
194 Chs


The raven flaps its wings, silencing the subtle murmurs from the bar. "Ladies, gentlemen, and ethereal beings of various kinds, gather 'round!" it caws with a hint of drama. "Behold the glorious figure who will lead this establishment into... well, into something. Oh, blast, I've neglected to learn your name! Mind sharing?"

The raven raises an eyebrow, "Ah, Ankylophono. Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?

Anyway, a bit of formality to clear up, if you don't mind. How shall we address you?"

The raven gives a faux salute, "Very well, sir. Gather 'round everyone and meet Mr. Ankylophono."

As every eye (and some non-eyes) fixate on you, the raven nudges you with a wing, "Don't just stand there like you've died again. Say something!"