
Chapter 1 the formation

In a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean a town meeting was taking place. The evil monarch of the island named King Brandon was addressing his subjects. In the crowd were 2 men. Their names were Roy and Alexander. They were best friends but thought of each other more as brothers. Alex was overweight with short brown hair and a long brown beard. Roy who was 6 years younger was a foot taller then Alexander with long black hair long sideburns and glasses. As Brandon made announcements like higher taxes and mandatory conscription, the crowd was getting progressively angrier. Brandon was about as tall as Roy his age too with a jarhead haircut brown hair stubble and fire in his eyes.

After the meeting adjourned Roy angrily turned to Alex and said, "my brother it's time we did something about this." Alex sighed and said, "I agree," from that moment a idea started to take shape. A idea that would lead to the formation of a group of assassins the world had not yet seen.