
The Anti-Messiah

Inspired from the Abrahamic concept of an anti-messiah, this is a dystopian novel, enlightening if that Anti-Messiah came in the time of celestial technology. Who will stop the deceiver? It keeps getting better as time progresses

Salman_Siddiqui_76 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

The Age Of Affray (A Prologue)

The round globe was wreathed in bloodshed. The gluttonous desire for power, possessed by the elite, had led to tons of conflict and confiscated the lives of millions of innocent. Wonted wars occurred on the planet, whether it was the Soviet Union fighting Europe or Arabs fighting Persians for dominance in religion and the region. 2089 was not the prettiest of years to be alive.

On the more stygian side, technology had become celestial. The government of every country had agreed upon A.I superiority, and utilized robots for day to day jobs, which unemployed most of mankind. To feed their craving bellies, humans had no choice but to be a part of the ludicrous system and most of them reluctantly joined armies. Every man and woman, whether they lived under the scorching sun of Africa or on the isolated island of Australia, had a chip injected under the skin of their hands, for Healthcare purposes, or their governments asserted so....

Freedom of speech in the pre Renaissance era was superior compared to the scenario in 2089. Voice sensors were installed on every street and in every house to catch any anti-government remarks. The one plead guilty of this was abducted and confined to a 6 by 5 prison. That's not all, the person whether male or female was to be thrown in the prison naked, at the BITING temperature of -58 C. Deeds like theft, **** and murder were overlooked and pure dictatorship was at it's peak.

Robots were no longer, dependent on homo sapiens to produce more of their lineage, their specially designed characteristics assisted them in populating the earth with more of their kind. The factories that produced these beings were monumental, and polluted the environment. More internet less leaves, more tanks less schools, more depression less joy, life couldn't have been better.

Population stoppage was literally shooting someone instead of using a condom. Despite, being 10 billion in number, mankind weren't even equal in power to the scanty 10 million robots, just because of the kaput mentality and inferiority complexes this matrix developed.

In 2089, Pre Marital relationships had become more common than women wearing clothes. Sexual Freedom was at it's peak in human society, since the time of evolution. Divorce rates, Depression, Poor Family Systems, Rapes and Directionlessness were increasing every single day. As a result, the youth and children had no purpose left. Most young people were on the streets and had no choice but to commit crimes for a living. History proved that increased sexual constraints always led to a flourishing culture, but history and knowledge would've never saved a community who took their desires as their gods.

Global Pandemics in the 21st century increased after 2019's Corona virus. There were multiple pandemics, because of vaping, illegal sex among youngsters, environmental damage due to the manufacturing of more and more A.I's.

Out of all those problems, the 'Gordian's Knot' was extortion of genuinely everything. Apart from South Asia there was no rain on the planet that year. A water shortage affected drinking, agriculture and there was a smidgen amount of food. Out of destitution, unemployment and agitation people waited for a savior and remained blinded by the media and the system