
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Komik
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79 Chs

Torturing and killing Mad Hatter and system reveals the final boss (1)

Vishal and his father talked about the fund in the press conference and answered questions regarding the fund. The two of them declared that as soon as the recovery reaches certain point they will be expanding to enitrety of USA. Many thought of it as a publicity stunt but after a week they all changed their opinions.

Many mothers who went into coma due to child dying in the wombs were given free treatment in hospitals. Many children who became orphans because of single mother's were admitted to Amarnath Oprhanage as another building is being built for it. In metropolis, they sent children to reputed ones too.

Volunteers came in droves to help people. Some did it out of goodness while other did it for money but Vishal acheived what he wanted to do.

After 2 weeks not only USA government but many other governments put a call for volunteers to help the people who have suffered in the form of monetary rewards and certificates.

The world had took a step towards recovering from the disaster that has happened. The Justice League were happy that people were flocking to help others even though their motivations may be selfish.

Only Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman were having a bad taste in mouth because Vishal is associated with Red Hood and outlaws.

"Amazons will pay and I'll make sure of that. It will be a bloody massacre that even if Zeus comes to help them I'll crush him. But that will happen only after Nephalem bloodline reaches 75%. There is no fun if you barely win against Olympus struggling to fight them. You need to dominate them and crush their pride and I'll wipe out entire army under Hippolyta and break her both psychologically and her body will be crushed." Vishal said with anger to the system.

"As for Lucifer and Michael let them enjoy this wager of souls. When I am strong enough to rival them then they would regret making a deal with the Olympus for souls." said Vishal.

System breathed a sigh of relief on hearing those words because Vishal might have stood against low level angels and demons but he is still not enough to go against likes of Lucifer or Michael Demiurgos. His power is at a level of new gods since he has only mastered 3% of the Bloodline powers until now and his immortality is he doesn't age and have very high powers.

In the third week Vishal made his way to sewers and entered a place with huge amount of smell which is under Upper West.

[Warning: M-18 scene ahead.]

Mad Hatter was hanging in air with chains tied up on his two legs and two hands. He had a crooked smile even when he is tied up.

"Looks whose here. The vigilante himself. How does it feel failing the little girls who lost their father's?" asked Hatter trying to enrage Vishal.

Vishal was already angry with Amazonians actions and he wanted let off some steam by taking revenge for his sister.

"System, make sure that no one interferes in my revenge because even though calm demeanor is keeping me from losing control I can't guarantee it will be effective if my red lantern powers breakout due to either superheroes or unscrupulous villains." said Vishal.

"I'll seal the space around the entire area host. After getting your revenge I'll show you the true enemy and the final boss you have to face to set things right and start upgrading myself and will not be available for another 4 months." said the system.

"Yeah, you did not replly when we first came to this world because I am not strong enough. So, I am strong enough to know it now?" asked Vishal.

"Yes." said the system as the entire space got sealed from outside world.

Vishal wanted Hatter to see who is the one that will torture and kill him.

"What happened? Did I touch the body of one of your families for getting special treatment?" mocked Hatter.

Vishal was not even affected because his rage combined with calm demeanor did not make him lose control over those words.

"You should know why you are going to die." said Vishal.

"It's always the same. Batman will come for you and I will be free." said Hatter carelessly.

Vishal chuckled and asked "What is he going to do when the entire place is sealed from the world itself?"

Mad Hatter's smile faltered and slowly it turned into helplessness.

"You should've kept quiet and the torture would have been simple but since you opened your mouth and talked about putting hands on my sister. You'll experience a torture that you will not forget in after life." said Vishal as he clicked the back of the helmet and revealed his true self to Hatter.

Hatter's face went pale on seeing what is the true face of Vigilante.

Vishal had a crazed look on his face and said "Welcome to my hell."

Vishal sent his hand into the dimension and took out a wall driller.

"I'll start with the part that defiled my sister and caused her to commit suicide." said Vishal as a sick grin appeared.

Since the driller is powered with magic it immediately started working and Hatter screamed "No... Please.. No..."

His face started sweating seeing Vishal come at him with driller.

Vishal forcibly plunged the driller into the d*ck of Mad Hatter and blood splashed.

"AAAAAAG NOOOO, PLEASE. I WAS WRONG. SPARE ME." shouted Mad Hatter but Vishal paid no heed.

"Gordon, Batman, someone. SAVVVVEEEE MEEEE." Hatter shouted in agony.

Vishal had a happy psychotic grin. Vishal made sure that Hatter wouldn't die of this using mental magic and soul magic.

Hatter is experiencing suffering without death. His penis was cut off along with balls.

Vishal put the driller back into storage. "What's next?" Vishal put his hand on chin and rubbed it.

"Oh yeah. Tongue, teeth and eyes. Let's go with that." said as Vishal laughed as he felt it oddly satisfying.

"Good thing I packed all of the torture stuff." thought Vishal.

He took out a wire which had a metallic clip and forcibly opened Hatter's mouth and put the clip and tied the other end to the chains of his leg thus keeping his tongue exposed outside.

"How about some itching powder? said Vishal.

Hatter's eyes widened on hearing the words.

"You will not die that easily. You'll experience suffering before you die." said Vishal with venom oozing from his words.

He sprinkled a powder green in colour on Hatter's tongue at large quantity.

"WAAAAA" Hatter felt itch but could not scratch and he felt hell would be better than torture like this.

What? Do you feel pain? What about my sister?" shouted Vishal as tears formed in his eyes.

Since he was residing in the body of other, the emotions were due to previous memories.

The tongue was filled with red pox and Vishal took out a burner and burned the tongue off.

Hatter did not have energy to scream and could only experience the pain. Many tears of suffering fell down like waterfall.

Seeing the scene Vishal felt a twisted satisfaction.

"Pedophiles like you should suffer a fate like this or worse than this." said Vishal.

Vishal took out a hammer and landed it quickly on the mouth of Hatter. Many teeth shattered and he kept on going until his mouth was devoid of teeth.

"P...P...I ..AM.." Hatter tried to talk but its not use.

"Next, you're eyes." said Vishal as he took out a knife and plunged it into the eyes of Hatter removing the eyeballs.

"Well, that's satisfying. Let's give him a break as next part will be gruesome too." thought Vishal as he sat on a chair and put some of the torture equipment inside. The blood covered the entire area but Hatter is not dead but he is in a pathetic and barely alive state thanks to Vishal's magic.

"Next part will begin after a break of 15 minutes." said Vishal as a demonic smile enveloped his face and Hatter who saw after Vishal recovered his eyes this felt fear even after this much torture.