
The Angel At The Cathedral

Astrid was a very normal human girl.. She was a games developer and an orphan. She lives in a California... She's a games developer... she had a boyfriend for 2 years now but she's never allowed him to have sex with her... On their 3rd anniversary she plans to actually open herself to him, only for her to find him cheating on her with her best friend.... Because she was alone in the world (orphan)..She had nowhere to go but the church... That same day, an angel was resting in the church seeing her cry worried him and he became curious and eventually left heaven to find out about her... He land on her porch on night and then the girl had to struggle with keeping his identity secret... Then falls in love with him, the same time he does... The plot twist of her identity comes up and becomes a problem... Stay tuned to find out of her struggles and adventure...

Myra_lee8 · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been two weeks since I broke up with Vincent. He's always been trying to reach out to me, he even comes to the office to talk to me, but I always avoid him.

Flora told me to face him but I can't, I'm not ready to hear what he has to say.

I walked into my house, tired from work and depressed from the emotional stress I was in. I went straight to my room, had my bath and changed into my night wear.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, turned on my Netflix and searched for a very interesting movie that I should watch, so I don't think about the mess that is happening in my life currently...

I finally found a good movie and went to get the red wine with a wine glass. I sat down and started watching the movie while drinking my wine.

Halfway through the movie, I heard a sound like something fell on my balcony.

I turned my head to the direction of my balcony, but I didn't see anything, so I guessed it was from the movie and I ignored it and went back to watching the movie.

After a minute or so, I heard another sound; this time very clear coming from the balcony. I dropped the wine glass on the table and stood up to check what the source of the noise was.

As I was approaching the balcony I saw a figure, it was not really clear because it was nighttime so I couldn't see clearly.

I shook my head, wondering if I was already drunk, but then the alcohol quantity in the wine was very little, so I shouldn't be drunk.

"Who's there?" I said. There was no response or anything, it was so quiet you wouldn't believe that I heard a voice before.

I was almost doubting I saw something and was about to go back to the movie when I saw the shadow of wings... not your regular bird wings, no not that... dare I say; an angel's wings..

My eyes widened and I stepped back and shook my head again to be sure I wasn't seeing things.

But the wings were still there and it seemed to be attached to the figure and the figure was coming closer to where I was Standing.

I stood rooted to the ground still in shock. The figure finally came into the light and I was even more speechless.

I gawked at the figure... The figure was a male, wearing a white pair of trousers and a loose white shirt... My eyes trailed to his face and it was the most perfect thing I've seen…

I was about to admire more of the face before I blacked out....


I opened my eyes slowly and found myself lying on the couch. I shook my head and sat up straight. I saw the wine bottle and glass still on the table.

I was just about to pick the bottle when I remembered something; it seemed like a dream, someone came in through the balcony.

Immediately I remembered this my head turned towards the balcony and to my relief it was empty. I chuckled to myself it was probably the movie that made me delusional.

I went towards the kitchen to drop the wine bottle and glass. I was almost there when I saw a figure with wings coming towards me.

I froze it was that figure from my dream… wait was it even a dream?

Out of my shock I stepped back. The person finally came into the light and for the second time in one night my mind was blown away by his visuals.

He was very handsome, but at the moment he was looking at me like I was the dumbest being on earth.

"W-Who a-are y-you?" I stuttered.

He rolled his eyes "what do you think?"

I blinked. wow his voice is very nice, but why was he acting like I was the person that barged into his house.

"I'm calling the cops" I said hoping he'll get scared.

But he raised his left eyebrow and said "seriously, I always knew that humans were daft but you are a special case. Can't you see I have wings? I'm not scared of any cops or whatever you call them"

I took out my phone from my pocket, about to call Flora, then all of a sudden my phone died, it had a flat battery, my phone was fully charged.

I stepped back again only to realize that I had reached the end of the room. I looked at my phone asking myself how it happened, because I was so sure my phone was fully charged.

I looked at the person in my kitchen "it was you wasn't it? What did you do to my phone?".

He said with a matter of fact voice "yes I did it, you were about to make a phone call and I simply couldn't allow it"

I was getting scared and said "What do you want with me? I-I"

He interrupted me "you can just save your strength. Honestly, I want nothing to do with you but I'm in a kind of situation right now and I need you to listen without trying to call someone for help"

My mind was racing, am I in a kind of reality show or something? Wait, did I transmigrate into one of those novels I've been reading lately?

But that's unbelievable, it is also the most valid explanation to what I'm seeing, because this man in front of me looks like he's straight from a comic or something.

But then when did Angels become real?

I thought it was what the sisters told us at the orphanage just to get us to go to the church. Who knew they were so handsome.


What if he's not an angel? What if he's a demon? Because if angels exist, then demons would also exist.

I was having a heated debate in my head and I didn't realize that the so-called being was saying something to me until he appeared in front of me and snapped his fingers.

I flinched when I came to my senses and saw him in front of me.

"What time did you get here?" I asked as I panicked.

He rolled his eyes and stepped back "You were drifting off in your wonderland, I just had to bring you back"

"What were you saying?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"I was saying how I would make you go dumb if you try to tell another person that I am here" he said looking at me straight in the face.

I gave him one of those my looks that said "You really think I believe that"

"You think I'm lying? Do you even read the Bible? It's pretty obvious you don't, because if you do you'd know that an Angel once made a man dumb because he did not believe. But for you I will make you dumb because you talk too much"

I blinked, he can't do that can he? He was the person that barged into my house in the first place, but just to be on the safe side I didn't argue with him.

I said "can you put away your wings? I mean you know in most of these dramas and novels the angels could put out their wings and bring it back out when they want"

He looked at me like I was talking gibberish so I had to add "You see it's um wrecking my house" I said with a forced smile

He rolled his eyes before making the wings go away.

Wow, he actually did it. It is not a fiction Angels can put away their wings. Come to think of it, he actually looks human now, but damn he's too hot.

I got back to my senses "Ok with the wings out of the way, we can actually sit down and talk right?"

He nodded "Right, after you"

I walked to the sitting room and gestured for him to sit on the couch opposite from where I sat.

"Ok let's start with your name" I said with a fake smile

He sighed "My name is Archimedes"

"Archi- what?!" I interrupted before I could hold it in.

"Archimedes, but if it's too long for you, you can call me Medes," he added.

"As you can see I'm an angel." He breathed out.

"I knew it, you're an angel" I almost jumped from excitement.

"Obviously I'm an angel, I have white wings and you're still alive. If I am a demon, trust me you would not be alive now" He said as he rolled his eyes.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Ok Medes, how are you in my house? Most importantly, can you leave my house?"

He looked away from me towards the balcony "I don't exactly know what happened when I landed on your balcony. I was flying as usual but it felt like something pulled me into your house. I still can't explain how it happened"

I did not understand what he said "Ok but can you leave?" I added.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "No, for some reason I'm stuck here. While you passed out I tried to fly away… but it didn't work. I'm stuck here till I figure out what's going on"

Ok at this point I understood what he was saying. He said he's stuck here in my house. That is he is saying he is going to be staying in my house from now on till he figures out what to do. How long is that going to take?..

"Um Medes, is there no other way out? You can't just stay at my house. Can't you go to the church and stay?" I asked.

He looked at me again like I was crazy. "You are very different. Most humans would be overjoyed that an Angel was staying at their house but you seem upset"

"Mr Angel, I understand what you are saying, but this is an invasion of privacy" I said.

"How's this an invasion? You have your room, I won't ever go there and besides I'll be busy trying to figure out how to go back" He added sounding defensive.

Maybe I was wrong, it will be a big disrespect to God and this Angel. What if I go to hell because I refused an Angel? No no no, I don't want that.

"Ok how long is this going to take?" I asked in defeat

"To be honest, I don't know, but I'll try to finish up on time" He said.

"Ok you can stay, but only because I don't want to go to hell for not helping you" I added.

He rolled his eyes "Yeah thanks".

I took a deep breath telling myself that it will be fine. Yes it had to be fine and before I'll know it I'm sending Archimedes away to um wherever Angels live.

Nothing is going to happen till then…