

The next day when I was in the company office with Milan in a meeting for the first time. I heard a sound of a quarrel outside because of my super hearing, first I couldn't recognize the voice but then I suddenly remembered that the voice was kinda similar to the voice of Rachel that I heard on the phone. It was her, So I started to concentrate on that and I heard the man saying that Mr. Allen is in an important meeting Miss Rachel, please wait here, but she was so furious to meet me, so she was listening to anything the man was saying. " I wanna go inside, I don't care about any meeting". I am his fiance you know that. She was saying. So after hearing those conversations between the security and Rachel, I got up from my seat and left the room in between an ongoing meeting, everyone looked at me with weird shocked faces, as they couldn't process what just happened. I went outside towards the place where that sound was coming from. I reached the place and I saw Rachel there, I had seen her in photos on my phone the day before but she looked gorgeous. Her fashion sense was so good, and it was obvious that she was in the fashion field. She also looked at me and ran towards me and hugged me so hard, her body was clashing with me and I had never been hugged like that before so it felt very good. " oh god, I was so scared, I just had to look at you that you are all right". She said in an emotional and relieved voice. After hearing that I also held her in my arms. I didn't know why I did that, but It felt right at that moment. She looked at my face our faces were so close and she smiled. "what would I do without you" She said. " I don't know" I replied in a sarcastic way. I had never done that before too. I don't know I felt so ease with her, It was just like I had an old connection with her. She hit me with her hand gently and said " c'mon couldn't you just sayt I love you or something". and after hearing that It reminded me of Jane and now I really looked at the situation that I liked Rachel too and I also was in love with Jane. I was in a much big problem than I thought it was. So after that, she left because she had to go. But she had also arranged a date dinner with me at some restaurant. So I had to go there too.

Then I went to the meeting room again and apologized to them for leaving," Sorry, I had to go pee, and then I couldn't find the toilets, So". I said. and again everyone gave me that look again. Was I doing something wrong I don't know. So after some time the meeting was dismissed and everyone was shaking hands with each other, then I heard two men talking outside because of my super hearing. " What happened to Mr. Allen, He used to know everything and was also very serious about business but now it's like he doesn't care, Is it because of memory loss". So I was not like Devin at all. I really didn't care about business at all, the only thing I cared about was Jane. So when everyone left the room, I asked Milan what was I like before memory loss, So he told me that I was very serious about the company and used to know everything, I was like a leader and didn't accept any mistake from anyone but then he also said that I was not like that always I used to be a playful and sarcastic child that Milan and I used to play all day and both had so much good memories but then after the company and when mom didn't accept Rachel because she was the child of her first boyfriend who cheated on her and left her alone pregnant with Milan. So that's why Mom didn't like Rachel. As Milan was telling me that after Rachel and the company business my relationship with mom became sourer and I became a cold-hearted boss who only cared about the company, that he wasn't that close to Milan anymore. So I understood why people looked at me those weird wonder faces. Milan also said that he like the new me more because I wasn't like old Devin and he likes what excuse I gave during the meeting. So we laughed together. " So it wasn't the good excuse, didn't it look real and agreeable," I asked him in a sarcastic way, " he laughed and said yeah it didn't but it was good". It felt so good laughing and talking with Milan, I felt like MIlan was really my old brother. Brother by the blood. So after that me and Milan left the office. He was actually taking me to show the city how big and beautiful it was and we got in the car and then we left. We both were in the car as we were on the roads of the city, he had some music going on the radio and we were talking, laughing. It was amazing, I got so close to Milan on that day. after seeing the whole city we came back home and we were tired, so he dropped me at my place. " It was amazing bro, I didn't have that much laugh with you in years man, It's good to see you, yourself again bro". He said while I was leaving the car, so I smiled at him, " bye take care" I said, " bye man" he replied. So It was an amazing day, being human was amazing, those emotions and connections felt so amazing and real. Then When I was in the living room and looking at other buildings, I got a reminder about the dinner with Rachel, With Milan, I had totally forgotten about that, So I hurried to my wardrobe and just chose any clothes from there and started to change. I only had 45 minutes left for dinner so I had to hurry up.