
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

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12 Chs

3.-New Life

I started to follow him through a dark corridor, I didn't fully understand, but I could see everything even though there wasn't a single light.

-You are confused- said that person -You don't understand many of the things that are happening to you, they scare you, right? - said that person in a calm tone

- Why did you do this to me? - I asked still a little scared as I realized that we arrived at a large room and apparently the only one that was still intact in the whole castle even the furniture that was there was in perfect condition in the center of the room there was a fireplace and in front of it a couple of armchairs with golden edges and blue cushions and in the center of the small living room there was a small table that matched the furniture. I deduced that there had once been a bed at the edge of the room where there was now a desk and that room had all the windows covered but it still had that elegant air about it he walked over to one of the windows and removed one of the boards that covered it.

-You know I really don't know- he said looking out through the hole he made -This place has become gloomy in the blink of an eye you know? Before my son was running around the corridors making jokes to the maids but... now this is what my home looks like- he said looking around- I turned you because I know you suffer as well as I did- he said while he turned his gaze to the window it was then that I realized it was starting to dawn- and maybe I feel very lonely- he said putting his hand on the beam of light that was coming through the window I thought vampires burned with the sun but he didn't but after a while, his hand started to produce smoke so he withdrew it.

-That vampire massacred my people, I want him to pay- I said remembering him.

-He will don't worry, now tell me your name- he said staring at me.

-Nikolet Petran and you? -

-I used to be called Vlad Dracula Tepes of Wallachia, today everyone knows me as Dracula- he said as we shook hands -Now I know maybe it's not the right time, but we have to change your last name- he said as he walked to one of the doors, on the other hand, I was a little confused change my name?

- Why do I have to change it? - I asked

-Well, your last name is the one you used when you were alive but you are not anymore, it's the best- he said opening the door that turned out to be a giant closet with clothes of all sizes, he made a sign for me to enter -If you don't mind I want you to use my last name- he said in a certain tone that I couldn't describe.

-It doesn't bother me- I said smiling at him and going inside so he closed the door behind me and he remained outside. I took one of the dark dresses that was there and started to dress in the new dress leaving the one I had on a chair. I thought I wouldn't have the courage to throw it away because my mother had made it especially for me so I put it in an empty box that was there when I was ready I went out with the box in my hands and saw him he looked at me again and saw the box but said nothing.

-Now your name will be Nikolet Ardelean Tepes, what do you think? - he asked with a sincere smile painted on his face and I just smiled back.

-I like it- I said to start walking beside him we were going back to the dining room where I had been before -I have a question if everybody changes their names when they become vampires everybody here is Tepes? - I asked because as far as I knew Dracula was so to speak the most powerful of all the vampires that existed.

-No, in fact, you are the first one I've converted, that's why they looked so surprised, you are the only one with those last names- he said with a kind tone.

- What should I call you? - I asked because I had just lost my parents and someone had already adopted me, but I couldn't get used to the idea that all of this had happened in just a couple of hours.

-Call me whatever you want, but maybe it's a bit hasty, but I see great things in you Nikolet and for me at least you are already special- he said with a kind smile and as if the place was filled with light just because he smiled I smiled back and thought that maybe my parents would be happy that I found a place where there is a person who loves me just like Velkan so maybe they wouldn't mind if I called him that.

-Do you mind if I call you dad? - I said a little nervously, he looked surprised and turned to see me like that, but he smiled warmly and denied.

-It's been a long time since anyone called me that- he said- -It's an honor to be called that after what you went through-.

-I know they are fine with that decision I know you are not the monster they all say if you were you would have let me die, but you gave me a second chance to live and for me, it's enough for me to love you- I said he smiled and put a hand on my head and shook my hair lightly then we arrived at the dining room we entered and everybody turned to see me they were surprised but they stepped aside to let us pass because the moment we entered he took my hand so I just followed him in silence we arrived at the back of the big dining room and he sat on the chair that had some golden details and was taller than the others.

-Sit down- he said with a demanding and threatening voice everyone almost in unison sat down -You will sit next to me Aaro brings a chair for her- he said changing his tone from friendly to threatening and the mentioned one went out almost flying and came back with an elegant chair just like the Dracula's putting it next to his I sat down and saw Doru that for the first time in all my life I smiled mockingly he looked annoyed so much that I could see how hard he clenched his jaw.

-I present to you my new daughter Nikolet Ardelean Tepes- he said with a proud voice and then he pointed at me, everybody was a bit confused, but in the back of that big room, a couple of applause were heard and from one moment to another the whole room was full of them, even Doru was clapping with a hypocritical smile painted on his face.

And I realized that this was the beginning of my life as a vampire.