

Before long three other figures arrived and they walked closer to the sleeping Naomi.

"Waoh..." one paused after his eyes landed on her. "Why is she so..."

"Bare?" another helped complete the sentence. "She is smooth all over, it's sort of gross"

"Do you think she's sick?" the first asked.

"Quiet, that's not why I called. Sternix do you know what she is?" the original creature standing closest to Naomi.

From behind the third figure walked out and knelt beside Naomi. The others watched with interest wondering what he was up to.

After a momentary silence, he spoke up. "She is beautiful"

While the others had a look say 'what the heck?' the only closest to him sent him a glare.

"Oh you meant her species I don't know but maybe she is a lesser Mauquat, I didn't even know those existed," Sternix said thoughtfully.

While they began giving various speculations they heard a yawn.

* * *

Naomi just began sleeping when she started hearing noise around her. With a tired yawn, she opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to regain her sight.

She was dumbfounded by the sight in front of her. She was surrounded by four boys wearing cat costumes? 'am I dreaming?' Naomi had the tip of her lip raised in confusion.

"Who are you guys?"

"Good you can speak so this shouldn't be so hard," the boy with yellow ears and a tail said. "Who are you and how did you get through the barriers?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Okay let's take this slowly?" another with ginger ear and tail suddenly interjected. "What is your name?"

'We're in the middle of nowhere, what could they possibly do with my name' Naomi thought before she replied. "My name is Naomi"

"And I'm Sternix, how did you get here?" he asked again.

"Well I'm lost" Naomi sighed. "Are you guys also part of an exploration team, I didn't know there was another group" she mumbled to herself.

"Okay let's get on with this, how did you pass the barrier?" the yellow one asked, releasing an intimidating aura.

"What barrier are you talking about and why are you guys dressed like that?" Naomi asked pointing at their ears and tails.

"Hold on you think we're wearing this?" Sternix chuckled holding his tail.

"Or what, don't tell me those are real, I wasn't born yesterday," Naomi said while folding her hands and wearing a deadpan face.

"But it is real," Sternix said looking confused.

"Right. I guess I wasn't the only one about to go crazy" Naomi then walked to her bag and camera and after putting them on she started walking.

"Where do you think you're going?"

That was the sentence Naomi heard when she felt her feet leave the ground.

"Oh boy" her heart sank and she gulp. The yellow cat boy had his hand raised towards her and it didn't take a genius to figure out he must have had something to do with her suddenly ignoring the laws of physics.

"Look I don't know if I offended you but please stop this trick and drop me. This is starting to look dangerous and you would hurt your fellow human right?" Naomi tried to reason. She was scared out of her mind at the thought of falling from such a height.

"What is a human?" a green cat boy asked and the grey one close to him shrugged.

"Please stop joking guys, I'm scared of heights!!" Naomi shouted. The fear was starting to sink deeper and she could hear her heart beating faster.

"Please drop her Ryco" Sternix said worriedly.

Ryco frowned but he still listened and retracted his hand and Naomi was under the effect of gravity again.

"Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrggghhh" Naomi screamed at the top of her lung. She shut her eyes and waited for death to embrace her. She fell in an embrace but that of Sternix.

Naomi took a deep breath as she left his embrace. Her eyes were wide open and her heart was beating so fast threatening to rip her chest open.

'My life just flashed before my eyes' with a frenzied look she ran towards Ryco.

"You almost killed me!!! You psycho!!!" fortunately Sternix stopped her from doing something crazy.

"Almost," Ryco said as he gazed at Naomi.

Naomi turned aghast and she became paralyzed due to fear. 'That's right he almost killed me, he could do it again'

"Wh...who are you people?" she stuttered.

"You're scaring her Ryco" Sternix sighed.

"We don't even know what she is?" Ryco frowned.

Naomi felt something leave her and her face turned pale. "Y...you're not human?"

"We're Mauquats" Sternix said trying his best to look nice so she would calm down but Naomi wasn't even paying attention to that because every one of them looked like a monster in her eyes and the worst part was she couldn't escape.

"There's no need to be afraid we won't hurt you," he said again.

That wall was all Naomi could take before she fell unconscious. Who could blame her, what Sternix just did was like advising a thanksgiving turkey to calm down, on the day of Thanksgiving.

"Seriously Ryco?"

"Prince, we're actually with Ryco, we don't know anything about her," the green Mauquat said.

"Buy she did mention something about humans so maybe she is one?" the grey mauquat said making the others think about it.

"It doesn't matter, can't you see she's harmless" Sternix massaged his temples.

"Let the queen decide if she's harmless or not. For now, all we know is she's a new species and she crossed the barrier. Let's take her back" after saying that Ryco started walking away.

Sternix could only sigh, Ryco was the leader after all there was only so much he could say. He then picked Naomi up and carried her princess style while the other two carried her things.

And so the unconscious Naomi was carried off to a place where her fate would soon be decided and she had no idea about it.