

Welcome to the Maldives. Don't mind the boomerang-barbed wreckage.

In Malé, Boomerang's on a role. He virtually generates boomerangs, as he darts from here to there. Airborne, they spin through the air, and hit many Dhivehi locals in destructive ways. Some of them are going to mosque.

Some explode, like grenades. Others shoot bolas, and bind their victims...right before impaling them. Some of them generate boxing gloves, within their centers. Some of them generate, and activate buzz saws, and decapitate their victims...

"Don't think that just because you're Muslim," Boomerang shouts, before throwing another one, "means that the Sinister Syndicate will overlook the white scars on your skin! The ones that confirm, Muslim or not, that you do, in fact, come from the white man's balls!"

A boomerang hits a Dhivehi target, and electrocutes him. Ah, how Boomerang doesn't sometimes miss working with Electro...

The city garrison arrives, in khakis. They stand in formation, load their lever-action rifles, make ready, set, and aim their rifles down-range, at Boomerang.

Simultaneously, Boomerang throws a magnetic boomerang, and the company fires.

As the boomerang flies, it gathers every bullet that's shot at Boomerang. It flies towards the company commander, and decapitates him...just as one of his men is about to push him out of the way.

Once on the ground, a moment passes before the man opens his eyes, and tries to look into his faithful leader's eyes...only to see that his eyes aren't there, and that neither is his head. He screams, like a eunuch. Above him, another boomerang flies. It comes down into his back, and impales him through the chest. He falls, and dies atop his company commander.

Boomerang then throws a more powerful magnetic boomerang. This one disarms the company of their lever-action rifles. Boomerang throws another boomerang, which generates a loud sound, deafening the Dhivehi locals, and bending every barrel of every rifle that the first boomerang disarmed of the company.

"Ah, a tropical climate," Boomerang smiles. "I gotta love it."

Boomerang now throws a barrage of knife-bladed boomerangs, killing every man in the once-armed company. Some try to run, retreat, desert, or all of the above. It's no use; Boomerang kills them all.

Boomerang looks around. There's not one degenerate local left to slay. He smiles, stands in the center of the city, and takes a breather. He's earned one...

Around a building, a musician walks. He carries a guitar case. He bears alarming resemblance to Mark Collie. Silently, he sits on a stool, and unpacks his guitar.

On the back, his guitar says, in fancy letters, HARRY HECK.

Boomerang opens his eyes, when he hears Heck strum the first chord of what he's about to perform. He slowly turns, and acknowledges Heck, as he sings the first verse of "In Time."

Boomerang just stands there, and stares at Heck, as he performs. Heck sure doesn't seem to concerned about his own well-being...

In the streets, a gunshot echoes. Boomerang draws a boomerang, and turns to face the new threat at large...

It's a supersoldier. He wears Iron Jack-patterened battledress, and carries a vibranium shield. It's orange-yellow, with a black swan in its center. He's got his shield's symbol on his forehead, too.

"O my motherfucking shitball-bowling Allah," Boomerang grieves. "It's Captain Western Australia."

"Good day, mate!" Capt. WA holsters his pistol. "I hate to do this to you, but you're trespassing."

"I find that hard to believe," Boomerang shouts, studying his enemy's harness. "Looks like I've found my archnemesis!"

"Well then," Capt. WA draws one of his. Orange lights blink on it. "It's a boomerang dance, is it not?"

"Shut the fuck up," Boomerang draws two of his, "and let's get fucking on with it!"

And, it's on. All through the air, in the streets, and through windows, boomerangs fly, explode, shoot nets, shoot darts, spin saw blades, punch gloves, throw bolas, and do all other sorts of destruction.

On the porch where he sits, Heck only smiles, and strums his guitar. Again, he doesn't seem too concerned for his own well-being...