

Abroad, the Sultan's Syndicate is still on the offensive. They're after the non-Turkic world...and they're not backing down until they've torn it all down.

In the city of Bombay in Maharashtra, the stampedes are flowing through the city like water over rock. All around them, there's rubble, and torn buildings.

Rhino is on another rampage. He shouts Turkish insults, between charges. And he does charge. That mecha suit is of both vibranium and adamantium...

On the island of Ceylon, in Chennai, a flood from a typhoon is on. It rains, and many tidal waves dump all of their wrath on the many Sinhalese locals that live here.

Atop a Buddhist monastery, a lone bhikku stands, exposed to judgment. He chants, in Sinhalese, closes his eyes, and spreads his arms, while waiting for the surrounding flood to rise, and claim his only home in the world...besides Tibet...and the Buddhist afterlife, of course.

From the flood, before the monastery, a dragon, made entirely of water, rises. He glares down at the monk, narrows his eyes, and bares his huge fangs.

The monk opens his eyes, and glares up at the water-dragon. It's Hydro-Man. Wherever the Sultan's Syndicate goes, he just can't leave the seas alone...

The monk narrows his eyes, takes two pieces of flint from his robe, and strikes them together. He's drenched in oil...or was, rather, before the storm.

Nothing happens. He keeps striking them. Still, nothing happens. He smells his robe. He can't smell the oil. He trembles.

Hydro-Man laughs, still posing as the dragon. "Clearly, your degenerate religion forgot to teach you that too much water trumps fire."

With a claw made entirely of water, Hydro-Man scratches the bhikku's belly, and rips his robe apart, from top to bottom. The robe flies off of the bhikku, and away, into the storm.

Hydro-Man raises his dragon head, smiles, and sprays a geyser of water all over the robe. It falls into the flood.

"I am bhikku," the bhikku shouts, "Seeker of Enlightenment, servant of the Dharma Wheel! And for alms or for free, I WILL die with my faith exposed!"

Hydro-Man chuckles. "Oh, that's good. Because right now," Hydro-Man spreads his dragon wings, "ALL of you is exposed!" With that, Hydro-Man howls with evil laughter.

The bhikku looks down at himself. He's in the buff. He looks up...and screams, like a eunuch.

"So long, bhikku," Hydro-Man growls, "and thanks for all the alms!" With that, Hydro-Man, as the water dragon, leaps, dives, opens his jaws wide, and consumes the whole damn monastery, with the bhikku still standing in the buff, and screaming like a eunuch, atop it...

All around the rock, the monastery washes away to nothing. Hydro-Man may be water...but he can sure have an ego, at times...

In the city of Bhubaneswar in Orissa, a herd of Brahman cattle stampede through the street. They trample every human in their path.

Here, the cow is worshipped. Everyone here who worships the Hindu Swastika (which is just about everyone) are flabbergasted, that their beloved Brahma, the god of all creation, would accurse them, by weaponizing his creations to do Shiva's bidding.

"Oh, why?!" An Odia woman shouts, standing atop a building, and succumbing to her grief. "Why?!"

At the rear of the herd, Shocker shows off the gadgetry in his prosthetics, encouraging the stampede. He leaps from cow's rear end to cow's rear end, charging his prosthetics, and stabbing the cows in the rear with electrified toys.

On some of the Brahmans' ears, they've got tags chained to them. The tags read, NORTHCUTT BRAHMANS.

Today, Shocker is the world's most productive cattle prod. With the stampede, he literally cleans up this town.

In the herd's wake, many corpses and injured bodies lie. A statue of Brahma, in the city's center, has had its top half destroyed...and crumbles from there.

All over the world, the Sultan's Syndicate has cleaned up a lot of degenerate non-Turkic messes. It's hard to believe that only one of them STILL hasn't learned to trust le Zèbre, their newest, and most unexpected recruit...considering that he's French, and not Turkic, as the same one of them would still prefer...