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WEBNOVEL's writing platform-INKSTONE can realize your creative dream and connect you with readers all over the world with words. You can also visit https://inkstone.webnovel.com Create on the PC I'm DANIEL PENONIA I selling one of my internal organ KIDNEY OR one of my eyes for making money, I'm ashamed of myself and Pity on it....I was a humble man but I don't think who I am now.... I am so many skills but I can't work a far of my mother under sick situations.She is very absent minded or I can't explained about here sometimes she didn't stand she weeping her bed...I ask my brothers to help us but they wasn't money also... I am surrounded by debt and loans ...Hoping that you understand what is caregiver means ..as of now I am a caregiver of my 73 old mother widow sick ...can I borrow to you? even for the medicine of my mother? as of now making WEBNOVEL is my Job... waiting for someone understand my story ... I'm not a writer but this is my diary even wrong grammar or spelling....I will continue to write with WEBNOVEL till I die...and now you know WORLD I and my mother together here in our house praying to God that begging that rather He must get my life and my soul than to observe my mother without feeding or some help from God through my brothers a far from my mother house maybe on Monday I must work with my neighbor going to a far place to work ...my mother is sick now it needs medicine and food....how can I care of her..?.only massage the pain of her back? back pain....now at 8:38 in the morning we are only rice with salt and water...only God knows and you read of this letters ....this is not my fault...I can't explained it...have a God looking somewhere even spirit of devil around...

I gonna do work but there's no body to hired me as a worker...