
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Voice Of Wisdom

After the funeral was over and the children headed back to the temple, The Grandmaster decided to put together another investigation team. Many of the disciples were unsatisfied never having found the wraiths that ambushed and killed many of their comrades.

The group consisted of a small 10 person group of first class disciples. After changing out of the ceremonial funeral attire and back into their uniforms they set out towards the forest.

They didn't see anything outside the forest upon arrival but The Grandmaster felt a slight presence within the forest.

"Grandmaster?" The one who called out to him was a tall boy who was designated as the strongest among the group aside from the Grandmaster himself.

"Do you also feel that, captain?"

"It's slight but yes I also feel it."

"It's coming from inside the forest, I don't feel any malice but it's definitely not human."

The Disciples clutched their blades, some carry swords and others Guandao. With slight caution, the Grandmaster motioned them to follow and the group headed into the forest.

After walking for about 5 minutes they were only a few meters from the presence.

"This feeling..."

"I know Captain," There was heavy tension in the air "It's a wraith."

They had not seen any wraiths in the forest since the incident, and now they finally found one. Many of the disciples were tense and ready for the moment they could extract their revenge for their fallen comrades.

A small glow was flashing from behind a tree, flickering. Sensing something was strange The Grandmaster headed towards the tree.

"Don't do anything unless I tell you."

"Yes, Grandmaster."

The Grandmaster approached the tree cautiously. Coming close to the flickering light he also noticed smoke reminiscent of wraiths leaking from behind the tree but this smoke was different. the color was not only black but there was also a thick white smoke permeating form behind the tree.

The Grandmaster readied his blade and went around the tree coming face to face with the entity on the other side.

"It's a rabbit.?"

It was a rabbit.

"But this is..."

The rabbit like figure gave off the feeling of a wraith but its body was mostly white wrapped in black markings that looked like some sort of ancient runes on it's body. The rabbit looked like it was in a critical condition, breathing heavily as though it were injured. Suddenly it's eye's opened and it set its dark eye's on The Grandmaster.


He had never seen it before but his instinct told him this wasn't just an ordinary rabbit nor was it a wraith.

"You're a spirit...but why?

In that moment a voice sounded in his head. He couldn't tell if the voice was female or male but it definitely wasn't threatening. Instead the voice told something to The Grandmaster. As soon as he heard it, his eye's widened and his pupils shrank.

"Get back to the temple now!"

The disciples were confused and hesitated for a moment.

"Now! Find Tai!"

The Grandmaster picked up the rabbit and followed behind the disciples towards the temple.

"I hope we make it."


"A true god?"

"Mhmm, Once you're finished assimilating you'd be at the level of maybe a lesser demi god? Powers inheritors hold changes from person to person but most of them are around that level."

Tai looked in amazement at Wisdoms words. Was going becoming a god possible? It's something that sounded so ridiculous he couldn't believe it. Wisdom as far as Tai knew was an all knowing spirit he didn't want to doubt him but there was something in the back of his mind that made him doubt him just a little.

"In our history classes they told us about how demi gods used to roam around the world thousands of years ago, but there was nothing about them turning into gods. How can you be so sure?"

"Because my creator was a demigod."

"You're creator?"

"Yes, The Creation God."

"Wait how can the god who created everything start off as a demi god."

Wisdom was silent for a moment and started to twirl in the air again.

"I'll explain all of it to you, His name may be the Creation God but he was not the one who created everything. He was called the Creation God because he could create things out of thin air just by thinking about it. He was born a Demi god with average power but demi gods vessels are different from normal humans, under the right conditions some of them ascended and became gods. When the Creation God ascended he freed Humanity and other races that were enslaved to the tyranny of the gods and forced the Gods back to the Heaven Realm. All of the races were fragile and lost, so the kinder gods decided to leave spirits behind to guide those that worshipped them and for the Creation God he left he created 3 spirits to guide humanity. Wisdom, Life, and Will, and so we guided humanity as such."

Tai put his hand on his chin while nodding.

"I see, so by taking in more spirits I become closer to becoming an actual Demi God and would even be given the chance to become a True God if I'm lucky enough."

"That is Correct!" Wisdom yelled in an excited voice."

"Ok, so we should travel to other places and inherit the spirits of other races, but how do you know they'd let us take them?"

"When did I say you have to take the spirits of other races?"

"But I thought..." He was confused at the question Wisdom asked him. Wasn't his explanation leading to the conclusion of taking in the spirits of other races, or is there another way?

"Boy use your brain a little, You've already inherited one, but Humanity has three spirits don't they?"

"You want me to take in you and Life?"

"Now he gets it!"

"You're willing to allow me to absorb your power to refine my vessel."

"It's perfectly fine, the spirit of Will separates for the inheritor after death so I'd just do the same."

This made perfect sense. There were many inheritors of the spirit and that could only be possible if it separated from the inheritor at some point, Even if they assimilated, no matter how perfect it was, after death the spirit would always separate and lay dormant till the next inheritor came. After hearing Wisdoms explanation Tai had decided. There was still a bad lingering feeling in the back of his mind, but the thought of the power he could get outweighed it.

'I will take in Life and Wisdom, that way I'll be stronger next time, and I can protect my friends'.

Tai got up from his bed and walked towards his door.

"Let's go, the recoil from taking in a second spirit might cause some problems so we should go outside."


"Yes, The Grandmaster gets angry when my room gets messy."

"I see, Then lets go!"

And so, the two headed towards the training ground. With a new ambition, Tai's worries now seemed to disappear. 'Becoming a god huh' the phrase clouded his mind. There was no greater power than that of a god and soon he would be able to obtain that power.

Once they arrived at the training grounds there were only a few disciples training, Tai found an empty area where he could focus. Sitting in a cross legged position he began to meditate.

"Alright so walk me through what I have to do." The eagerness in his voice was blatant.

"Well you remember how you inherited Will right? You just have to do the same."

"Hug you?"

"Well it's not that simple. The action looks like hugging but what you are doing is allowing me into your domain of your soul where the spirit resides. Once it's completed I will begin to assimilate with you. You should begin to feel the power immediately."

"And what about Life?"

"Just tell them everything and I'm sure they'd be willing to do the same."

Tai nodded and cupped his hands holding Wisdom inside them. He took a deep breathe to prepare himself.

'I'm still a bit nervous, it should be over in a few seconds, then I'll have the power that I want.' Tai used the thoughts to reassure himself.

"Alright lets do this!"

Taking the spirit he motioned it towards himself. BOOM! BOOM! He could hear the loud beats of his heart as if drums were banging. This was the same sensation he had felt last time. Wisdoms light began to shimmer and Tai's body began to show a grey light permeating from his body.

Embracing the spirit, he brought it to his chest and soon the spirit was absorbed into his body. In that moment is what as if the earth shook at his feet. A large glowing beam ascended to the sky from his body in alternating grey and black colors. He could feel it, This was the power he needed. He was elated as tears rolled down his cheeks. 'This is it! I have finally have it!' The light finally stabilized and was now only a glow covering his body.

"Finally." Tai clenched his fist.

"Tai no!!"

He turned to the voice and seen it was the Grandmaster at the edge of the training grounds.


Tai put his hand to his mouth and observed a red liquid in his palm. The moment he realized what it was, he was thrown to his knees from pain permeating throughout his body. Soon he was surrounded by a circle of disciples, he felt a pain as if something had burst from his back. He couldn't control his senses and his vision turned red. As he was writhing from pain he heard a voice that seemed to bring him back to the plane of reality.

"Will should've chosen a smarter one."

It was the Voice of Wisdom.