
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


These days Tai was used to waking up early, in fact he woke up before the sergeant made rounds to wake everyone. Today was the first day of actual combat training so Tai along with many of the other soldiers were excited to see what they were going to learn.

Everyone from the dorm met on the training field lined up in their respective groups. The Chief officer along with the sergeants, They began handing out shields and long spears to each of the trainees. Each groups was assigned a leader who was sergeant rank or above, they split from the crowed and gathered into their assigned groups to train together.

Tai's group was those who lived in the same room with him along with Aria and their assigned leader was Sergeant Eura, the other group they were training with was Marvin's group who was led by someone named Sergeant Kurt.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you guys are very curious at what kind of fighting you'll be learning," Eura started.

"But I am going to tell you right now don't expect to learn anything fancy, what we will face out there will not care about swordsmanship and the like, all they will want to do is kill you so you will learn 4 things here. How to Stab, How to sash, How to Guard, and How to Bash."

"These will be how you survive out there, once you guys have learned enough to pass, Chief Officer Redi will put you through a test, and trust me you do not want to fail that test." Sergeant Kurt said.

"Now Gather up."

The first thing they were taught was stance and how to guard. Those who had no combat experience like Tai were easily knocked over since they didn't have proper stances at first but after a bit of Coaching they were able to take a strike from the sergeants to be able to not be knocked over.

After Guarding they learned very simple spear basics, it wasn't really enough to be called a technique. The way the were taught to fight was simple too, Guard, Bash, and Strike. That was the main training for the first few days.

But for Tai the training didn't stop when it was time to head back, each night he meditated trying to go back to that place he had seen. Each time he went back the heat in his body would increase and his control over the heat would increase too. He didn't know why but he felt that it was something he had to do. At this point he didn't realize what the effect the meditation was having on his body. His strength would increase little by little every time he did, it was a minimal amount that one wouldn't notice unless they were an avid martial arts practitioner.

After a few days of the basic combat practice it was time for group training. According to the sergeants demons rush at you in large numbers trampling and tearing whatever is in their way, so the strategy to combat them was simple but was the most effective. we were all lined up in rows, the First row were the ones who would take the brunt of the attack, they would interlock shields with one another preventing any demons from breaking through. the second Row did the same and additionally they were also the ones who were meant to strike at the demons who would come over the first barrier.

The exercises were done and Tai went to take a break in the corner when a there was a commotion happening in the training area. Making his way over he seen that it was Lucky and Marvin in the center of an argument again.

"Aye I'm tired of your arrogant attitude! We work just as hard as you guys."

"Work hard? It's not about working hard it's about status."

"What's going on." Tai cut into the argument.

"This guy is being arrogant again."

"All I said was that this fighting style fits with someone like you, it's so simple that even a child could learn it, very fitting to a low intelligence person like yourself."

"Grr." Lucky let out a growl bearing his fangs.

"See what I mean, people like you shouldn't even be allowed to fight along side nobles such as myself."

Tai blood began to boil, he had dealt with Marvin's insults since he came here but he was finally reaching his breaking point. He balled up his hand getting ready to strike.

"Want to hit me?" Marvin taunted.

"Go ahead and try." Marvin lifted up a wooden practice spear and struck the tip at Tai's chest."


Tai knelt on the ground grabbing his chest, the pain was tremendous, it was far from a lethal blow but for some reason it felt like he was being stabbed through his heart.

"See that's something common people like you will never learn. It's called Technique."

Tai got up and swung his fist at Marvin but it was useless. Marvin easily dodged his fist spinning around and sweeping the Spear across Tai's feet making him fall on his butt.

Tai began getting angrier, as he did his body started heating up. It was the same heat he always felt except this time it started feeling a bit uncomfortable making his body feel as though it was about to burst.

"You're not even worth my time let's go." Marvin turned around to leave.

No one took notice not even Tai himself, but his hands began having a slight hint of red, his hands became a bit translucent and if one looked closely they would like almost like they were glowing.


Tai ran towards Marvin and swung his fist at him once again, But it was for naught once again. Marvin maneuvered out the way and struck Tai in the stomach.

"Aye you guys what's going on here!" It was sergeant Eura.

"Ah Sergeant Eura," Marvin began to speak

"Nothing going on I was just teaching Tai here a lesson on technique."

"Do I look like an Idiot to you Marvin?" She asked.

"...." The all just stood silent.

"I don't care who starts it, but if I find you guys fighting one more time I'll throw the both of you into forest for a week, Understand."

"Yes Ma'am." They all answered.

"You alright Tai?" Lucky asked him.

"Yeah I'm alright, let's go."

Now that he calmed down the uncomfortable heat left his body, He stayed silent for the rest of the day not talking to anyone.

As he lay in his bed that night he didn't go back to that place as Usual but was instead thinking about what had happened.

Was he so weak that he couldn't even touch Marvin? The thought wouldn't leave his head and more importantly was the uncomfortable feeling he had in his body. The heat usually made him more comfortable but why did it hurt at that time. He really couldn't think of a good reason and After a bit more contemplating he drifted to sleep.