
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Silver Eagle Troop part 2

Tai made his way to his dorm after speaking with Captain Cassidy. There were two buildings for the dorms, both building looked similar but they were differentiated by the color of the gate around each building. Tai looked at the badge on his uniform that had a black strip on it, meaning he was assigned to the dorm with the black gate, The other buildings gate was white.

Upon entering through the gate to enter the dorm area was a large concrete walkway heading towards the front of the building. The walkway split off into 3 directions, on to the dorm room, one to an outside training area and the other to a showering area.

There were many people standing outside the doors both men and women, patiently waiting to be let inside. After about about 20 minutes of waiting, it seemed that everyone who was assigned to the black gate was here. When the last person arrived the front doors Opened and there was a small women who stepped out. The women was a beastman who had ears similar to a Cat, she was short standing at what looked like 5 feet.

"Greetings new soldiers, I am Staff Sergeant Eura I am not only a the Staff Sergeant but I will also be your training Officer starting tomorrow, but starting now I am your dorm mother, You may call me Mom if you wish," She blushed and laid her cheek on her hand in an attempt to be cute, The crowd didn't seem to catch the joke as they all stood silently.


"Anyways there will be some rules in the dorm, rule number 1: What I say goes, If you don't want to listen to what I say you'll be sleeping out here on the concrete. Rule number 2: Keep your hands off of each other, this means fighting and other things, We are training you for battle and don't want any accidents to happen. Rule number 3: Tidiness, I don't want any weird smells coming from anywhere in the dorm if I find something dirty or out of place you'll be cleaning the entire dorm from top to bottom. Rule number 4: What I say goes."

Repeating the rule didn't seem like a mistake.

"Now make yourselves at home, each of you have been assigned your rooms, get to know your roommates, dinner will be served at 7 in the cafeteria, Lights out at 10pm."

After the speech was done everyone made their way into the dorms slowly. Luckily Tai's room was on the first floor so he was able to find it quickly at the end of the hall. When he entered the room there was no one else there, just 4 beds.

"I guess I'm the first one."

He decided to rest up a bit before dinner was prepared so he placed his belongings in the drawers provided. He chose the top bunk on the right side and started to close his eyes. Bang!

"Coming through!" A brown haired Beast boy with Dog ears burst into the room.

"Ah...Sorry," He said apologetically.

"I guess we're the first two here, good luck as usual."

The boy took his clothes and placed them on the bottom bunk on the left side.

"Chris Kellen, But my friends call me Lucky." He stated his name reaching his hand out to Tai.

"Tai Edendale." Tai said reaching his hand out to return the greeting.

At that moment another man walked into the room. He was a tall man with black hair who looked around the same age as Tai.

"Chris Kellen but call me Lucky!" Lucky shouted at the man.

"Darren Ericson."

Darren placed his his clothes on the top bunk on the left side of the room.

"Now we just wait for the last one right?"

"Actually it'll probably be just the 3 of us."

"What do you mean?" Lucky inquired.

"Seems there was a mix up with room assignment."

The door was pushed in as Darren was finishing his sentence and A woman walked into the room. Tai looked at the girl and noticed she looked familiar.

"Aria Ellon right?" Tai said.

"Yep, That's me."

"A girl is rooming with us!?" Lucky shouted with a red face.

"No," She stated.

"They are finding a new room for me right now so I'm just here until they give me my reassigned room."

Aria threw her belonging on the bed underneath Tai's and began to walk out.

"They're serving dinner soon, you guys should eat while you can." She said as she disappeared down the hall.

"That's something you don't see everyday." Lucky said.

"An Elf?" asked Tai

"Not just that but an elf that's not a dark elf joining the army."

"What's so odd about that?"

"Dark elves are usually the ones who participate in combat."

"Is there something special about Dark elves that make them good fighters?"

Lucky thought for a moment.

"Well Dark elves are the natural born descendants of the god of nature, They're more agile and have a stronger connection with Nature magic, even the Elven Royal Family are Dark Elves you know."

The 3 boys exited the room and began walking down the hallway towards the exit.

"Maybe she wanted to fight for her home like the Elven warriors." Lucky said.

"Fight for her home?" Tai asked

Darren cut in "Don't you know anything kid? The Elven Kingdom is the frontlines for the war."

"Well where I was we were pretty cut off from everybody else, we didn't even hear about the war until the draft notice came, who are we at war with anyways?"

"It's not who, It's what, and as for what we're fighting...No one knows exactly what they are, but we call them Demons."

This time Lucky took over for the explanation.

"About 17 years ago the Elven Kingdom was attacked by some unknown force, most we're able to Evacuate but in the process they lost the Nature Spirit, Not long after the attack these Demons came out and began attacking the surrounding nations."

"So we're going to have to fight these Demons?"


After hearing the Explanation the group exited the Dorm and headed to the Cafeteria.