
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Patrol pt.2

"Lets go!"

Junbi yelled as she jumped into the air and swung her sword towards the Ogre.

"Gale Slash!"

"Fangs of the Thunder God!"

The ogre lifted it's blade towards the sky blocking Junbi's wing attack while crouching and using his other hand to block the attack from the twins.

"Looks like he has good instincts." Said Junbi as she was dodging the incoming strike from the ogres blade towards her in the air.

The blade came down towards the Twins who both dodged to opposite sides. The Siblings had the ogre surrounded. The brothers dashed forward with lightning attacks, as Junbi was slashing him with her sword and wind attacks. They wore the Ogre down, it was struggling to stand as glowing red blood dripped from his wounds. Junbi got ready to give the final blow.


"Watch out!" Tai yelled towards them

From behind Go and giant wolf figure appeared from the forest with enormous speed the wolf used it fierce claws to strike Go but luckily Go was able to defend against it using his weapon.

"That's...a Titan Wolf wraith?." said Norina worriedly

"And its not just one either." Cylo said pointing to the tree line near Setto, from the darkness shadows emerged from the trees revealing there was another Titan wolf.

Tai grabbed his friends and ran forward, He remembered last time that he almost died with the Ogre he had felt felt a pressure behind him and this time he felt it again once he leapt forward out of danger they turned around and seen another wolf. More and more Titan Wolf type wraiths appeared from the forest soon the kids along with the twin brothers were surrounded on all sides by about a dozen Titan Wolves. While Junbi was out side the circle but was being held back by the Ogre, who seemed to have been acting this whole time as it was even faster than before and it's wounds didn't affect it at all.

'I Under estimated this guy, he's stronger than the usual Ogre types' Junbi thought. She had to think quickly, her brothers were strong but even she couldn't take on that many Titan Wolf types.


A large boom resonated through the air and Junbi was propelled forward towards the Ogre type. she grasped her sword with a reverse grip but aimed the tip ahead and prepared to throw it forward towards the ogre like a javelin

"Spear Of Fujin!" A deafening screeching sound echoed through the air as wind surrounded her sword grinding the floor around her. She threw her Sword now in a shape of a spear towards the ogre. The Ogre tried defending against the Attack by lifting up its large blade to block the incoming attack, but it pierced through his sword and next,through his body.

Junbi leapt over the Ogre's falling body and Towards her friends who were trying to fight off the pack of wolves.

"I can't keep this up, they just keep coming." Setto said

He was the first line of defense from the wolves as his brother stayed back to defend the Others. Suddenly he strong gust of wind flew behind him he turned around to see it was Junbi's sword impaling a wolf through the head. She glided down to the ground and pulled the sword from the wolfs head.

"We have to get them out of here and make our way back to the temple." She said to Setto

"I know that but first we need to find a way to get out of this."

"I'm going to open up a path, You and Go grab the kids and sprint out of the forest as fast as you can."

"What about you sister...?"

"I'm going to try and hold them back as best as I can once you guys get enough distance I'll get away and catch up to you guys."


"Just go when I tell you!" She Shouted.

She raised her Sword to the sky, then a fierce wind wrapped around her blade similar to a tornado.

"Sky Piercer!" She swung it down with great force creating a hole in the wolves formation.


At the same time Setto ran towards Tai and the rest of them signaling to Go that they were going to make a run for it Setto grabbed the first two closest to him Cylo and Norina, Go grabbed Tai. The brothers ran towards the Gap their sister made in the line of Wolves. As they were about to enter back through the forest to make their escape Go turned around.

"Wait what about Sister."

"She said she will catch up, we have to go now!"

But Go didn't listen he threw Tai towards the forest and ran back towards Junbi. Setto didn't want to leave his sister behind either but he knew that they had a job to protect the children, he knew his brother was the same and wasn't someone who would abandon his duty. But when he turned to see his brother running towards Junbi his eye's widened.

Junbi took a deep breathe. "I've been using too much magic...I'm running out of stamina and magical energy." She watched as her brothers took the children to escape but then she seen one of them turn around towards her.

"What's that idiot doing I told him to get out of here."

"Go leave Now!" She screamed at him swinging her hand signaling him to leave but he didn't listen and kept running towards her. Suddenly the was a loud bang next to her and the ground underneath her feet split, She turned and from her left arm she felt an enormous pain she turned to see, There was something that seemed like a metal wall where the rest of her arm should have been.

Go ran towards his sister as fast as he could. She was resting from the excessive use of mana and turned towards him, so she couldn't take notice of the enormous figure that appeared from behind her but Go noticed it. It was the Giant Ogre type from before. Still moving.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Junbi let out a scream of pain blood sprayed from her now missing arm but she still didn't drop her sword. She turned and seen that it was the Ogre type that had sliced her arm off. it lifted its sword off the ground in preparation for another swing. The Ogre still had a giant hole in the center of its body from Junbi's sword but it still moved as if it didn't matter.

"How is it still moving!?"

The Orge swung its blade towards Junbi who's body was in shock so she wasn't able to move. Luckily Go came in time he grabbed his sister and flung her back with all of his force towards his brother and used his guandao to block the attack, the force was too much for the weapon and it broke from the impact. Luckily he was able to avoid the blade before it sliced his body. Go looked back to check on his sister and made sure His brother had gotten her then turned to face the ogre wraith and the wolf wraiths that were joining at its side.

"Setto, change of plans you take her and get out of here."

"But I can-"

"You wasted your energy defending the kids back then and our sister is in no shape to fight, get her back to the temple, Its my turn now."

"....Alright...then at least take this."

Setto threw his guandao to his brother. Go caught it from the air then took a stance to fight.

"Warrior of the Thunder God!" His body was enveloped with lightning magic creating an armor reminiscent of a Knight on the battlefield.

"Go..when did he learn.." There was no time for Setto to admire his brothers form he picked up his sister and made off to where Tai and the others stood.

"Lets go we're leaving now!" He yelled

"but-" [Norina]


They followed Setto as he ran with his sister in his hand but Tai looked back at Go seeing his fight. Go was chopping down wolves with ease using his brothers guandao and using the lighting from his form but as fast as he sliced them, more took their place.

"Too bad I can't use this magic for that long, but the least I can do Is by them enough time to get away."

Go was breathing hard the magic was draining his energy. Suddenly he felt his transformation beginning to fade. He continued fighting even through his fatigue but eventually his body gave in.

"So this is as far as I go huh?"

He knelt down and his transformation dissipated and From the swarm of wraiths in front of him the Ogre type rose once more to deliver the final blow.

"May the Creation God accept my into the after life." Were Go's last word as he watched the Ogre type swing its sword down towards his body.

"Come on were almost to the edge of the forest."

"Setto there's more wraiths following behind us!"

"Just keep running!" [Setto]

'The next patrol group should be at the edge of the forest by now, if we can get there quickly they should be able to back us up'. Setto planned to meet up with them so they would have enough force to break through the wraiths surrounding them and get back to the temple.

As Tai was running his body was tensing up. He thought that now that he had the power there would be nothing to fear anymore but it didn't happen, He was even forced to leave someone behind.

'I have to become stronger no matter what'

Suddenly Tai's body crashed down towards the ground. A wraith with a body type that seemed like a giant spider dropped from the trees pinned him down to the floor.

"Tai!" Norina reached out to him but couldn't grab him as she was being carried away on Setto's shoulders.

"Keep going I've got this."

Tai managed to turn his body around and kick the wraith off of him and drew his sword. Slicing through it. He lost sight of his party because of this, but he still kept running so he could reach the edge of the forest as more wraiths were trailing behind him. The fear he felt when he first inherited the Spirit was returning to him.

He was almost to the edge of the forest where is friends already were. Coming out of the forest he hoped that it would all be over but upon arriving there was a different scene. Cylo and Norina were both knocked unconscious on the ground. Setto was on his knees struggling to support his sister, The second patrol group...their bodies were lying on the ground and surrounding all of them was a large group of wraiths of different body types.

Tai ran to Setto with his sword out.

"What happened?"

"When we got here, the patrol team was wiped out." Setto said.

"Setto...wha-what do we do?"

He grasped onto his sword tightly, his entire body was shaking uncontrollably. Fear ruled over his body and he thought he was going to die.

"Tai...you have to run.. try heading back into the forest and going around, try heading up the mountain and let the Grandmaster know about what's happened here."

Tai turned and looked at him, then to his friends who were lying unconscious on the ground.

"I can't...I'm not supposed to run away anymore. I need to protect my friends."

Tai gripped his sword even tighter. tears started streaming down his eyes, his words were brave but the fear he had was overcoming him. The wraiths charged towards him. He didn't move from the spot he was in, his legs were frozen in place from the fear, But he could still manage to swing his arms.


He screamed swinging his sword at the wraiths. Rings shot out from his blade. He did a Second swing and 3 giant rings formed around him and his friends, they began widening and slashing through the wraiths. The rings kept growing larger while turning like gears slicing everything in their path. He kept swinging and Kept swinging and kept swinging. Eventually his body grew tired and his vision grew dark blue until it was just black, darkness.

The next thing he seen was the ceiling of his own room. He was back inside the Temple. He sat up slowly, He looked around and seen the Grandmaster sitting next to his bed.

"Are Cy-"

"They're both ok." said the Monk

"..I see."

"Just get some rest for now we'll talk about everything tomorrow. I brought your dinner to your room make sure you eat, you need to rebuild your strength." Then he left the room.

Tai took a deep sigh. He was happy that his friends were safe but at the same time he was mad at himself for being helpless and sacred.

"I guess I should just eat for tonight."

He sat up and grabbed the plate of food that the Monk had left him. He made a disgusting face at the sight of it.

"I hate Salmon."