
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 3: Inheritance pt.2

"Are you OK now Tai?"

The monk walked over to the boy who was sitting on the steps beneath the Altar. He was still in a slight shock as he hung his head down.

"Yeah, I think I'm OK now, I just wasn't expecting....that."

The Monk took a seat beside Tai on the Altar.

"They say that the impact of inheriting the Spirit shows how big the the Inheritors burdens will be in the future," He pat Tai on his back. "It only means you are meant for great things in the future."

"Great things huh?" Tai let out a sigh. "With how scared I was I don't know how great I'll be in the future."



"Do you know what it means to be Grandmaster at this temple?"

"...well not really."

"You must let go of all personal attachments. That means relinquishing your name, possessions, and even your family," he paused for a moment. "Tai I can tell that you will no doubt do great things in the future, even the dark in your eyes now shines a bright silver showing that you have accepted the spirit and it has accepted you. My son Cylo and the princess, They were raised not only as potential inheritors but also to help the one who inherits it after...once training is done the three of you will no doubt change the world so please look after one another."

"I can....but I don't even know what I'm supposed to do now...I'm lost."

"I think the Forest to the south would be a good starting point."

"A forest?" Tai's face was doubtful.

"Yes, The reason we train the monks here is to not only keep records of Inheritors but to also train those with the ability to exercise the wraiths that have been appearing all throughout the land. Recently there as been an exponential growth in the number appearing the forest."


"Ah, they are evil creatures with appearances shrouded in darkness, they take many forms, Often animal but sometimes even human. They destroy anything and everyone they come in contact with. We've been able to hold them back using exorcism talismans and Exorcising beads such as these," He gestured to the large prayer beads around his neck. "Funny thing is these monsters only started appearing around 100 years ago and their growth may be the reason for the impact of the awakening."

"So you think I'm meant to get rid of these wraith things?"

"It's a theory. But for today go get some rest, and let your friends know you are ok, I'm sure they are very worried about you." The Grandmaster turned back with a smirk on his face "Especially the Princess, is there something going on between you two Tai?" He teased.

Tai's face lit up red "No...It's not like that at all!"

The Grandmaster's smirk turned into a smile and rested his hand on Tai's shoulder. "I see your quite alright now, well don't worry I was just teasing. Now get going we're going to have lots of work to do."

"Yes sir." Tai said as he hurried out the room. On his way back to his bedroom he stopped by to check up on Cylo and Norina. It was an exchange of awkward smiles at first but after receiving a hug from Norina the group seemed to be in harmony.


The day was close to ending and Tai started to make his way back to his room. That night Tai stared at the ceiling above his bed unable to sleep.

"Great power...but how am I supposed to use it?" Tai thought to himself.

"Would you like some help?"


It was that voice again, the one he heard when he was at the altar. He sat up quickly and took a look around the room. There was no one.

"Right here boy."

Tai turned around to the voice coming from behind him. There he saw something, it was a dim light. looking at it the color of it was black but it was a light none the less and beside it was a bright white light.

"You guys are...spirits?"

"That's right!" The white spirit spoke.

The voices of the two spirits was quite Unique it wasn't distinguishable between a male or female voice and their voices slightly echoed as they spoke. Its seems that the darker spirit spoke with a much more bashful voice.

"I-I am the Protective Spirit of Wisdom." said the Black light.

"And I am the Protective Spirit of Life." Said the White Spirit.

"You guys are...The Black and White spirit..." Tai said

"Of course we are isn't it obvious?" The White light questioned.

"ehh I guess it is isn't it. But why are you here?"

"It's Common knowledge that the Black and White spirit work as guides to the inheritor."

"Ahh well I thought that was just some fancy metaphor."

"Nope! It's a literal statement," said the White Spirit "Now, I felt that you were having a bit of trouble boy."

"My name is Tai." He said sternly.

"Oh sorry, many of the past inheritors were never too attached to their names."

"Well I am, Is that a problem?"

"Not at all!" The Spirit said excitedly "But back to the main topic what exactly were you having trouble with?"

"Well I don't know how to use the power."

"Oh well that's no problem! I may not know myself but we do have to Spirit of Wisdom here to show you."

"Will you teach me?" Tai asked the black spirit."

"umm Yes I can teach you."

"Thank You!"

"First sit down, Cross your legs and close your eyes."


He sat down in the meditative position awkwardly, He was never good at meditation so he worried this might have an affect on learning to control his powers.

"The Spirit of Will has always been most powerful on those who strive for the power to protect something. Each inheritor manifests a different ability depending on the wishes of the respective person or sometimes their environment."

The two spirits circled around him and the black spirit continued to speak.

"First you must feel the Divine power within and around you, with Life and I here we can guide the Divine power lingering in the air towards you to help stimulate the power within you. So focus for a minute."

He sat there blocking out the environment around him, Hoping to be able to grasp the power the spirit spoke of. After a few minutes he suddenly felt something, It felt like a warm blanket had wrapped around his entire body and soon that same power welled up inside him. He excitedly opened his eye's.

"I feel it."

"Hey don't lose focus!"

"ahh sorry."

He closed his eye's once again and grasped at the warm feeling he had felt earlier.

"Now that you've felt the power you must circulate it through your body, even though you've accepted the spirit, you must assimilate it with yourself so that it feels as a natural part of your body, once you are able to do that, then you can manifest your power."

With the appearance of the other two spirits someone Tai's worries were eased. As he practiced with the Black spirit learning how to control his powers he thought that with the help of them he had no worries about the future and was a bit excited for tomorrow.