
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: The Boy Under The Willow Tree

The Dark haired girl looked with determined eyes as the old man paced back and forth. As she sat on her knees she waited patiently. She wanted answers and this man was the only person in the world who could provide her with them.

But what if he didn't want to give her the answers she was looking for. She wanted to let out a word but couldn't, she didn't know why. All she could do was watch the Old man.

His unkempt hair was long and grey, Reaching almost all the way down to the floor. He had slightly tanned skin like that of a farmer. But what was most impressive about this man was his presence. He was a man who seemed other worldly like he didn't belong in this world.

He suddenly came to a stop and face the girl. He walked toward her picking up some sort of sitting cushion placing it in front of her.

"This Cottage is pretty old, don't want you getting and splinters in your knees." He said to the girl. "Thank you." she responded.

He took a seat in a Chair, paused for a moment then spoke. "I don't know if what you hear will help you find the answers you are looking for but I do sincerely hope that it will help you."

"Please, I must know."

"Let's see," The old man took a deep breathe. "I guess I should start at the beginning. It all started with the boy under the willow tree."


Far to the south of the continent the was a large temple at the top of a mountain, to the local villages that stood at the foot of the mountain, This temple was known as The Gilded Library. Though it was called a library it was a place where those who sought strength pursued. Those who were accepted as disciples of the temple would be able to learn magic and sword techniques, and sometimes even be able to use Divine power.

A little girl ran down the halls of the temple. She was a small girl maybe around 8 years old, though her small body made her seem younger, She wore a black training uniform with red lacing similar to a robe. Her hair was Short not even reaching her shoulders and was a Dark black that seemed to shine purple in the sunlight.

Why was she running? Was there danger approaching? No. it just a simple game of hide and seek. She took a left turn and came to an outside hall filled with pillars.

"Maybe Cylo won't find me if I hide behind one of these." she said to herself as she took towards the pillar.

But as she approached it something caught her attention. There was a boy in the field of the temple sitting underneath the ancient willow tree. She stood at the edge of the field near a pillar watching the boy. He was someone she had never seen before. Why was he hear? she thought to her self.

"Staring at someone isn't polite Lady Norina." She turned around to see two figures, one was a small boy who looked to be the same age as her wearing a dark blue training robe, he had short White hair but his bangs hanged down in front of his right eye. The older man seemed like a Young monk in his 20's and had an Identical bangs to the boy but the back of his hair was tied into a long tail.

"Grandmaster? And Cylo too! What are you doing here?" Norina asked.

"Well I received a few complaints about children running through the halls and Naturally I figured it was you and Cylo here, So I came to discipline you." Said the Grandmaster.

"ughhh. I'm sorry!" Norina bowed her head towards him.

"Well I guess I can forgive you this time."

"Uhm Grandmaster?" Norina said. "What is it Lady Norina?"

"There is a boy in the training feild beneath the willow tree."

"hmmm." The monk looked into the distance at the boy.

"I've never seen that boy either Fath- I mean Grandmaster." Cylo said.

"Well I guess now is as good as any lets go." The Monk said as he walked toward the boy motioning the two children to follow him.

"Having a Pleasant Siesta i see?" The Old man spoke to the boy

The boy opened his eyes slowly, waiting for his eyes to adjust to see the Three figures that stood in front of him. The boy had short but curly black hair like a bad case of bed head. The clothes he wore were similar to hers except the black was matched with Blue patterned lacing. He stood up taking a look at the two other children beside the monk He was older than the two of them based on his looks and height maybe around 7 years old. He then turned his attention to the Grandmaster.

"ahh sorry gramps we got in pretty late last night and I wasn't able to get much sleep. So I thought I'd take a nice nap hear." The boy said while chuckling.

"Gramps?" The grandmaster put on a poutful face.

Norina in an irritated fit walked up to the boy punching him and knocking him down. "You don't just take naps here! This is the sacred Travelling willow used by The Knight of the Willow. It's stood here for thousands of years and here you are taking a Nap on it."

"Well if it's been here for thousands of years then its not much of a traveling willow is it?" The boy said.

Norina seemed to get irritated again at the boys comment raising her fist before the Head Monk called to them. "Norina put down your fist." she did so reluctantly.

"Who is this boy Grandmaster." Cylo asked. "And why is a rude guy like him here." Norina continued.

The head monk walked and stood beside the boy to present him to the children.

"This boy is Tai, He was an Orphan from the Eastern Kingdom of Soluna and just like you two he is a candidate to inherit the Protective Spirit of Will."

"hmmm?" Norina looked at him with a suspicious face. "or maybe he's here to steal it!"

"It's impossible for one to steal the Spirit of Will. The Spirit chooses who will wield it, if a stranger comes and is able to inherit the spirit then that is just the will of the gods." Cylo gave a hand chop to the top of the girls head.

"Shut your mouth Cylo." She screamed in pain. "Wow such vulgar language coming from the princess of Soluna." Cylo retorted.

"Whoa princess!?" Tai exclaimed. "Yes this immature girl here is Princess Norina second in line for the throne of the Eastern Kingdom of Soluna." Cylo spoke to him.

Norina looked at Tai who had a surprised look on his face. With a grin on her face the spoke. "Surprised are you? I guess that's to be expected it's not often one is in the presence of a beautiful princess such as myself."

"Well yeah I'm surprised! I thought you were a boy this whole time- ughhhh." Norina gave him another punch to the stomach as he finished the sentence.

"Alright kids no more fighting among each other." The Grandmaster said standing between the two. "According to the Oracle, the Spirit will awaken in a few months or so, and you three have much studying to do so let's go."

The three of them follow the Monk inside the temple. Tai, Norina, and Cylo children who's lives would soon change as the coming awakening approached.