
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Always be Waiting.

The Grandmaster hurried to the Temple in desperation with the spirit in hand. When the spirits voice resonated inside his head he instinctively knew what it was, It was a protective spirit of humanity, whether it was life or wisdom he didn't know but that wasn't important. What was important were the words that were spoken to him, Whatever caused the spirit to be in this condition was after Tai.

With the Spirit in hand, the group finally made it to the temple. On their way towards the dorms the Grandmaster spotted Norina.

"Keep going towards Tai's room, tell him to come meet me afterwards." He told the first class disciples.

He then walked over towards Norina. She had several scrolls from the library, it appeared she was learning more magics.


"Huh? ah yes Grandmaster?"

"I need you to find Cylo then meet me in the altar room can you do that for me?"

"Yes Grandmaster, right away-"

"But I'm right here." Cylo said coming up behind the two.

"Is there something going on?"

"Yes it's-"

Suddenly there was a loud roar. The three looked towards where the sound came from and seem a beam of light shining towards the sky.

"What's that?" Norina asked

"Grandmaster," The Captain of the Disciples called out to him

"What is it?"

"Tai, isn't in his room."

The small rabbit in the Grandmaster's hand then jumped out and quickly ran towards where the light is coming from. He immediately followed after with the Norina, Cylo and the group of first class disciples behind him.

"Spirit," The Grandmaster called out to the rabbit.

"What's happening?"

The Rabbit began to speak to the Grandmaster, now his voice was clearer than before.

"A few days ago I was attacked by them, they stole most of my divine energy and part of my spiritual body, now they're trying to do the same to Tai."


"Wisdom, the other spirit who was with me, we were supposed to help guide Tai but for some reason he's turned against us."

A spirit that was meant to protect humanity turning against them? This was an absurd idea to anyone who heard it. Throughout history sometimes the inheritor and they spirits wouldn't get along at most what would happen is the inheritor avoiding them but there was never a time where they fought against each other as far as he'd known.

"Human, we have to stop Tai from letting wisdom inside his vessel otherwise it'll already be-"

They arrived at the Training area and spotted Tai. He had a certain Aura to him that gave off an eerie pressure

"Too Late."

Hearing Life's words The Grandmaster felt a pit in his chest, Everything around him had fallen silent. He was too late the only words he could muster were..

"Tai no!!"

The boy turned towards him and only coughed, The Grandmaster watched the blood spout from the child's mouth as he fell to the floor in pain.

"Quick surround him!" He called out to the disciples.


There was terror on the face of every disciple as they watched Tai struggle in pain. None of them could approach, the turbulent wind surrounding tai prevented them.

Suddenly a large black object burst from Tai's back.

"Will should've chosen a smarter one."

"What is that?" The Grandmaster asked.

"That is Wisdom." Life responded.

The black object started to shrink, still stuck to Tai's back it began forming itself into a humanoid figure that was similar to a shadow. Though there were no facial features the figure looked very familiar. The form it took was like a shadow figure of Tai and on it's body began the forming of symbols similar to the same kind he seen on the rabbit. The symbols at first were all white but then grey symbols also formed on it's body. The surrounding disciples looked upon the transformation in silence.

"Scatter!" The Grandmaster was the first to break the dreaded silence.

The large beads around his next spread out and shot towards Tai and the Shadow figure surrounded them like a tornado. From his sleeve he pulled out a numerous number of talismans that entered the Storm and wrapped around Tai's body.


Tai's entire body was wrapped in talismans like a mummy his form trapped and bonded by the beads and the beams of light that connected each one. The surrounding disciples used this moment to finally breathe, but it was too soon to relax.

"Exercising talismans and Beads?" A black arm ripped through the cocoon of talisman.

"How do you expect to exercise a divine being? Humans are truly foolish."

The black entity fully tore through and revealed his entire body now full detached from Tai standing above him. Those surrounding stared in fear and a slight sense of awe. A dark shadow covered in Black and Grey runes like tattoos.

"I couldn't get everything this time again, but I guess this is enough."

They all stood planted where they stood as they listened to his monologue, all except the Grandmaster. Leaping forward with his sword in hand he swung down on Wisdom attempting to split the spirits body in two, but his blade couldn't make it. Wisdom flung his body back unnaturally and jumped into the sky descending outside of the formation of disciples.

"Tai... I can feel his life force fading." The white spirit spoke as it ran up to the mummified boy.

"Is there anything we can do to help him?"

"We have to get the spirit back, If we can then, I can probably save him."

"Ok." The Grandmaster stepped out of the circle to face Wisdom.

"Disciples! Watch over Tai... I will handle this alone."

The air around the training area turned cold as each step the grandmaster took towards his enemy left a trail of Ice on the ground. The Grandmaster readied his sword then spoke.

"Song of Boreas, First Verse, Ice Storm."

The entirety of the Area in front of him towards the spirit transformed into a mass storm of Ice circling himself and Wisdom cutting themselves off from the rest of the disciples.

"Kahahaha." Wisdom laughed at the Grandmasters efforts.

"Compared to other humans I've seen, you are definitely a notch above the rest," It then motioned It's hand to the edge of the storm. The surrounding ice immediately latching onto their hand encaging it in ice till it looked like a popsicle.

"But do you really think such a spell could hold me?" He closed his hand shattering the ice that once engulfed it, The Grandmaster only stared at Wisdom in silence studying the spirit preparing his next attack.

"But the Grandmaster is a good opponent for me to test out my new power," He smiled


At that second the Grandmaster launched towards Wisdom with swing his blade. Wisdom stood still one deflecting the Grandmasters blade, Wisdom pushed his hand to the Grandmaster. The Grandmaster was lucky, using the momentum from his blade being deflected allowed him to dodge the hand of the spirit.

"I guess I put too much into that one."

Wisdom jumped towards the grandmaster as it's hands turned into claws. Wisdom began slashing the air before him, each and every slash of it's hands cut through the air leaving what almost seemed like tears in space.

The Grandmaster still stood resolute. The power the opponent had was frightening but he thought as long as he could stall there would be a moment to counter. Wisdom jumped into the sky bringing his right claw down in an exaggerated fashion, The Grandmaster leaped forward dodging the deadly attack, he looked back only to see Wisdom standing in a crater left behind from his attack.

"Song of Boreas, third verse, Pieris!" from out of the ground what seemed to be thousands of blades of Ice sprouted. The grandmaster pointed two fingers at the Spirit commanding the blades as they rose into the sky. The swarm of blades collected together in a swarm and flew towards Wisdom.

With amazing speed the Spirit was able to dodge where they landed, but the Grandmaster wasn't finished as he turned his hand and the blades once again flew towards Wisdom homing in on him. Despite the massive amount of blades that continuously flew towards it Wisdom was able to dodge and reflect every single one that was close to touching him. Suddenly Wisdom stood still, letting the blades strike him or that's what it seemed like. A cloud of dust blocked the grandmasters view but once it cleared Wisdom stood firm seemingly untouched.

Wisdom turned his head towards the wall of the storm but was still facing the Grandmaster.

"It seems Life is doing something troublesome," Wisdom spoke in an irritated voice.

"Sorry Grandmaster, it seems we'll have to end this early, Too bad I wasn't even able to use a fraction of my power." Wisdom spoke regretfully.

"Now excuse me as I have to stop Life from doing something stupid."

Wisdom put his and against the Ice storm once again, but this time with a loud shout the barrier of the storm broke revealing everything outside. The Grandmaster was still focused on the battle and Wisdom breaking the storm gave him the perfect opportunity that he was looking for. Using the blades floating through the air like a serpent he shot them towards Wisdom's back this time they hit freezing him in place. The Grandmaster then thrusted his body forward using wind magic spearing his blade through the Ice cocoon and through Wisdom's body.

"You're really starting to annoy me now."

The ice shattered and Wisdom kicked the Grandmaster back. Wisdom reached back and took out the sword that had pierced his body throwing it to the ground.

He turned to the Grandmaster but as it prepared to attack a sudden pain struck his body. Wisdom bent down holding onto it's chest.

"Seems I'm not fully assimilated yet, taking wounds would be a bad idea for now,"

He stood back up facing the Grandmaster and looked towards the crowd of disciples behind him.

"Seems like I wasn't able to stop Life, No matter, I still got what I wanted."

The Grandmaster then shot another wave of Ice blades towards Wisdom. The blades weren't able to reach him though as a large blade sprout from underground blocking them. A large body then rose from the ground, a large black humanoid figure similar to wisdom with black and grey runes on its body and a large hole in it's chest.

"A Wraith?" The Grandmaster was dumbfounded, They hadn't seen a wraith since the incident happened and now he sees one standing before him and inside the temple.

"Close Grandmaster but not quite," Wisdom chuckled.

"I made wraiths using only my own power, but the divinity I granted them was too corrupted due to their original monster bodies, they were too weak, falling to simple exorcisms,"

The giant ogre lifted Wisdom up placing him on it's shoulder.

"Now that I have the power of Life and Will I can completely cleanse that corruption, They are no longer wraiths but Divine beings crafted from my own hands." Wisdom smiled at the dumbfounded crowed before him.

"I'm afraid It's time for me to go, I'll see you again in the future." Wisdom gave a wave and the ogre hopped into the air over the walls of the temple disappearing into the distance. The Grandmaster thought to follow after them but he then remembered Tai.

"He turned around to see Norina standing with tears in her eyes."

"Grandmaster... Tai... He's already." She fell to her knees

The Grandmaster walked past her into the crowd towards Tai's body. Cylo was there squatting near the body.

"Looks like I couldn't do it." The Grandmasters eye's welled up.

Cylo turned towards his father. "It's alright father, Tai... He'll be back."

"What do you mean?"


Cylo watched the storm surround his father and the dark figure. He ran towards Tai and ripped apart the talismans that were wrapped around his body. He then took the boy in his arms lying him down on the ground.

"Tai..." Cylo's eye's started to fill with tears as he seen his friends state.

Blood was dripping from his mouth and eye's, his breathing was steady but was slowing steadily. The crimson liquid was spilling from his back where Wisdom sprouted from his body.

"Tai!!" Norina ran over with tears in her eye.

"ughh." Tai moaned in pain.

"Tai! can you hear me!?"


"Yes it's me."

Tai turned his head towards his friends. "Sorry, I messed up."

"Don't worry about it, Just focus on yourself right now, you're pretty torn up." Cylo said.

A small rabbit suddenly ran up towards the group.

"What's this rabbit?" Norina asked.

"I am the protective spirit of Life."

"A spirit!"

Ignoring the other two Life floated up above Tai's face.

"Tai listen to me,"

Tai's was barley able to keep his eyelids open but he still listened closely to what Life had to say.

"What Wisdom has done is taboo, A mortal can take in a spirit but a spirit should never take over another one, It causes imbalances in the world and destruction, I know he is powerful but I don't think the Grandmaster can win against Wisdom,"

Cylo was taken back by the statement he knew how powerful his father was, and to imagine him losing was something ridiculous in his mind.

"Only another Divine being will be able to beat him, but as long as he has Will then there will never be another human who can inherit that power, Therefore the only person who can beat him is you Tai."

"How is he supposed to fight, He's...." Norina was angry and couldn't keep her voice down as she yelled at Life.

"There is one hope for you left Tai," Life said.

The children and the surrounding disciples were silent ready to hear what the hope was.



"Did it say Reincarnation?"

"Is such a thing possible."

the crowed of disciples began speaking amongst themselves hearing that word.

"Wisdom may have stolen most of the Divinity from both of us but when he took it away he also left traces of his own power within us, If we combine what's left of the three of our powers I can use my own abilities to reincarnate your soul."

"You can reincarnate him? then do it right now." Cylo said to Life.

"Wait, after I reincarnate him he will be reborn but he won't be the same Tai you knew. He will be reborn as an almost entirely different person and will lose his memories, but his soul will be the same, You may end up remembering this life at some point later but I'm not sure."

"Since it's the same soul why won't he just look like himself." Cylo asked.

"The way the reincarnation works is being reborn into an entirely new body but with his soul implanted into it."

"Then can you give him an adult body?"

"No, he will be reborn as a baby, from the womb of a mother."

Norina couldn't believe what she had heard. One of her best friends reincarnated as a baby and will have no recollection of the time they spent together. It was something that was hard to accept.

"Life," Tai began to speak.

"If I don't remember how would I know what I need to do?"

"The protective spirit will always call out to it's inheritors, it already was calling out to your soul so naturally since you will have the same soul you will be connected and drawn to each other whether you notice it or not."

"You say I'm the only one who can do it right?"


"And what happens if I fail again.?

"In the case of you Failing, I will reincarnate your soul again, as long as the entirety of my divinity isn't depleted I can reincarnate you as many times as it takes." Life's voice echoed

"Then do it."

"Wha? but Tai!"

"It's ok Norina, I'm the one who caused this so I'm the one who has to fix it."

Norina could only stay silent.

"Then I'll start." Life's body dissipated into a white smoke and sunk into Tai's chest.

"Hopefully in the next life I can set everything right."

"Norina," Tai turned his head to his friends and looked them in the eyes

"Yes Tai?"

"Don't worry, In the next life I will definitely find you, we'll be able to be friends again, I promise."

"But you won't remember..."

"I know, but I still promise."

Tai then spoke to Cylo.

"Cylo you're my best friend, so when we meet next time be sure to tell me everything about the times we spent together, both of you wait for me."

"ahh ok, we'll always be waiting."

"Tai this will be the last time I am able to talk to you, managing the three spirit energies in your soul as well as using the energies for reincarnation will be a large burden, so hurry up and get back what he took from us, then we can talk again."

"Reincarnation beginning."

At the sound of Life's voice Tai closed his eye's and his breathing stopped and on his right hand appeared a seven pointed star.

The fight between the Grandmaster and Wisdom was finally ending, a giant Ogre took wisdom away and they escaped from the temple. When the Grandmaster walked over to them Cylo told him about everything that happened.

After Cylo told his father about what happened the Grandmaster decided to spread the word around about Tai, Hoping to find his reincarnation soon.


As the Gilded Library made plans, somewhere North of the Soluna kingdom was a simple farmer in a poor village, today was a special Sunday as his wife was currently in Labor.

"It's a boy!" The midwife held the boy in her arms he had brown hair and green eye's, similar to his father, But the midwife noticed a problem, boy wasn't breathing.

"Let me hold him." The mother called out.

"Uhh maybe you should rest for a moment first." The midwife told her.

"I don't need rest, let me hold him."

"...Okay here."

The midwife was hesitant to give her the baby as she knew how stillborn birth effected mothers, but she did it against her better judgement.

"I'm sorry but the baby he's..."

As the baby was handed to the mother the midwife then heard something that she thought she shouldn't.


The baby was crying. It seemed like a miracle to her.

"Shhhh, it's ok, you're with mommy now." The mother said as she cradled the baby in her arms.

"Look dear, He's finally here." The mother was on the verge of crying as she spoke to her husband motioning him to come closer.

"What are you going to call him." The midwife asked the Couple

They both looked at the baby and as if they had been enlightened by some divine force they both spoke at the same time.
