
The Alterations

Japana, a vigilante, eventually is captured by Eraserhead and dragged to a Police Station for future interrogation. She looks familiar, a Quirk rings a haunting bell, and she's bringing chaos wherever she goes. She didn't care. Sometimes, chaos was the only thing that sparked change. Just look at the French Revolution.

SANYA_4501 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Japana hauntingly resembled a man long dead. Toshinori Yagi squirmed as he took in the young teen. She regarded the room with a composed behaviour, despite the fact she was in cuffs and could potentially be sent to prison. Her Quirk... Was potentially the same as All for One.

Japana, the vigilante who had been twisting society and causing chaos without a care, peered through the one-way mirror into the examination room. Her red eyes pierced his soul like All for One's hand pierced his abdomen. "And she wouldn't say anything?"

Eraserhead sighed. "That's why we called you here. She said, she wouldn't start talking unless it were you." Toshinori Yagi couldn't imagine the frustration, agitation, and even fear that was flooding the underground Pro-hero. He only managed to capture the vigilante through his support item and brute force. At the cost of his Quirk that could be residing within the girl as they spoke. "Think she's related to that guy?"

"I don't know. There is a chance."

"Well, stop wasting time, and go in there. We need answers."

He didn't want to. Everything about the girl screamed a threat. Her eyes, her hair, her deathly pale complexion, the manner in which she held herself. Everything screamed a warning. Yet, he straightened and marched his way into the interrogation room with a bellow. "I AM HERE."

"Yes, and loud you are. Almost obnoxiously so." The vigilante tilted her head toward him. "I was wondering when you were gonna quit hiding out in there with Eraserhead and that detective friend of yours. Interesting "

Wait, she knew?! All Might tensed but kept up his smile.

"Well, let's cut right to the purpose you're here: You have questions; I have answers." She gestured to the table between them. "So, let's start with your biggest and most important question."

That demanding presence... A cold chill ran up his spine as she leasurely eased herself in a metal chair and waited for him to join her. Naomasa glanced at him and claimed the seat between her and a now vacant chair. He placed down a recorded in the center of the table. As Yagi himself took the seat opposite from the teen, his friend addressed her before playing record: "We will be recording."

She shrugged. "Of course, in fact, let me do this part. This is Shigaraki Takara, code named: Japana, a vigilante of Jaku City. It is the 13th of March, year 2155, and the time is 6 o'clock, on the dot, in the afternoon. The one asking the questions is the number one Pro-hero All Might and the one confirming the validity of my statements is Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa."

Naomasa and Toshinori tensed. Shigaraki! Fuck, this girl was related to All for One.

"What did you do with Eraserhead's Quirk?"

"The guy with the Support Gear scarf, right? Don't worry, I didn't steal it. I simply did what he usually does to the crooks he meets, but a little bit more permanent."

Naomasa stutted: "T-Truth."

Fear struck a cord inside Toshinori, playing a daunting tune. Gone. She just... She just ended a man's career. "You erased his Quirk?" he hissed, springing to his feet.

"Just for a time. I'll see it returned within 24 hours. Those bags under his eyes weren't making him look any less depressed and overworked." She waved her hand absentmindedly, not taking him any seriously as she would a kitten or a puppy. "Until he gets a good amount of rest and some TLC, I'm not bringing it back."


"What's your Quirk?"

"Depends. One remains the same throughout, the other gets changed repeatedly depending on what I need."

Toshinori dropped the wide smile. "Answer plainly."

"I call it Alternance and its exactly as it says on the tin: I can change the state of being on anything, whether it be inanimate or animate. A rundown car can be turned into a Bugatti or a man with a Quirk becomes a man without. A corpse one minute and suddenly alive and breathing the next. I have yet to find my limit." Shigaraki Takara smirked and pressed back against the chair, stretching her arms over her head. "Be fortunate that I haven't joined my father's schemes. Nor is he aware of my little skillset or my existence."

Toshinori sputtered out blood. "All Might!"

"Yeah, you might want to edit that out of the tapes. Lest someone from your department release it to the public."

"How does he not know you exist? Father?!" he squawked.

"Yes, father. You know the man who sired me." The girl rolled her eyes as if she hadn't flipped their worldview. All for One had a child! From the looks of it, she's probably around the age of UA's first years. So, when he killed the man, she oughta been ten at the very least. She fiddled with her handcuffs like a bored toddler messed with anything they can get their grubby hands on, picking at the metal and chain. "I just mentioned what I'm able to do. Naturally, I didn't want a manipulative asshole to continue having me or my brother in his birdcage for whatever sinister plans he had for us."


Oh, that implication. He'll address the sibling detail later, however one thing weighed heavily in his mind. "Did you ever use it on the civilians?"

"Such a dark expression." She sighed. "No. Everyone who aligns themselves with me, everyone who admires me and more, all of them are doing it out of their free will. If there's one line I'll never cross, it'd be altering a person's mind to suit my needs. Unless they gave me permission to heal them of some mental ailment, then I'd do so. But otherwise, nah."


Young Shigaraki smiled at Naomasa. "As I said before to the grumpy cat, I am many things. A liar ain't one of them."

Toshinori released a breath he didn't know he withheld. Beyond breaking the law multiple times, she was the farthest thing from her father. She wasn't massive as he was, now that he thought on it, neither did those blood-red eyes hold malice and contempt within them. Still a bit creepy, like one of those horror dolls in the movies, but she kinda reminded him of an albino rabbit. "Where is your brother, Young Shigaraki? We never saw working with anyone beyond a few... villains of sorts."

"Haaaah, the term villain is so misleading. I get using it for my father, but small time crooks?" Young Shigaraki shook her head. "Also, don't call me Shigaraki. I may have said it for the tapes, but I'd rather not give the Old Fossil any acknowledgement. Just call by my first name. Or Japana if you must."

"As you wish, Young Japana."

"My brother is back at the safehouse, with some friends of ours. He's probably playing some video game with the little ones."

They left with their minds buzzing and a little offbalance.

First, they met the only biological child of All for One, who clearly holds some distaste towards the man. Not that any could blame her. Toshinori couldn't imagine the man being a decent parent. He probably only viewed her as some pawn for him to marionette around to his whims.

Second, her Quirk... It was powerful, and she was truly right on one thing. Had she been loyal to her father, and played to his schemes, they'd all be ruined. She currently didn't know her limits. If she had any, it was entirely possible for her to erase it from existence. She likely even altered her Quirk to be akin to One for All, which she evidently knew off. {"He would never shut up about it. He'd go on and on of how his brother betrayed him after his 'kindness', how much of a nuisance One for All was, how he wished he could just take it and be done with the bother. All the more reason to mimic its traits.}

And finally, her older brother... was his master's grandson.

That last one toppled everything he knew off the scales.

Young Japana had looked at him somberly as she explained all that she knew: Of how his master's son had grown into a bitter man who forbid his children from even mentioning heroes, let alone imagining of following their grandmother's footsteps; of how Young Tomura had been deemed Quirkless till he met All for One and was given a devastating Quirk that slaughtered his entire family; of how he wandered the streets for weeks with no heroes stepping in to help, no civilian asking whether or not he was alright or needed help, and how he grew to hate society by the time she was born. After his fight with All for One, she'd taken the boy with her and disappeared from any of her father's followers. She changed her appearance from resembling her mother to match her father's and altered Young Tomura's appearance to resemble what she knew of his grandmother. She tweeked his Quirk to be safer for him to interact with society. All he needed to wear was some gloves and he had no more issues.

"Why did you become a vigilante?" he had ask, the question burning in the back of his mind. She had escaped her father, she even went to school, she could've waited a little longer and taken the entrance exam for UA if she wished to be a hero.

"People have forgotten the meaning behind the word hero," she said. "Before the fancy suits, flashy battles, and whatnot, heroes were those who did selfless acts in the face of their fears. I remember a true story of a little girl who had no ability but was simply an ordinary child. It was at a gathering, and one of the cars wasn't put on Park. So it declined down a small slope leading up to the garage, straight toward some toddlers who were playing at the bottom. This girl and her friend (who also noticed) screamed, catching the adults' attention, and rushed down to pick up the toddlers and toss them out of the way. The girl's friend survived with some minor injuries. The girl passed away at nine years old." She glanced up at the ceiling and added, "I don't see that in the adults today, let alone the children who claim to to be heroes in the making. I see adults walk pass children in need, instead of stopping for a moment to check on them. I've seen and heard children of six years old tell a little boy it'd be better for him to die than waste the air. Unsurprisingly, that same boy later killed himself on Mother's day. He was twelve and he wrote a heart wrenching letter, apologizing to his mother for being born without an ability and not dying as the doctors said."

Naomasa stuttered a pained "Truth" and his heart broke.

She never lied once throughout the interrogation.

"What are we going to do about her?"

Eraserhead scowled at the ground.