
CHAPTER 90 Break Her

  Jason's POV

  "Undress!" I commanded, slamming the door to my bedroom shut with such force the walls around us shook violently in protest. 

  "Mmm, I hope you greet me like that every time you come home!" Kayla teased playfully; I could feel the ripples of pleasure shooting through her as she sashayed across the room to greet me. However, I wasn't in the mood for cute or sassy! 

  "Not in the mood, Kayla! Clothes off!" I ordered a second time, unable to hide the irritation of asking her twice. 

  "You hardly asked!" Archer debated with me, pissing me off further. 

  "I shouldn't have to!" I hurled at my wolf, unwilling to discuss this further; he was meant to be on my side! "She is my mate!"

  "She is not a damn object; she still has feelings, you know? You're treating her like a damn whore!" Archer snarled, his mood darkening.

  "Don't you fucking start too! If I want to treat her like a damn whore I will! She is my property now!"