
CHAPTER 89 I Am Not Weak

  Jason's POV

  "Baby?" Kayla's voice prompted, her tone laced with an uneasiness that made Archer wine to go and comfort her fears. Something about how she said ''baby' always made me feel like the most important male in the world!

  "Because we are!" Archer grinned goofily. Ignoring him, I answered Kayla, not wanting her to fret, sensing the chaos that was our mood as it flicked between wanting to kill Tommy and fuck her! I was already picking up on her fears that Archer was seriously contemplating ripping one of her brother's limbs off!  

  "How about an ear? Not like he bloody uses them and listens to me anyway!" I countered playfully. "How is he not the size of a fucking bear with the amount of shit he eats!" I added, watching my best friend guzzle down his treats.