
CHAPTER 69 I Liked This Shirt!

  Damien's POV

  "What the fuck is going on?" I fumed, pulling Red against my side protectively, just as a semi-shifted male hurtled towards us, teeth snapping menacingly. A smaller, darker wolf charged behind him, sinking its teeth into the half-human, stopping him from launching an assault on Red and I. My eyes widened in alarm as I watched the pair wrestle for the higher ground until they finally rolled out of sight.

  Locking eyes with my angel, checking her over quickly, our heads snapped in the direction the beasts had disappeared; a defeated wail penetrated the dim woods around us, bouncing off the trees aimlessly

  "We need to get out of here, Red!" I hissed, bringing my green hues to look at her, unsurprised by the challenge on her lips.