
CHAPTER 59 Present?

  Abigail's POV

  I don't know where this newfound confidence has come from, but I am enjoying it immensely. Damien seems to bring out the reckless side to me I had been pushing down for all these years; well, it was time to let her out to play and embrace the fallen angel that hid behind the mask of innocence.

  I was pulled from my thoughts, seeing Damien slamming the door, a deadly scowl on his face. Sitting on the end of my bed, I winked at him, ignoring his darkening mood. Pretending to reach behind me, I smirked knowingly.

  "Ah, perfect timing. Given your hesitation, I was going to see if Jason could take over where you left off." I teased, dropping my hand to the bed and leaning back, pushing my bust out and staring at him seductively. Seeing him kick his shoes off, I faked innocence. "Won't you need them to go let Jason in?"