
CHAPTER 114 Beautiful Friendship

  Bernael's POV

  "As I suspected, you got free with a little persuasion and a gentle nudge!" I taunted, sensing my son's wolf appearing behind me. 

  "GENTLE!" he hissed, nodding. I turned to face him; "I could have cut off his favourite toy to get him to see sense, so yes! Gentle!" I declared with a bored tone. Locking eyes on my son's bloodied clothes, I smirked. 

  "I hope they were not expensive!" I sneered, knowing they were. Like me, my son had expensive taste in everything. Turning back to look at the book in front of me, I smiled, hearing the husky voice of Ares.

  "The blood will come out." He snapped back at me sarcastically.

  "Hmm." I grinned, hearing the animalistic growl rip from my son's throat and nodded, clicking my fingers. "Yes, but a bit pointless if you have torn them to shreds during your first change." I grinned, sitting on the same padded seat as earlier, watching my son drop to his knees on all fours.